Saturday night: Fox News special on honor killing

On National Review’s Corner Jack Fowler posts a notice  of a one-hour Fox News special program on honor killing in America on Saturday, August 6, at 10pm eastern time. Fox’s description of the program refers to the killing of 20-year-old Noor Almaleki, who was run over in an Arizona parking lot by her father in 2009. We posted on the case here and elsewhere, and here are all our posts on honor killing.

Ex-nun, and leader in the Sanctuary Movement tells a lovely story, but others see it differently

Here we have a glowing piece in the Chapel Hill News about the smiling (former) Sister Darlene Nicgorski who was in Guatemala in the early 1980’s when the local priest was murdered as the civil wars were getting underway and the Communists were trying to take over governments throughout Central America.  Update July 25th, 2014:  The original Chapel Hill News story is gone, but here is another very similar piece.

She escaped back to the US and ultimately helped thousands and thousands of illegal Salvadorans and Guatemalans get across the Mexican border as part of the Sanctuary Movement.  She was convicted in federal court and should have served five years in prison for transporting and harboring illegal aliens, instead she got probation—she says with pride that it was her calling, what she was meant to do.

Jump to last week in Northern Virginia—MS-13 Gang Leader Convicted of Sex Trafficking of a child.   Some would say that her lawbreaking in the 1980s led to this sort of lawbreaking today—that Jose Ciro Juarez-Santamaria is just as much a part of her legacy as is helping some poor peasants intermingled with Communist Sandinista guerrillas to establish new lives in your town.

We now have several hundred thousand illegal Central Americans in the US thanks to Darlene Nicgorski and the Sanctuary Movement.   Press Release from the US Attorney’s Office in Virginia:

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Jose Ciro Juarez-Santamaria, 24, an illegal alien from El Salvador, was convicted today of prostituting a 12-year-old female with clients throughout northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.

Neil H. MacBride, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, and John P. Torres, Special Agent in Charge for ICE’s, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in Washington, D.C., made the announcement after the verdict was accepted by United States District Judge Liam O’Grady.

Indicted on May 12, 2011, Juarez-Santamaria was convicted today of conspiracy, sex trafficking, and transportation of a minor for prostitution. He faces a mandatory minimum term of 15 years in prison and a maximum penalty of life in prison when he is sentenced on Oct. 28, 2011.

“From the moment he laid eyes on the victim, Juarez-Santamaria did not see a young 12-year-old runaway in need of help,” said U.S. Attorney MacBride. “He saw a money-making opportunity for him and his gang and began prostituting her the very next day. No child should ever have to suffer what this victim endured, and we will continue to pursue MS-13 and other criminal organizations that prey upon young girls and enslave them through sex trafficking.”

“Forcing girls into prostitution for the purpose of turning a profit is not only criminal, it is intolerable,” said SAC Torres.

Nicgorski, the Sanctuary Movement and the caring class

I’ve been doing a lot of reading and research on the Sanctuary Movement because thousands of those illegal Salvadorans are in Maryland and indeed CASA de Maryland was created by members of the Sanctuary Movement at the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church in Montgomery County (read about CASA’s founder, Quaker Bette Rainbow Hoover, here).  Recently the Washington Post revealed that CASA’s Director, Gustavo Torres, came to the US after working with the Sandinista Communists in El Salvador.

Nicgorski and others in the illegal movement make it sound like they were helping only the poor peasants escape right-wing death squads.  Surely some were peasants (economic migrants!), others were Leftwing fighters themselves—guerrillas or the ‘intellectual’ ideologues pushing the Communist overthrow of the governments.

The good Catholic nun and her friends took it upon themselves to break the law and get them across the border.   I would recommend that readers with an interest in this topic read, ‘God and Caesar at the Rio Grande’ by Hillary Cunningham for more on the Religious Left and Liberation theology and how they justified breaking the law and planting the seeds of unrest we have in many American cities with the huge illegal alien population today.

From the Chapel Hill News:

The Reagan administration had declared refugees from Central America to be economic migrants, not political refugees, which hindered any legal asylum process under the 1980 Refugee Act. Akin to the Underground Railroad, The Sanctuary Movement was initially started by Tucson residents Jim Corbett, Jim Dudley and John Fife in the early 1980s.

Central Americans would make their way through Mexico to the United States where sympathizers would meet them at the Arizona border and match them with sanctuary communities willing to house and feed them while providing health care and sometimes employment. In exchange, the refugees would discuss their plight with local church and college communities [In other words spread a political message, which many refused to do, much to the consternation of their handlers!—ed]

By the time Nicgorski accepted a paid position in the movement, funded by the Chicago Religious Task Force on Central America, cities such as Chicago and three states – New Mexico, New York, and Wisconsin – had declared themselves public sanctuaries. Her responsibility was to match refugees with appropriate situations.

