Here is more proof for my case that Sweden will be the first socialist ‘heaven’ to fall under the weight of needy migrant hordes—mostly Muslim migrants!
I’ve noticed here, even at tiny RRW, that we get more visitors reading about Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands or the UK than we often do about some juicy American news. A blogger friend once told me that the reason for that is that the European press hardly touches the verboten topic.
From Dispatch International (hat tip: FatherJon):

The Englishman Iain Channing returns to Sweden, the country he lived in during the 1980s. What has happened to the safe and well ordered country that was so admired throughout the world? Do people really appreciate the politicians’ radical experiment in social engineering? And what about Malmö – Sweden’s preeminent test tube?
To understand how things have reached this pass—when an ordinary working class guy resorts to a self-censorship gesture used in communist countries—you only need to read the Swedish press. Mass immigration is not quite a taboo, but all criticism of it is censored, distorted or demonized. An almost daily barrage of hate and slander is directed at the Sweden Democrats (SD), the anti-immigration party that is now shaking up Sweden’s cosy coalition-based politics. “SD are trying to delude the working class.” “SD are still racists!” “How far to the right will [SD leader] Jimmy Åkesson go?”
Every single newspaper story I read about SD in a month in Sweden—and there were a lot, because its rise (to 10 percent in the polls) has become a real headache for the establishment—was negative and often littered with childish, abusive epithets originating in World War II. In such an environment, the party does not list an address on its website, and its three top leaders require police protection.
Channing goes on to discuss how Swedes are finding alternative media for their news on the issue that they are most concerned about…
It is all about immigration, immigration, immigration!
….the issue of immigration will not go away. On the contrary, the unmentionable topic has become a national obsession. According to columnist Hakelius, “[people who send me letters now] are interested in one thing: immigration. The discussion can begin wherever it likes, but it always ends with immigration. Immigration, immigration, immigration, immigration, immigration.”
Read it all, and then check out our extensive archive on Sweden. One of our top posts of all time is this one (photo link seems to be gone now).
See also our ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.
End note: RRW will be taking a break beginning today after we post a few more stories. Be back on October 20th and will be able to post your comments then.