Vlad Tepes blog helping to expose lies about Muslims being killed en masse by Buddhists in Myanmar

Thanks to reader Dana for sending this blog post from Vlad Tepes where we are directed to this story (PakaAlert Press) about how social media is manipulating the news from Burma(Myanmar) on Rohingya Muslims supposedly being slaughtered by Buddhist monks.

The author, and investigator who reveals the photographs used to manipulate the news is himself a Muslim and says he does believe killing is going on.  Yes, it is, but the important point is that the Rohingya helped light the fuse on the most recent violence and I have no doubt they are being helped by outside Islamist agitators brought in to stir up the local population.

For new readers:  We have an entire category on Rohingya, here, with 116 previous posts going back nearly 5 years.  Our interest in the subject is because there was for years an internal debate within the US State Department about whether or not to bring Rohingya here to the US as refugees.  They resisted for years due to fears of Rohingya terrorist elements, but the resettlement has begun and an earlier link at the State Department website which listed Rohingya being connected to a terrorist group—HUJI-B—has been removed.   So far it’s only a trickle but you can be sure that the media drumbeat about Rohingya as victims, and supposedly completely blameless in recent violence, will only get louder.

By the way, there is a horrible case in Utah where a Burmese Muslim refugee (they don’t use the word Rohingya) murdered a little Christian Burmese girl in the apartment complex where they were resettled together by the multiculturalists in the refugee industry in spite of a history of longtime animosity toward each other in their home country.

Mayor angered by graffiti, says they welcome diversity in Concord, NH

Last year, hateful graffiti was written on the homes of some Concord refugees (here) and apparently no one was caught (that we ever heard of), but again graffiti has appeared on the home of another Somali refugee family in that city.

This is the story from New Hampshire Public Radio:

Concord’s mayor Jim Bouley says the city isn’t going to tolerate hate crime against its refugee residents. On Sunday morning, a racist message written in black permanent marker appeared on the house of a Somali family in the city’s South End. Bouley stopped by NHPR to talk about this latest incident, which was nearly identical to graffiti that appeared on three refugee homes last fall.

Mayor Jim Bouley says he’s angry about the graffiti because it doesn’t represent the Concord he’s come to know. He says the city has seen seen tremendous benefits from becoming more diverse. [I just wish for once someone would tell us exactly how the community benefits from the diversity!—ed]  Concord is home to about a thousand*** resettled refugees from countries like Bhutan and Somalia.

“My son is fourteen years old and he’s spent the last three years at Rundlett Junior High, and he has  a much better experience a much more enriched educational experience by just the sheer fact that we are a community of many, and we embrace all.”

The Mayor also says that the city has gone to great lengths to build bridges between Concord neighborhoods and refugees, especially in light of racist messages that appeared on three South End homes last September.

“We had the multicultural festival each year, we have soccer games that were encouraged  for all in the community to come and attend. This isn’t an incident where we rallied for one day and forgot about it, so to see these words, um, it’s absolutely disturbing.”

*** I just love this site!  Go to WRAPS and check out the diversity resettled in your town since 2007.   Of course, keep in mind that refugees resettled in Concord may have moved on and others have come in through secondary migration (that is where a refugee sent to X city decided to move to Concord to be with his or her own kind, you know, people of their own ethnicity).

According to the New Hampshire Dept. of Health and Human Services, here, there are several major federal contractors and subcontractors working with the US State Department to bring diversity to New Hampshire.

By the way, Nashua, NH was (is?) getting Rohingya Muslims, here.

From the WRAPS website, here is the diversity delivered to Concord since FY2007:


Burkina Faso….1




Dem. Rep. of Congo….85









Sierra Leone….1




Total…..1257 (the Democrat Mayor was close)

Here is my question, is there ever going to be a point in time for the multiculturalists and the diversity is beautiful advocates to say ‘O.K. we now have enough diversity‘?  What is that magic number or magic combination of ethnic groups for us to see and feel the ultimate harmony?  Can the Mayor tell us?

Feds “supposedly” cracking down on food stamp fraud

Regular readers know I have a side interest in following food stamp fraud—not the kind where individuals buy stuff they aren’t allowed to buy—but the big fraud of buying food stamp benefits for cash (they call it trafficking).  I maintain that there is a massive industry in the US where ‘foreign’ investors buy convenience stores and mom&pop gas stations and go into the food stamp fraud business buying benefits for 50 cents on the dollar from individuals and then collecting the whole dollar from you!

If you search RRW for “food stamp fraud” dozens of posts over the years will come up from across the country.

