That is roughly the title of an article earlier this week at the Canada Free Press by Judi McLeod (hat tip: Jim)

The Catholic Church—through the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration—both paved the road for Barack Hussein Obama’s ultimate takeover of Free West society and continues to actively enable the Fundamental Transformation of America by sinking the US in a tsunami of illegal aliens.
In coming to Obama’s aid in erasing forever America’s borders, the bishops sold the USA out, including its Catholics, for the proverbial 30 pieces of silver.
In biblical terms, Obama and the Catholic bishops—who both birthed his progress to the seat of power and back him on his Fundamental Transformation mission—are in in league with the devil. The certain-to-come protestations of the bishops should fall on the same deaf ears they use to shun all pleas of mercy from Americans overwhelmed by invaders in their home towns and cities.
How dare these phony paragons of the pulpit ascribe to our Savior the manufactured invasion of America by millions of U.S. government made-to-order ‘refugees’?
It’s a crock that the bishops are saving illegal aliens rushing the U.S. border based on lofty claims of altruism or charity, when they are doing it for power and filthy lucre…..
Who ever would have thought that the road to America’s destruction would be made a grim possibility through a host of Catholic priests and bishops?
Read all of it! McLeod apparently doesn’t know all of it—how much money is really going directly to the Bishops for “migration” from the federal government, 98% here— but she has enough.
Then Jim also directed us to Ann Barnhardt here with the Bernardin-Alinsky-Obama Nexus which springboards off the McLeod piece and reiterates the history of the Catholic Churches’ involvement with Alinsky and ultimately Obama something we had written about here (among several posts) in 2009 when we were doing a lot of reading and research on Alinsky and his teachings and how he influenced Obama.
Our “community destabilization” category is so-named as a direct response to what the anti-borders Leftists were (and still are) up to with the mass importation of impoverished people. Throw in the Cloward-Piven strategy and the blueprint that Obama is following is all there.
Simply put, Socialists (Communists?) Cloward and Piven said in order to bring on the revolution and bring down the government, one must flood the system (bring chaos—Alinsky) with impoverished people causing the welfare system to crash and as a result a new order (new form of government) would come of it. My theory is that they were running out of poor Americans so they are bringing in the third-worlders. That is all good for them since a borderless world is nirvana to the schemers.
Every time you see some establishment Republican say Obama isn’t doing anything, you can bet he and Valerie ‘Rasputin’ Jarrett are laughing their heads off as they jet from fund raiser to fund raiser.
(Jarrett said that Obamacare and Immigration would be Obama’s greatest achievements!)