Human Rights First joins the drumbeat: US must resettle 15,000 Syrians this year

The ‘humanitarian industrial complex’ is so predictable.

As we mentioned here, here and here in just the last week, they have begun their public relations campaign in lock-step because for some reason (security?) the US is dragging its feet on dropping off thousands of Syrians into your towns and cities.

Eleanor Acer: US must lead the way with 15,000 Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees resettled this year!

Human Rights First‘s Eleanor Acer from The Guardian:

…. so far, the American response has been wanting. With more than $1.7bn in aid so far, it is the single largest donor to the Syria humanitarian response, but the United States resettled a mere 36 Syrian refugees in 2013. As of February 2014, the US has resettled only 25 more. That’s a total of 121 since 2011, out of over 2 million refugees.

If the country with the largest resettlement program in the world doesn’t step up, who will?

This January, US officials indicated that the government expects to accept referrals for several thousand Syrian refugees in 2014. But so far, the United States has not announced a commitment to resettling a significant number. Why?

The UK, Bulgaria and Greece setting rotten examples as well.


The US isn’t the only state reluctant to welcome some of Syria’s refugees. The UK, for example, announced plans to resettle the modest number of 500 Syrian refugees, but only after public criticism by film stars Colin Firth and Emma Thompson. Other European countries, including Bulgaria and Greece, have even imposed obstacles preventing Syrian refugees from crossing into their countries. Such responses set a poor example for the frontline states, which must keep their borders open to refugees as a requirement of international law and to prevent an even greater humanitarian catastrophe.

The US must lead the way by admitting 15,000 (LOL! the advocates have obviously settled on their magic number!):

It’s clear what is needed: while the international community must devise a comprehensive long-term plan for addressing the refugee crisis, a crucial part of that plan must include sharing the responsibility of hosting refugees.

And the United States should lead this effort. As the world’s richest country, and one that justifiably prides itself on protecting refugees, it needs to be doing much more. This year, the US should aim to resettle at least 15,000 Syrian refugees, and should continue to significantly increase the number it takes in. The credibility of the US and its ability to effectively press other states to increase their own efforts depends on it.

See how they get this number, 15,000, planted in the public discussion and then throw in the “increase the number” later comment.  The sad thing is that they did this with the Iraqi ‘refugees’ and succeeded.  So unless you speak up and contact your representatives in Washington (the only elected officials with the power to stop this), they will succeed again!

So far, deep in the bowels of the federal government, someone has cold feet about opening the flood gates to Syrians!

Readers:  Remember there are still plenty of Syrians getting into the US through other legal and illegal means, but our focus here (in this post) is on the formal Refugee Resettlement program of the US State Department and the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement in Health and Human Services.

Did you see this? Muslim Brotherhood launches US political party

March launch of the new Muslim Brotherhood party in Washington.

It actually was launched last month, but I saw it this week when Investor’s Business Daily published a hard-hitting opinion piece.

What is the most important thing they need to be successful?  Numbers!   How are they getting their numbers?  Immigration, of course, and refugees represent the greatest stream of new Muslim voters into the US.

There may, however, be a little bit of silver lining to this news.  Perhaps Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan might work through the new party and stop trying to subvert the Republican Party.

The Islamists will have their own party!  Their goals would be out in the open.


Islamofascism: With an eye toward the 2016 election, the radical Muslim Brotherhood has built the framework for a political party in America that seeks to turn Muslims into an Islamist voting bloc.

‘Muslim voters have the potential to be swing voters in 2016,” said Nihad Awad in launching the benign-sounding U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, whose membership reads like a Who’s Who of Brotherhood front groups.

“We are aiming to bring more participation from the Muslim community.”

USCMO also aims to elect Islamists in Washington, with the ultimate objective of “institutionalizing policies” favorable to Islamists — that is, Shariah law.

This development bears careful monitoring in light of the U.S. Brotherhood’s recently exposed goal to wage a “civilization jihad” against America that explicitly calls for infiltrating the U.S. political system and “destroying (it) from within.”

A Trojan horse!

Front and center is the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, the catalyst behind this Trojan horse jihadist political party.

There is more, read it all.

Speaking of Trojan horses, this is a very good time for you to read or re-read”The Modern Day Trojan Horse:  Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.’

Hendi gets an award from FBI director in 2008!

Do you remember Yahya Hendi? 

If you do, you have been with RRW since our first summer in 2007.

We wrote about him here.  He is (was?) an Imam in Frederick, Maryland and the Muslim chaplain at Georgetown who traveled to Saudi Arabia to report that he predicted that by 2015 there would be 30 Muslim mayors in America.  Of course his time-table is way off, but nonetheless, he revealed the aim.  He said there weren’t enough converts to get the number of voters needed, so what else is there—immigration!

As I have mentioned many times regarding this 30 Muslim mayors comment, can you imagine the uproar if someone said, ‘we want 30 Jewish mayors, or 30 Catholic (any religion) mayors heading US cities.’  There was never a peep about Hendi’s stated goal.

Photo above:  That is Nihad Awad (CAIR director) standing behind the new head honcho, Oussama Jammal, of the US Council of Muslim Organizations.

We have a lengthy archive on CAIR, here.  They are heavily involved with issues relating to refugees, especially with the Somalis.   And, they were a key player in the hate crime hoax in El Cajon we mentioned here yesterday.

***Update***  Ladies! Let’s have a laugh at CAIR!  Here!