Now we learn that the Agriculture Department has supposedly suspended huge numbers of stores in one quarter alone.  I just don’t buy it.   There are surely that many fraudsters, I just don’t see this many being shut down.

From the Washington Post:

Concannon [Undersecretary of Agriculture] said that in the third quarter of this budget year the department fined or temporarily disqualified some 574 stores for violating program rules and permanently disqualified 1,016 stores for trafficking in food stamp benefits.  [in one quarter?–ed]

I’m a broken record, but some real investigative reporter needs to expose this fraud.  I think there is a worldwide network of criminals, aided by American immigration lawyers, getting into the US through legal “investor” programs managed by the US State Department.  The criminals not only pad their own pockets, but are sending your food stamp money abroad.

Greece tries to stem the “invasion” tide by rounding up illegals for deportation

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees objects of course.

This is the story from the Christian Science Monitor  (Hat tip: Richard Falknor at Blue Ridge Forum):

Authorities in Greece are rounding up thousands of suspected illegal immigrants in a large-scale deportation drive to combat what a government official compared to a prehistoric invasion.

Greece has long been Europe’s main entry point for illegal immigrants from Asia and Africa seeking a better life in the West. But Greece’s severe economic problems and high unemployment are making the problem worse than ever.

Police said Monday that 6,000 people were detained over the weekend in Athens in a massive operation incongruously named after the ancient Greek god of hospitality, Zeus Xenios.

Keep in mind that the UNHCR is a socialist, here.

Left-wing opposition parties criticized the crackdown, while the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees voiced concern that migrants from war-torn countries and genuine asylum-seekers could be denied the right of protection.

Some 100,000 illegal immigrants are estimated to slip into Greece every year, mostly from neighboring Turkey, and up to a million are believed to live in Greece, which has an official population of about 10 million.

Think about it!  One-tenth of the Greek population is made up of illegal aliens!  No wonder they are broke!

What is wrong with this?

Once beyond the pale of Greek politics, the extreme right Golden Dawn gained nearly 7 percent of the vote in parliamentary elections six weeks ago. Mainstream parties also pledged to curtail immigrant flows.

Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias said Monday the rounding-up of illegal immigrants would continue, arguing that their unchecked entry has brought Greece “to the brink of collapse.”

“The country is being lost,” he told private Skai TV. “What is happening now is (Greece’s) greatest invasion ever. Since the Dorian invasion some 3,000 years ago, the country has never received such a flow of immigration.”

Ancient tradition linked the invasion of Greek-speaking Dorian tribes with the end of the heroic Mycenaean age, although historians believe that the Mycenaean palatial civilization was brought down by financial and social unrest.

That last made me laugh.  By using the phrase “although historians believe” the writer suggests there is no connection between an alien invasion and financial and social unrest!  Seems to me there is without a doubt a straight line connection!

By the way, see UNHCR Antonio Gutteres lecture Europe on “welcoming” the African, here.

Security expert, B. Raman, warns of Rohingya connections to terrorism

Update:  I would really like to write a post about this but have no time.  Please watch this little news clip.  A handful of protestors wearing ‘no Rohingya’ shirts supported Myanmar’s President’s earlier proposal to the UN to resettle what they believe are illegal alien Rohingya’s elsewhere.  Having watched this issue evolve I have great sympathy for the Buddhists and others who feel the international media has ganged up on them and has blindly supported the Rohingya claims of persecution.  In the clip note the reporter says 80 have been killed in recent riots and 100,000 displaced but doesn’t say that those killed have been on both sides.  It is left for the viewer to assume those 80 dead are all Rohingya while in fact Rohingya were doing some of the killing and burning!  Frankly it is maddening to watch!  Other than this one report, I have a whole page of alerts today with “oh those poor Rohingya” news stories.

Back to my original post:

…..and boy are they trying to shut him up (B. Raman, that is):

I don’t want to get deep into the weeds of the links previously documented (and removed at the US State Department!*) of some elements of the Burmese/Bangladesh Rohingya population and their possible connection with Bangladesh’s HUJI-B, but I also want to keep our Rohingya Reports archive up-to-date.

So you need to see this article by B. Raman (and here) in the Sri Lanka Guardian and note he is responding to his critics who are attempting to paint the Rohingya as only the poor downtrodden victimized Muslims of Burma (where Buddhist monks have “gone wild” ).

For new readers this is all you need to know—we have begun the resettlement of Rohingya to the US and the federal refugee contractors are agitating for more.

* Gee I wonder if the removal of this list from the US State Department website since Obama took office has any connection with the allegations being made just this morning by former federal prosecutor, Andrew McCarthy, that the State Department has been compromised by Islamists.