For the last few weeks, I have been giving you all a summary of how we are doing here at RRW including top posts and top countries from which readers arrived. Click here for all of the previous reports.
This week’s report follows below.
I didn’t get to this summary sooner because our internet had been down late in the week. Not able to have my daily fix of posting, I realized I need a break—a little vacation from blogging to catch my breath and to catch up on reading and your e-mails. So, you may hear from me in the coming days only if something earth-shattering happens. And, when I do post I’m thinking of trying to post more (but shorter!) posts every day. I’ve tried that before, but it’s hard to bring the new readers (who arrive daily) along without additional explanation. So we will see how it works!
Our top posts of the past week are as follows (you can see daily Top Posts in the right hand sidebar):
Top countries from which readers have arrived in the past week. The US is always first, and Canada, the UK and Australia switch around from week to week.
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates (new this week in top ten)
South Africa
Japan (new this week)
While I am taking a break, please search RRW for topics of interest. There are 5,868 posts here. The best way to find something is by typing a couple of key words into the search window.
If you are a new reader, consider subscribing or follow us on twitter (@refugeewatcher) or facebook (RefugeeInfoResource). ‘Like us’ on facebook!
And apologies to all who e-mail and comment, sorry if I don’t respond much, there are just not enough hours in my day!
It occurs to me that I do see everyone’s comments to posts because we do screen them (no foul language, no threats), so if you have something you want me to see, I don’t at all mind if you send the link as a comment to a post, even if it’s a little off-topic.
Washington revolving door! Eskinder Negash (left) Director of ORR pictured with Lavinia Limon (second from right), Clinton Director of ORR and Negash’s former boss at the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, a private federal resettlement contractor. Photo:
I don’t know when they published it, but it now appears that the Office of Refugee Resettlement is trying to catch up on those legally required annual reports.
At one point, ORR was behind for three years making the reports virtually useless for anyone examining the program (if only Congress would examine this program!).
By law, the reports to Congress are to be filed by the end of January of the following fiscal year. So, that would mean that the report for FY 2013 should have already been made available by having been filed in January or February of this year. (See our post about the fact that the reports were always on time until the Clinton years when Lavinia Limon was in charge of ORR,here).
Last night when I wanted to check out how many Somalis we have admitted in recent years, I came across the Annual Report for 2012 submitted by ORR Director, Eskinder Negash. We had mentioned the availability of FY2011, here in March.
I don’t know the exact publication dates of any of the reports after the Limon years because they are not dated as far as I can tell. By not publishing a date, no one knows exactly when it went to Congress.
These reports are a treasure-trove of information, and by the way, for all of you doing research on the ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ problem, there is a lot in there. In fiscal year 2012, the ORR was already panicking over the huge jump in illegal alien children coming under their care.
One of the first things I check is welfare usage by refugees (page 106) and get this —it is definitely up. Food stamp usage has gone from 49% of refugees using food stamps in 2007 to 73% for 2012. The refugee group using food stamps at the highest rate (89%) were Middle Easterners.
So, check it out! There are hours of reading fun for you this Labor Day weekend!
Between the illegal alien “children” (wannabe refugees) invading our southern border and some of the American ISIS fighters turning out to be “refugees” we welcomed to America, the general public sure is getting an education about our Refugee Resettlement and Asylum Program this summer!
Waging demographic Jihad as well as violent Jihad, the 29-year old Somali refugee we raised, reportedly left behind nine children for taxpayers to support. Photo:
This latest news comes as no surprise to us since we have been writing about the recruitment of Somali “youths” for the international Jihad since 2008. See much of our earliest coverage at this post or type ‘Somali missing youths’ into our search window. [Want to write a book on this? Most of your research is on the pages of RRW!]
We attended a hearing in Washington in March 2009 at which Senators Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins listened to US intelligence testimony which promoted the naive dream-world notion that the “youths” were only giving up the good life in America to go to Somalia to fight the Ethiopian invaders of their homeland. The Senators were visibly relieved to be told it was only nationalism driving the recruitment—but the intelligence was wrong and they were WRONG!
Think about it! Through our refugee program we are bringing young children to America (who otherwise might have died in their homeland) who we pay to raise—school, medical, housing all provided—believing they will melt in our mythical melting-pot and instead we grow healthy fighters to terrorize the world. By the way, just about every Somali in America is here as a refugee or child of a refugee. Some have entered illegally (or in years past, overstayed a visa) and been granted asylum, but the lion’s share came through the US State Department as refugees.
The contractors who brought the Somalis to Minnesota are Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services of MN, and World Relief of MN, here.
Before I get to the breaking news, you need to know that we are on target to receive one of the highest numbers of new Somali refugees since the three Bush years when numbers topped ten thousand (2004, 2005, and 2006). See that post.
As of July 31st we have “welcomed” 7,326 new Somalis to America this fiscal year!
