Canadian demographer predicts secularists are in decline because religious people have more children

Professor Eric Kaufmann:

“The cumulative effect of immigration from religious countries, and religious fertility will be to reverse the secularization process in the West. Not only will the religious eventually triumph over the non-religious, but it is those who are the most extreme in their beliefs who have the largest families.”

The Vancouver Sun


As we have often argued on these pages—demography is it—change the people in order to change the future of nations (ours being of particular concern to me!).

We know that some demographers have argued that fecund people—like Muslims and Hispanics—reduce the number of children they have as they become more prosperous and live in first world countries, but this London demographer (raised in Canada) doesn’t see that—even if reduced slightly, the birthrate of religious people still outpaces the secularists.

Read this fascinating analysis of London Professor Kaufmann’s work at the Vancouver Sun where the photo above catches one’s eye for sure!

Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and other well-known atheists consider the decline of religion inevitable as the global population becomes more secular, more educated and more urban.

Last month, a Pew Research poll in the U.S., the world’s most-religious industrialized nation, revealed that three out of four Americans also agree religion appears to be in retreat.

But is it? While secularists are making some inroads in North America and Europe, the new atheists and others are missing a crucial demographic shift as the world’s population has swelled to seven billion.

Those who believe the world is inexorably becoming more secular are overlooking the rise in the developing world of Muslims, Hindus, Catholics and Pentecostals, as well as the phenomenally rapid expansion of sects such as the Amish and ultra-Orthodox Jews.

In a challenge to the secularizing proposition, Eric Kaufmann, a noted London-based demographer, projects that religious people, especially conservatives, will win the race against the non-religious in the 21st century.

Why? Basically because religious women are having far more babies than secular women.

Read on.  There is a lot more.  By the way, I’m afraid that all those non-Muslim religious people (noted by the Professor) combined will not out produce Muslims since their numbers are so much greater to begin with!  I guess Professor Kaufmann isn’t going to tell us that.

The Vancouver Sun directs us to an older story about how immigrants high birthrates affect Canadian taxpayers, here.

Crony Christianity! When ‘religious’ charities reap tax dollars for their ‘good works’

I love it!  Crony Christianity!  It’s like crony capitalism when government and big business work hand in hand (benefiting each other) to the detriment of those paying the bills—you—but this time it’s religious charities feeding on the taxpayer teat while directing government policy.

And, I am overjoyed to see that so many people, writers like Lee Cary, are starting to understand the depth of this evil perpetrated on the American citizen by ‘religious’ behemoths in the name of Christian charity.

Kevin Appleby, USCCB lobbyist and author of the 2013 report predicting the invasion from Central America. Did the Bishops “mission” help make it happen?

Lee Cary, a retired United Methodist Pastor, has coined the perfect phrase to describe what we have been talking about for years.  Here is his description at American Thinker this morning (hat tip: Judy).  Emphasis below is mine:

Crony Christianity challenges the separation of Church and State.

Crony Christianity is the collaborative arrangement between government and Christian faith-based organizations whereby government funds Christian organizations to deliver goods and services that advance the political agenda of the government. Any government.

The crisis surrounding the flood of unaccompanied alien children into the U.S. has promoted crony Christianity.

It is a variation of the spider’s web of similar arrangements, spun between businesses and government, that we call crony capitalism.

The Players

The five players in crony Christianity are: (1) the bureaucrats who run ecclesiastically-related organizations; (2) the church laity aligned with the various denominations that underwrite those organizations, in-part or in-full; (3) officials within government agencies that grant money; (4) tax-payers who fund government grants; and (5) the clients who receive aid from the faith-based organizations that operate with government funding.

The Pathway to Crisis

For reasons that remain unclear and widely debated, the Obama Administration has choreographed the influx of tens of thousands of “unaccompanied alien children” (this term typed into TAGGS – Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System – accesses the list of grant recipients) into the U.S. from several Central American countries.  [Could the choreographing have been a mutual arrangement between the Bishops and the Obama Administration?—ed]

The federal government began to prepare for the flood of children before the tide arrived, and before the legacy media amped-up its coverage of the story. Both knew what was coming before most of the rest of us did.

Those Christian social service organizations that already had an established funding relationship with the federal government stood near the front of the line to help resettle the children, along with secular organizations already knowledgeable of, and dependent upon, federal grants.

Cary then gives us an extensive (but not complete by any means!) list of grants both secular and religious (religious Leftists!) government cronies received to care for the “children.”

It is worse than Cary thinks!

It would seem that Cary is not aware of the fact that virtually the entire budget of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Migration program (Appleby’s salary too most likely) is funded by US taxpayers.  And, it’s my contention that the Bishops and lobbyist Appleby actually may have started the border stampede in late 2013 with their trip to Central America and subsequent report, here.

