Small-town Australia says ‘no thanks’ to refugees moving in

It wasn’t too long ago that we told you about the small town in Sweden that was resigned to the arrival of refugees to be housed in a historic mansion in their town, here.   And, LOL!, then remember the refugees said, ‘get me out of here, there are ghosts!’

Now, a small town suburb of Melbourne,  Hawthorne, Australia, is balking at a proposal for 100 refugees to “transition” while living on a “heritage street.”

****Update Nov. 17th and correction:  Reader Nilk commented to this post (be sure to see the comments) to tell us more about Hawthorne.  He describes it as a rather trendy suburb of Melbourne and not a “small town” as I’ve described it.***

By the way, everyone remembers when immigrants went to big cities, but this is a growing practice in the West—trying to get refugees moved to small cities and towns.  The refugee industry advocates probably think they are thusly teaching the local hicks how to be “welcoming” and to get used to multiculturalism.  However, jobs and housing become an issue for such immigrants—not to mention the antipathy some rural folks have to change (and why should they be forced to change?)

Here is the story from the Herald Sun:

COMMUNITY pressure has all but crushed plans for asylum seekers to be housed in a former aged care home in Hawthorn.

Neighbours are divided over a proposal to use the Uniting Church centre on Manningtree Rd as accommodation for up to 100 refugees on bridging visas.

The furore began when refugee services agency AMES, which has a six-month lease on the property, sent a letter to locals on October 30, introducing “some new residents in your neighbourhood”.

The organisation provides jobs and short-term accommodation for asylum seekers while their refugee claims are finalised.

But AMES spokesman Adam Baxter said the organisation was now reconsidering the plan because of objections from some local residents.

“The reason that we’re not moving ahead at this stage is because we’re not comfortable with the level of community welcome,” Mr Baxter said.

Residents do the “unwelcoming” thing—circulate a petition against the plan.

“In principle it’s terrific. Refugees deserve to be here, by definition they’re only here because they’ve had a bloody hard time,” the woman said.

“(But) you’d totally change the balance of the (heritage-listed) street.”  [I had to look up heritage-listed street and found that it must be a street with an historic preservation designation, geez, they even have the ‘good-taste gestapo’ in Australia.  But, it’s always fun to see Leftwingers squirm when you use one of their programs to defeat another of their pet projects!—ed]

The Herald Sun understands a petition was circulated against the proposal.

As I said here a couple of days ago, if  you think you can escape the politically-correct policies of the Left by running away to Australia, forget it!   Besides, if you are white with a European ethnic background and a non-Muslim, you probably can’t get into Australia anyway!