France caves to pressure, agrees to take 500 Syrians

French President to Guterres: O.K. O.K. we’ll take 500!

No word on whether some of that number will be the Calais occupiers.

From France 24:

France has agreed to take in 500 Syrian refugees at the request of the United Nations following talks in Paris between French President François Hollande and UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, the UN agency said Wednesday.

Even the Socialist Hollande knows what Muslim immigrants have done to France!  Maybe they will insist on Christians only.

With no end to the conflict in sight, the UN agency has urged EU nations to offer asylum to some 10,000 Syrians this year and another 30,000 in 2014.


Some 50,000 Syrians have so far applied for asylum in the EU, mostly in Sweden and Germany.

Speaking of Sweden, they are hastening their country’s decline with a record number of asylum seekers—mostly Syrians and Eritreans—tweeted by Fjordman, here.

Photo is here.

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