Here is Cary on the USCCB:

The Times  [NYT] quoted Kevin Appleby, Director of Migration Policy for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, who said, “We have to put our money where our mouth is in this country. We tell other countries to protect human rights and accept refugees, but when we get a crisis on our border, we don’t know how to respond.”

Appleby presumes to speak for the American tax-payers when he refers to “our money” His title suggests that he should only speak for the money contributed by Roman Catholic laity, and the Roman Catholic Bishops.

Appleby is speaking for the American taxpayer whether we like it or not (98% of the USCCB’s budget is federal money, your money!), so he can’t speak for private Catholic donors because there aren’t enough of them paying his salary and footing the bill for the Bishops ‘good works.’

I have a theory too, that since the refugee contractors (the USCCB is the largest) didn’t get amnesty through Congress (S. 744, the Gang of Eight bill would have given them more clients for their federally-funded services) that they needed a new client base and the “children” fit the bill.

They were probably already staffing-up in anticipation of amnesty and thus in need of more of Caesar’s money.  When amnesty failed to get through the House they had to find another reason to tap the federal treasury—yup! the “children.”

Read Cary’s entire American Thinker piece by clicking here.

All of our coverage of the ‘Unaccompanied minors’ scam is here.

Globalists seek to change Nebraska and the ‘heartland’ with immigrants

They say that population declines in the Midwest can be fixed by pouring in more immigrants, and they have the resources to promote studies backing their argument.

But, isn’t this the same flawed thinking that has Europe in decline?  Didn’t France buy this argument a couple of decades ago and now is facing the whirlwind after having brought in the African immigrants to supposedly do the work, but who are instead destroying the French culture and society (not to mention pulling down the economy and bringing crime)?

Somalis protest against JBS Swift in Grand Island for not giving them special prayer break times. We wrote a lot about this five or six years ago.

Here is the disturbing news about something called the Chicago Council on Global Affairs that has Michelle Obama on its board of directors—see the list of directors!

From the Grand Island Independent:

[By the way, it makes me sad to see this about Grand Island, I once went there to see the Sandhill Crane migration—a typical American Midwest town in the ’70’s—ed]

Grand Island fits into a trend of Midwestern communities making efforts to ease the transition of immigrants and seeing population growth as a result.

Those conclusions can be seen in two reports issued by the Chicago Council of Global Affairs. One report, issued in September in a joint project with the American Immigration Council, is called “Reimagining the Midwest: Immigration Initiatives and the Capacity of Local Leadership.”


While “new Hispanic resident” does not necessarily mean “new immigrant,” most of the county’s growth in Hispanic residents has come from immigrants. Hall County and Grand Island also have added significant numbers of Sudanese, Somali and Asian refugees and immigrants during recent decades.

Reports like this one—Growing the Heartland—will be used as propaganda to convince American towns and cities that it is inevitable (and necessary!) that third-worlders will be moving in.   It is really all about global corporations, like meatpackers, needing cheap and abundant labor, and Leftists needing Democrat voters!

The “Growing the Heartland” report says the Davenport, Iowa-Illinois metropolitan area and the metropolitan areas of Duluth, Minn.; South Bend, Ind.; and Terre Haute, Ind., all owed 100 percent of their population gain to immigrants.

The Tri-State Chicago metropolitan area, as well as Akron, Ohio; Lansing, Mich.; St. Joseph, Mo.; and Sheboygan, Wis., all had population gains that were mostly attributable to immigration. Sheboygan led that list at more than 82 percent, while the remaining four areas owed about 54 percent of their population gains to immigration.

The report lists another 42 metropolitan areas with population growth partially attributable to immigration. They include Omaha, which owes 26 percent of its population growth to immigration, and Lincoln, which owes just more than 19 percent to immigration.

The report asserts population growth is a prerequisite for economic vitality: “Population decline threatens economic competitiveness, decreases the number of taxpayers and reduces political representation and influence at the federal level.”  [LOL! but what sort of political influence will the new immigrants have on the federal level? Democrats all?—ed]

The transition hasn’t gone smoothly in Grand Island!

I didn’t realize we had so many posts on Grand Island, Nebraska going back several years, check out the archive here.  See especially this post from 2010 where the police chief in the city says it is “chaotic anarchy” in GI with all the ethnic groups coming in.


Mexican government paying legal fees so illegal alien kids can stay in America

Now why would they do a thing like that?  Wouldn’t you think that they would need these young people in Mexico—aren’t they Mexico’s future?

Yes, they are—right here in the USA!  They are Mexico’s pipeline to American money!

Can you say remittances!

It is cheaper to assure Mexicans can stay and work in America by paying their legal bills than to have them come home empty-handed.

I remember first hearing about the desire of some Central American governments to keep Temporary Protected Status alive for Salvadorans (for instance) during the Bush years.  Bush even acknowledged in one news report I saw (can’t find it now) that the remittances sent ‘home’ to El Salvador kept the country’s economy propped up!