A second American killed fighting with the Islamic State group in Syria has been identified as Abdirahmaan Muhumed, of Minneapolis, two sources told Fox News late Wednesday.
KMSP-TV in Minneapolis reported that Muhumed was killed in the same battle as Douglas McArthur McCain***, who grew up outside Minneapolis in the town of New Hope and most recently lived in San Diego. The State Department confirmed McCain’s death earlier this week, but spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday that the U.S. has no independent confirmation of the second American’s death. “We’re looking into it,” she said.
A source told Fox News that Muhumed’s family had been sent a photo of his body from Syria, but had not been formally notified by the State Department.
29-years old and the father of nine! So, guess who will be paying to raise his kids? You!
A profile of Muhumed by Minnesota Public Radio this past June described him as a 29-year-old Somali-American who had been married more than once and was a father of nine children. MPR reported, citing the FBI, that at least 15 young men from the Twin Citites’ Somali-American community had traveled to Syria to join Islamic State, the militant group formerly known as ISIS that has captured wide swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq.
In a Facebook messages to an MPR reporter, Muhumed wrote “I give up this worldly life for Allah” and “Allah loves those who fight for his cause.” A picture posted on the social network showed Muhumed carrying a Koran in one hand and a rifle in the other.
Federal investigators believe that approximately 100 Americans have traveled to Syria to join Islamist groups. Most of them are disaffected young men targeted by recruitment videos like those one put out by the Somali-based, Al Qaeda-linked group al-Shabaab that praised Minnesota’s “martyrs.”
***McCain had links to this same Somali community. And, the FBI thought they had this Minnesota recruitment under control years ago. As reader Ed said yesterday when he sent us this link about McCain:
Somali immigration just keeps finding ways to enrich America. It turns Americans into Somalis.
When a child who is not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian is apprehended by immigration authorities, the child is transferred to the care and custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Federal law requires that ORR feed, shelter, and provide medical care for unaccompanied children until it is able to release them to safe settings with sponsors (usually family members), while they await immigration proceedings. These sponsors live in many states.
Sponsors are adults who are suitable to provide for the child’s physical and mental well-being and have not engaged in any activity that would indicate a potential risk to the child. All sponsors must pass a background check. The sponsor must agree to ensure the child’s presence at all future immigration proceedings. They also must agree to ensure the minor reports to ICE for removal from the United States if an immigration judge issues a removal order or voluntary departure order.
They say they have placed 37,477 from January 1-July 31, 2014. Any counties that received more than 50 “children” is listed (click hereto see if your county will face school system overload). It is too bad they didn’t list all counties because yours might have received 48 or 49, a number which could still cause a significant impact on a county school budget.
No word about how many children were placed in group-home settings run by resettlement contractors. But, as we learned just a few days ago, it sure looks like the numbers of children in need may have been fabricated.
The top ten states (with illegal alien children numbering over 1,000). Interesting because it seems to mirror what we already know about immigrant-overloaded states. The only big surprise for me was Louisiana. Click herefor all of the states.
Texas 5,280
New York 4,244
California 3,909
Florida 3,809
Virginia 2,856
Maryland 2,804
New Jersey 1,877
North Carolina 1,429
Georgia 1,412
Louisiana 1,275
You gotta laugh! Vermont, which was begging for some of the Central American teens, got a whole three (3) of them!
All of our posts on ‘unaccompanied minors’ are here.
Maybe throw a little pork sausage into that sauce?
Thanks to all who sent this outrageous story today.
Refugees who spent thousands of Euros paying smugglers to get them to Europe (some having been rescued from drowning by the Italian Navy) have rioted in Northern Italy because they say they are being fed too much pasta and are bored!
A protest held by refugees against “monotonous” Italian food was “excessive”, especially at a time when thousands of Italians go hungry, the president of a police organization told The Local.
For two days, a group of about 40 asylum-seekers staying at a refugee centre in the Veneto province of Belluno refused to eat the “pasta with tomato sauce, bread and eggs” meals they were given and called to be fed food from their own countries, Libero Quotidiano reported.
To reinforce their point, they blocked a street with a wooden bench, put their lunch on the ground along with bags of clothes and threatened to leave the centre in La Secca, a hamlet in Ponte nelle Alpi.
They reportedly said “we do not eat this stuff”.
The refugees, said to have been staying at the centre for the past four months, also reportedly slashed the tires of cars belonging to staff working there in protest against living conditions.
Waiting for a ticket out to a more ‘welcoming’ country:
Sam, who paid a people smuggler €4,000 to travel to Italy, said he passes the days by travelling on buses throughout the capital.
“I don’t want to hang around the centre all day. I can’t work and even if I could, too many Italians are also looking for jobs. Once I get my documents I want to go somewhere else, maybe Germany or The Netherlands.”
Perhaps the Italians should do what the Israelis have done—pay the mostly ‘economic migrants’ to return to their own country where they can get the food of their dreams.