We hope so-called Comprehensive Immigration Reform is dead for now (forever!)—at least dead before the 2014 elections. Obama’s Presidency has been so weakened in the last few months we don’t see where he has the ‘mojo’ to push a greatly expanded open borders agenda.

However, that hasn’t stopped those who want to see, not just illegals made legal, but if S.744 should become law there will be a greatly expanded asylum and refugee program (with less security screening) as well. (See our posts on S.744 here).
Two groups joining hands to push for Open Borders are Bend the Arc (a Jewish “justice” group) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).
From Heritage Florida Jewish News:
WASHINGTON, D.C.—American Jews and American Muslims called on Congress in a joint statement to pass comprehensive immigration reform with a meaningful path to citizenship. In joining together as unlikely allies, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) renewed their united push to refocus Congress’ attention on the nation’s most pressing domestic policy crisis.
The following is a joint statement from Alan van Capelle, CEO of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and Haris Tarin, director of the Washington, D.C., office of the Muslim Public Affairs Council:
“In combining our voices, we hope Congress hears that immigration reform is a priority issue across America’s many diverse communities, bringing together even those that many believe have little in common. In fact, America’s Jewish and Muslim communities share the collective experience of facing xenophobia and prejudice for their culture and faith, and being treated as outsiders in our home country.
Comprehensive immigration reform has long been a priority issue for both our communities, as many of our families share stories of immigrating to the U.S. Both of our communities have deep roots here. But both of our communities also know firsthand the struggle to find acceptance in our adopted homeland.
Blah, blah, blah…
We urge you to come together, as we have, to pass comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship, and keep America strong.”
Both Bend the Arc and the Muslim Public Affairs Council have been active in advocating for comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship, citing shared values of treating others with dignity and respect, and the importance of keeping families together.
Read about community organizer Alan van Capelle, here.
Read about MPAC community organizers, here.
Another group pushing for more immigration (Muslims too) is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society one of the top nine federal refugee resettlement contractors. Here HIAS apparently had some blow-back from funders, but they are by no means out of the lobbying arena. S.744 would reward the contractors with even more taxpayer cash!