Why do you think Central American governments turned a blind eye when the ‘UACs’ stormed the US border this summer?

Remittance-receiving countries in 2010.

Here is the news I’m seeing everywhere about this Mexican dirty trick.  From Breitbart (via Drudge):

The government of Mexico is paying to help its citizens who are living illegally in the United States avoid deportation.

According to a report from National Public Radio, the Mexican government through its 50 consulates around the United States has been helping to fund low-income illegal immigrants to apply for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA — which shields illegal immigrants from deportation and allows them to work in the U.S.

NPR’s report details the story of Tania Guzman, an illegal immigrant who said the cost of applying for DACA worried her, but she was able to afford it after her pro-bono lawyer from Public Counsel told her she could access financial help from the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles.

Mexico paid for all Guzman’s attorney fees and application fees, according to NPR. In the end Guzman told NPR she paid just $50.

The report explains that since 2012, the year DACA began, the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles has assisted more then 260 Mexican illegal immigrants apply for protections under DACA.

Julian Escutia, an official with the Mexican Embassy in Washington, told NPR that it does not keep track of how many illegal immigrants’ DACA applications they fund, and that funding is “on a case-by case basis.”

“Our main objective is the well-being of our nationals wherever they are,” he said. “So what we want for them is that they are successful and really continue contributing to this country [the U.S.],” she told NPR.  [What a joke, it is all about the money for Mexico!—ed]

It is about remittances!  See this detailed report from the World Bank from this past spring entitled:

‘Remittances to developing countries to stay robust this year, despite increased deportations of migrant workers, says WB’

The next time you see one of those economic reports (promoted by the likes of “Welcoming America”) purporting to show that immigrants are an economic plus to a city—that they are working, paying taxes, starting businesses, and drawing federal welfare bucks to a city—check to see if the report includes how many US dollars those same immigrants are sending out of your city to their “home” country.  I wager that figure is never included in the analysis!

Regarding the graph:  Go to this Congressional report and see that in 2010 (a slow economic year!) $48 Billion US dollars in remittances flowed out of the country to the developing world.  I’m sure there are newer figures available, and that the number is much greater, but these graphs give you a good idea.

Also, see this post I wrote at PTPR in 2013—Money the principle driver of foreign governments’ interest in US “immigration reform.”

For all of our coverage of ‘Unaccompanied minors’ go here.

Update of sorts!  It is an older article, but a reader reminds us of this story from last month that is further evidence of Mexico and the Obama Administration protecting Mexico’s workers in America (US Signs Agreement with Mexico to Protect Mexican Workers–Including Illegals).

Eden Prairie, MN Somalis want taxpayers to provide more low-income housing (for their people)

Remember readers, if your town (or state—Wyoming!) is “welcoming” refugees (and is initially generous with social services) this is the inevitable outcome—aggressive refugees, once their numbers reach a sufficient level, will demand more from local taxpayers.

Community organizer Asad Aliweyd Director of the New American Academy in Eden Prairie: “…the need is huge.”

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

As an outer-ring, affluent suburb, Eden Prairie may seem an unlikely city to draw a growing refugee community. But 17 years ago, Somali-Americans like Asad Aliweyd moved there for its top-ranked schools, safe community and job opportunities.

Now, nearly two decades later, Eden Prairie has the third-largest Somali population in the Twin Cities, next to Minneapolis and St. Paul, according to the city, with an estimated 3,500 to 5,000 residents.

The Somali language is second only to English in Eden Prairie schools. The police department has its first Somali police reserve officer. And the city has Somali businesses, including a halal grocery store, and two mosques.

“Eden Prairie is more welcoming to Somalis than anywhere else,” said Aliweyd, a former math teacher who now runs a center providing classes for Somali youth and adults.

But he and other Somali leaders are pushing for more support from the city and school district, and for more affordable housing as the city plans for development along the future Southwest Corridor light-rail line. There, Aliweyd envisions a multicultural market like Minneapolis’ Midtown Global Market and more affordable apartments.

“In Eden Prairie, we are in an island,” he said of Somali resources. “If we weren’t here, no one would be doing this.”

City and school leaders say they are providing free resources to residents for everything from finding housing to filling out job applications, hosting a popular monthly program for Somali mothers and having Somali-speaking coordinators to help families.

We’re trying to help them out the best we can with limited budgets,” City Council Member Brad Aho said.  [Bend over!—ed]

There is a lot more in the article.  Go here to continue reading.

Here are our previous posts mentioning Eden Prairie.

Columbus, Ohio activists working hard on behalf of Somalis looking for good affordable housing, here.

See one of our top posts for all time, from 2011Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?—and thank the US State Department, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and World Relief Minnesota for dropping the original Somali seed community into the fertile ground of a generous, welfare-rich, state.