In the wake of the brutal slaughter in Kenya (don’t open this link if you have a weak stomach) by Somali Jihadists a little over a week ago, I’m struck by the fact that the mainstream media is running one story after another about America’s growing Somali population, but the word “refugee” never makes it into the telling. I can’t say never, but I just reviewed a bunch of recent stories in The New York Times, The Washington Post and Time magazine and searched for the “R” word. It was not there!

And, by the way, I still haven’t seen any further report on whether Americans have been officially identified among the killers. Have you?
Do you think the average reader, someone not following immigration issues daily, wonders how a particular group of immigrants ‘found their way’ to America? I think they do, so why does the media rarely mention the legal programs through which the US government is changing America’s demographic make-up?
Below is an example from a New York Times story entitled, ‘Somali Community in U.S. Fears New Wave of Stigma After Kenya Attack.’
Would this help you know anything about how the Somalis got here, how they in fact became a “community” (through the US State Department’s Refugee Resettlement Program going back three decades)? The “R” word does not appear in the story:
More than 32,000 people of Somali ancestry live in Minnesota, census figures show, and local leaders say the true number is far higher. Some came in the 1990s after fleeing civil war, and others are their children, many of them born in this country. [By the way, the number is way higher than 32,000 in Minnesota, in addition to the tens of thousands in other preferred resettlement states—ed]
They “came….after fleeing civil war.” What! they just got on a plane and said “here we are America,” “let us in,” and then picked Minnesota on a map?
Regular readers of RRW know how it happened (here and here), but do the reporters not know or do they deliberately cover-up the truth about LEGAL immigration programs gone wrong?
By the way, there is a good article (at Powerline, hat tip: Judy) about the problems the media is glossing-over with the Somali “community” in Minnesota, but it too doesn’t use the word refugee. Why is that?