Poll: Most Brits do not want to 'welcome' more refugees, especially Muslims

This information didn’t surprise me at all, but why I found it so worthy of posting is that once again we have the “charity” Islamic Relief involved.  They did the poll.
We told you about Islamic Relief USA plowing funds into the US refugee program just last week, here (please read it!).
Even if our ‘leaders’ don’t get it, the Islamists understand how significant the Hijra is to the advancement of Islam throughout the West!

Islamic Relief UK director Jehangir Malik (right): “….public attitudes towards Muslims are hugely negative and attitudes towards refugees have hardened significantly.” Photo: http://www.radicalmiddleway.org/event/rethinking-charity

From the UK Independent (emphasis is mine):

Almost half of British people think refugees – including those who have escaped the civil war in Syria – should be turned away from the UK, new research has revealed.

In what Islamic Relief said was a “dramatic hardening of views” against people displaced by war, a poll commissioned by the charity and compiled by YouGov showed that 42 per cent of Britons do not think foreign nationals seeking safety from conflict or persecution should be welcomed to UK shores. Last year, a similar survey found that 31 per cent of Britons believed the UK should not let refugees in.

When it comes to the Syrian crisis specifically, attitudes are even more steadfast – 47 per cent of the 6,000 people polled said the UK should not provide refuge. Only 29 per cent were in favour.


Islamic Relief believes part of the problem could be linked to an increasingly negative view of Muslim people.  [no kidding!—ed] As the religious holy month of Ramadan begins, the organisation wants to celebrate the role British Muslims play in society, and the donations they give to fund aid.

“The results of this poll are extremely worrying because they show that public attitudes towards Muslims are hugely negative and attitudes towards refugees have hardened significantly,” said Islamic Relief UK director Jehangir Malik.


The research sample found a crucial difference in public agreement to house refugees. While 34 per cent of people said they think refugees should be welcomed, just 29 per cent said the same when asked about those from Syria and the Middle East.

It also asked respondents what three words or phrases people associate with the term Muslim, and found perceptions portrayed a “worrying” trend. The top answer, at 12 per cent, was “terrorism”. Other words that ranked highly were “misogynist” and “extremist”.

There is more, continue reading here.
How about a poll right here in America?
For more on the ‘Invasion of Europe,’ click here.

US readers!  We will be getting thousands of Syrian refugees placed in your states if you don’t act now and tell Congress NO!  If you live in one of the states represented by the 14-member Jihad Caucus you must hound them too!

And, if you think the proposal to bring 65,000 Syrians to the US in the remaining months of the Obama Presidency is so crazy it would never happen, think again!

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