Asylum seekers plan march in Germany today—to demand their rights

Update October 14th:  The invaders arrive at the Brandenburg Gate, here.

By the time we read this the demonstration may well be underway in Berlin.   Asylum seekers, who refuse to say where they are from, have arrived and set up tents in the German capital to demand that they be allowed to stay and get stuff.  And, ultimately to turn Germany into Greece. (they aren’t saying that, but I am!)

From The Local:

What the group wants, and why they want it, is clear. An end to obligatory limited residence, to deportation and to close, or at least improve, the notoriously bad housing complexes that the government provides those fleeing their homeland, and often political or religious persecution.


Beneath the headline “Asylum applications climbing rapidly,” the Bild daily published figures from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) saying that 3,744 requests for asylum have been filed this month alone. If the trend continues, the paper said, there should be 11,700 new bids by the end of October – a quarter of the entire figure for 2011.

Imagine this, they get less welfare than Germany’s own poor people!

Hundreds are expected to march across the capital on Saturday, demanding the government think about how they tackle incoming asylum seekers. Until recently, those arriving received less financial support than people on basic state welfare.


“We want the public to hear our demands,” she explained. She, like her fellow unnamed protester, refused to say which country she had fled. Neither of them could say what should happen or where refugees should be housed if their current accommodation were to be shut down.

In respone, the German government recently revamped its resettlement programme, which now grants 300 refugees a year of full residence and financial support.

As we watch Europe disintegrate, maybe we can learn from it.