This is a simple notice in the St. Cloud Times that alerts citizens that there is an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about how St. Cloud now ‘finds itself’ as a primary resettlement site for refugees.
When we first began writing RRW, St. Cloud was a city that secondary migrants (initially resettled somewhere else in the US) went to looking for meatpacker employment, but along the way the contractors and the US State Department began resettling refugees in St. Cloud directly from the third world. See this 2010 post.
I know it’s difficult because when you ask questions (even polite questions!) the Lutherans and others will say you sound racist, but if you live in the area and can get there, it is important for citizens with concerns to not stay silent. Make them answer questions that you have researched in advance so that you know basically what the answer is. It is the best way to expose the veracity of their answers.***
From the St. Cloud Times:
Lutheran Social Service will discuss issues affecting the refugee community in St. Cloud in the first of a quarterly event.
The consultation is a chance for the agency to provide updates and to receive feedback regarding the refugee resettlement process.
Refugees, churches, local government, community agencies, schools, employers, landlords and anyone else who would like to attend are invited.
The event will take place from 1:30-3 p.m. Dec. 11 at the St. Cloud Public Library in downtown St. Cloud.
*** Now, if you plan to attend the meeting, go to our extensive archive on St. Cloud and read from our earliest post in May of 2008. It is a wonderful history of how community organizers are reshaping St. Cloud (and Minnesota generally).
Learn about Mohamoud Mohamed at RRW and search for his activities on the net. The photo is from this story.
Check out the news last week that Somalis want their own radio station in St. Cloud to broadcast to their people, here, in Somali! Will Minnesota be the first Muslim state in America, some are making that prediction.
And, be sure to read about the money bags running Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota on the taxpayer dime!