Just for your information…..

From the National Council of Resistance of Iran:
U.S. Senator John McCain sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday to raise concerns about Iranian opposition members in Camp Liberty, Iraq, whose lives are increasingly at risk as the security situation in Iraq, particularly in Baghdad, continues to deteriorate.
The letter published in Senator McCain website states:
“I am writing you to follow-up on the response I received in August to my previous letter concerning the ongoing refugee resettlement process and to discuss my continuing concerns about the residents of Camp Liberty,” writes Senator John McCain.
“As you are aware, due to the increasingly dangerous threat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the resettlement process has stalled, and many fear that the people at Camp Liberty could be at grave risk if the security situation in Iraq, and especially in Baghdad, continues to deteriorate.
“For this reason, the Administration must move more quickly to find safe, permanent, and secure locations for Camp Liberty residents outside Iraq. I was encouraged to hear about Albania’s willingness to temporarily host some Camp Liberty residents for purposes of identifying individuals for relocation to the United States.
Although we might have sympathy for the dissidents’ plight, is it our job to take in the squabbling factions from the Middle East? Just asking!
McCain’s press release is here.
And, by the way, where is Obama pal Samantha Power and her doctrine—the Responsibility to Protect? And, come to think of it, why can’t the UN protect them?