[By the way, everything did not go smoothly in the so-called Underground.   The Tucson members of  ‘Sanctuary’ argued that any suffering Central American should have an opportunity to get their ‘transportation services’ into the US, but the Catholics from Chicago had a political purity test of sorts and were only looking for their fellow Leftwing “refugees.”]


In 1985, Nicgorksi and 10 others were indicted by a federal grand jury for transporting and harboring illegal aliens. The story made national headlines and Nicgorski was thrown into the spotlight.


“When the trial started in October of 1985 there were 150 sanctuary churches spread throughout the United States,” he said. “By the time the trial was over, there were 350 churches and temples that declared themselves sanctuaries.”

A rude awakening!

The movement pretty well petered out around 1990 partly I am sure because some church leaders and parishioners must have gotten a conscience or at least had a fear of the fact that they were breaking the law.  But, also and this is the part I think is so humorous—they realized that some of these people they had “welcomed” into their communities had some serious problems not to mention the fact that the Salvadorans hated the Guatemalans and vice versa!

From “God and Caesar” (p.66):

While conference participants [they held a National Sanctuary conference in 1985–ed] waded through the intellectual, theological, and organizational ramifications of Sanctuary, the more than three hundred church sanctuaries that had been declared by mid-1987 were dealing with problems of a different order.  Many Sanctuary communities did not know how to handle some of the deep psychological problems refugee family members were manifesting as a result of torture, witnessing massacres, having family members “disappeared,” or leaving children behind.  [not everyone had a horror story although Sanctuary would like you to think that—ed].  Nor did they know how to respond to pervasive domestic violence within the Central American families.  Complex political divisions between and among Salvadorans and Guatemalans had also come across the border, and in some instances severely divided the Central American communities in Sanctuary.

Nicgorski is now collecting her “sanctuary” memorabilia which will surely glorify the movement.  We are left dealing with the likes of CASA de Maryland and its political and financial demands on the citizens of Maryland and watching the Central American “community” produce the Jose Ciro Juarez-Santamaria’s in our cities and towns (soon to be a member of the burgeoning US prison population).

By the way, today El Salvador has its Sandinista (FMLN) president and is one of the ten most dangerous countries in the world, so she and her friends can encourage the Communists to go home now—they got the government they wanted!  Maybe they can start a railroad in reverse and even help them back across the border!

Refugees still flooding into Italy (some still dying) trying to leave Libya…..

…..and in a recent news report Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says it was all America’s idea to go into Libya and support the rebels.

From National Review OnLine today:

Back in late March, shortly after the start of the NATO bombing campaign against Libya, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told Meet the Press that the U.S. had no “vital interest” in the country. The remark famously inspired Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to cut in and attempt to explain why, then, the United States was getting involved. Secretary Clinton’s explanation was that the Libyan campaign was in the vital interest of America’s NATO allies and that they had asked for U.S. support. “When it comes to Libya,” she said, “we started hearing from the U.K., France, Italy, other of our NATO allies. This was in their vital national interest.”

NRO author John Rosenthal goes on to tell readers that Italy did not push for the ouster of Qaddafi, first fearing that al-Qaeda was involved with the “rebels” and because of fears of just what has happened—thousands of refugees trying to leave Libya and aiming for Italy.

The Italian reluctance to support a military intervention also had to do with fears of seeing such an intervention provoke an exodus of tens of thousands of refugees from Libya, many of whom would inevitably end up in Italy. These fears have proven well founded.

Not in so many words, but Berlusconi now says this is Obama’s (and Hillary’s) War:

But now, according to a report in the Saturday edition of Il Corriere della Sera, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has confided to colleagues not only that he was opposed to the NATO intervention in Libya, but that he was pressured into making available Italian military capabilities by precisely the United States.

In a report from AFP today, we see that 330 more refugees reached the Italian island of Lampedusa while 25 others were asphyxiated in another boat confirming for all that  Berlusconi’s fears were justified as Italy takes the brunt of the invasion of Europe.

ROME — A boat carrying 330 migrants from Libya arrived late Tuesday on the Italian island of Lampedusa, a day after officials found 25 people choked to death in the engine room of another Libyan refugee boat.


Lampedusa, which has a surface area of just 20 square kilometres (7.7 square miles), is Italy’s southernmost point and is closer to North Africa than to the Italian mainland.

