I bet the Bulgarians are thrilled! (Not!)
This is just a short news item to keep our Bulgaria archive up-to-date. Bulgaria, on the border with Turkey, has been a gateway for Syrians and Africans to slip through the border from Turkey and get a foothold in Europe. They really do not want to stay in Bulgaria, wanting instead to get to the countries with more goodies to give away, like Germany.
Should they slip through their country of entry, the EU has a policy that says “asylum seekers” must be returned to the first country in which they arrived to be processed there, thus placing the largest ‘refugee’ burden on border countries, like Italy, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria and Malta.
According to the UN, Bulgaria had been doing such a rotten job taking care of refugees, that previously the so-called refugees were not returned there. Now that has changed. Notice that the UN is calling the shots, the EU isn’t even in charge.
From the Global Post:
The UN’s refugee agency said Tuesday it was partially lifting a call to stop returning asylum seekers to Bulgaria because conditions there had improved.
Under current rules, European countries must return asylum seekers to the first country on the continent they arrive in.
But in January the United Nations urged European nations to suspend all returns to Bulgaria, citing “systematic deficiencies in reception conditions and asylum procedures” after the country was swamped with refugees from war-ravaged Syria.
See all of our recent posts on the ‘invasion of Europe’ here.