Iowa: Refugee family of 12 gets “Habitat for Humanity” house

Readers, this must mean good news for Iowa—-the state has no more American citizens in poverty! 

Just kidding of course, but honestly the average American reads a story like this one and asks:  What about our own poor people?

From AP at the Houston Chronicle (hat tip: Joanne):

IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — The war is long behind them, as are their days living in forests and refugee campus, but life for Abdineko Mausa and Andjela Uredi’s family of 12 remains a difficult one.

For nearly two years, the Congolese family — with 10 children ranging between 2 months to 21 — have lived elbow-to-elbow in a tiny Johnson County apartment.


The Iowa City Press-Citizen reports ( ) that will change this fall, however, when the family moves into a newly built six-bedroom, two-bathroom home — the largest ever constructed by Iowa Valley Habitat for Humanity. The Iowa City-based organization has put nearly 100 families in homes over the past two decades — including many refugees — but likely none as large as Mausa and Uredi’s family.

The article then gives readers some facts on the Iowa refugee program.  Not mentioned here, however, was the big flood of Bosnians Bill Clinton sent to Iowa for his meatpacking buddies.

Through the United Nations Refugee Agency, the family came to Fort Worth, Texas, in 2010. They eventually relocated to eastern Iowa, where they’ve lived since 2012. Mausa has a job on a factory line through a local staffing service, and they rely on government help, as well as local charities, to get by. The family’s three youngest children were born in the U.S., where Mausa and Uredi are currently working toward citizenship.

John Wilken, bureau chief for Iowa’s Bureau of Refugee Services, estimates that more than 50,000 refugees have settled in Iowa since the state’s program began in 1975. That number, however, doesn’t include refugees who have since left the state, or who — like Mausa’s family — are considered secondary migrants because they previously lived in another state.

Over the past five fiscal years ending in 2013, 2,580 refugees settled in Iowa, though just 31 were from the Congo. In recent years, the Burmese have been the top refugee group arriving in Iowa, followed by the Bhutanese and Iraqis.

Wilken said for refugee families, finding housing during the recession and the years after has been doubly difficult.

Yup, but they keep bringing them in anyway!

I wonder do Gillette and Casper, Wyoming have big inexpensive apartments and houses for rent?


Hotter temperatures = hotter tempers says global warming panel

And, consequently more civil wars and more refugees.

The article is illustrated with this photo of Syrians on the move.

Just when I thought they had gone away, the previously discredited IPCC is back finishing up a new report that for the first time says world conflicts will be exacerbated by global warming.

For new readers we have a whole category on ‘climate refugees’ but haven’t seen much lately in the news on the subject, so let’s catch up.

This will be one more reason why you will be told to “welcome” refugees to your cities and towns.


In an authoritative report due out Monday a United Nations climate panel for the first time is connecting hotter global temperatures to hotter global tempers. Top scientists are saying that climate change will complicate and worsen existing global security problems, such as civil wars, strife between nations and refugees.

They’re not saying it will cause violence, but will be an added factor making things even more dangerous. Fights over resources, like water and energy, hunger and extreme weather will all go into the mix to destabilize the world a bit more, says the report by the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The summary of the report is being finalized this weekend by the panel in Yokohama.

That’s a big change from seven years ago, the last time the IPCC addressed how warming affected Earth, said report lead author Chris Field of the Carnegie Institution of Science in California. The summary that political leaders read in early 2007 didn’t mention security issues will, he said, because of advances in research.

“There’s enough smoke there that we really need to pay attention to this,” said Ohio University security and environment professor Geoff Dabelko, one of the lead authors of the report’s chapter on security and climate change.

For the past seven years, research in social science has found more links between climate and conflict, study authors say, with the full report referencing hundreds of studies on climate change and conflict.

Read it all and watch for the report which should be available today.

By the way, when you check out our ‘climate refugee’ category, note that there is a conflict among the Leftists (scroll to earlier posts in the category).  One side (the humanitarians) doesn’t want the water muddied by changing (broadening) the original definition of “refugee” as someone persecuted due to politics/religion etc, while the enviro-lefties like the word “refugee” because it is catchy (read emotional) for their PR purposes.  ‘Climate refugees‘ sure beats ‘people who moved when the climate changed!’ when you are writing press releases.