It is now the biggest gateway for illegal immigration into the European Union following the arrival of tens of thousands of people from North Africa this year.

Meanwhile those friends of America—-those rebel “freedom” fighters—are killing each other (here).  Division and lawlessness in the ranks?  No kidding!

What would we do without Leftist ideologues like Samantha Power bending Obama’s ear on the RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT.  She is credited along with Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton with persuading Obama that the US needed to save the Libyan people from Qaddafi, here.

What a mess!

Endnote and related I think:  Go to this photo essay of supporters of the Libyan rebels.  I especially want you to scroll down to photo #10.  That is Tammam al-Barazi (a Syrian by birth) who was arrested in the county where I live last month for killing his daughter’s new dog (he threw it in front of traffic).  He objected to the dog for “religious reasons.”  LOL! Of course our politically correct local paper leaves readers wondering which religion hates dogs?

I have no proof, but I think he may be one “advising” Hillary on the Middle East, here.  He predicted in May that the Syrian Army would split (signs of that happening now).  If this good agent provocateur is advising the Obama Administration, you can see why our Middle East policy is going up in flames.  BTW, when arrested in Hagerstown his bags were packed for Egypt!

State Department press briefing sounds like an audition for the Jon Stewert Daily Show

This is how it went today at a background briefing on Somalia and humanitarian aid in the Horn of Africa where the ISLAMIC terror group Al Shabaab has disallowed the delivery of aid—you know they will kill whoever brings food and then steal the food.

Here are a few comments at a mysterious press briefing by mysterious briefers likely hastily called because the New York Times and the Washington Post want to know what Obama is doing about starving Somalis:

SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL ONE: Let me just remind everybody that this is – this call is on background and ask that if you find quotes that you want to use that you attribute those to Senior Administration Officials. And I think what we’re going to do is I will try to offer a sort of a quick chapeau of where we are and what our concerns are and invite both [Senior Administration Official Two] and [Senior Administration Official Three] to add to that. And then we’ll be happy to take your questions.

A “quick chapeau” (a hat?) follows, then Senior Administration Official One turns the call over to Senior Administration Official Two from Mystery agency number two, well it has to be number two because Senior official one must be from the US State Department (this is on their letterhead).

So that is sort of the quick overview of where we are. I think you’ve probably seen stories in both The Washington Post and The New York Times today that describe this evolving situation, and let me ask [Senior Administration Official Two] from [Agency Withheld] if she’s got anything to add.

Senior Administration Official Two does have something to say:

SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL TWO: Yeah. Thanks, [Senior Administration Official One]. I just want to underscore how deeply concerned we are about the situation, really throughout the Horn as [Senior Administration Official One] described, but particularly in southern Somalia….

Now One turns it over to Senior Official Three (are you keeping up with this?):

SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL ONE: Thanks, [Senior Administration Official Two]. Let me ask [Senior Administration Official Three] from [Agency Withheld] if she has anything to add to this.

Of course she does:

SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL THREE: I’d like to reiterate what [Senior Administration Official Two] and [Senior Administration Official One] are already highlighting for everybody. It’s – I mean, obviously, the conditions are really terrible and it’s – it is no coincidence that the worst-affected areas are those that are under the control of al-Shabaab.

You get the drift, you can read the whole press briefing here.

Now here is my question for readers—WHAT THE HECK ARE THESE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION PARAGONS OF TRANSPARENCY SO SCARED ABOUT?  Or, is this just a spoof—-an audition for the Jon Stewart Daily Show?

Are they afraid of…

1) Al Shabaab hunting them down and killing them in their beds tonight if they reveal their names? or

2) Those evil Tea Party budget cutters will get wind that money is being shipped overseas and know exactly which agency is behind it?  or

3)  They don’t want some poor suckers in the US military knowing who is sending them into Somalia (again!)? or

4)  Michelle Obama will tell them what food needs to be sent to a real food desert? or

5)  The most likely one—they don’t know how the hell to solve this.  The Administration has no idea what to do and no one wants to take responsibility?

Do you have a better guess?  Tell me.

Busy elsewhere….

There are some important issues involving immigration going down in Maryland and in Alabama, so I’ve been busy posting at Potomac Tea Party Report on those issues.  But, it occurred to me that some readers who follow RRW might also be interested in the Maryland referendum on whether taxpayers should subsidize college educations for illegal aliens, here, and about the Obama Justice Department (with Marylander Thomas Perez behind the scenes) suing the state of Alabama to stop implementation of their new law, here.

Just wanted you to know I’m posting and not lounging around a pool somewhere!