Editorial: New Zealand should take more refugees!

Resist! New Zealand resist!

The Otago district on the Southern island of New Zealand. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otago

New Zealand, mostly due to its location, has dodged the refugee/asylum-seeker bullet so far, but a movement is afoot to open New Zealand to the joys of diversity by increasing slowly (at first) the number of refugees it would accept from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

Here is an editorial at the Otaga Daily Times.   Remember readers that the UN is not pressuring Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, or China to accept refugees—it is really only western countries that are being pressured into opening their borders to masses from the third world.

A cry is regularly made for New Zealand to increase its refugee quota. This country each year accepts approximately 750 through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).


But, as a good global citizen, for our own respect and because of our leadership position as a member of the United Nations Security Council, New Zealand can do more.

Prime Minister John Key has been resisting any such push.

In this he might be close to the pulse and fears of many New Zealanders, whatever the majority of publicised views.


A rapid increase in numbers accepted could well undermine the goodwill and capacity of the community – volunteers do a lot of work with refugees – and leave many with insufficient support and set up to fail.

What could be achieved, however, is a careful and staged increase at first to, say, 1000 a year and then beyond.

To our New Zealand readers, you must say NO to this idea.  Tell them you will consider 1,000 when Saudi Arabia takes in (permanently!) 1,000 impoverished African Muslims!  Or, when the Chinese give shelter and citizenship to 1,000 Syrians!  (That won’t happen until hell freezes over!)
An afterthought!  For comparison, don’t forget that the US is being pressured into taking 65,000 Syrians before the end of 2016, in addition to the 70,000 refugee flow from around the world we normally get.

Propaganda campaign to bring 65,000 Syrians to your towns heating up!

Somehow I must make everyone of you understand how critical this is right now.
The refugee resettlement contractors, the humanitarian industrial complex, the United Nations and 14 US Senators (the Jihad Caucus!) are working day and night to tell the world that America is bad because we have not opened the floodgates to tens of thousands of UN-chosen, mostly Sunni Muslim refugees!

Director Human Rights First: We want 65,000 Syrians admitted to the US NOW! The fact that the US has not started the flow in a big way is a huge embarrassment to the “humanitarians” and to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

Here is one more story, this time at IRIN (a “humanitarian” news outlet connected to the UN) entitled: ‘How US is failing Syrian refugees.’

Human rights groups, members of Congress and city planners are among those trying to persuade President Barack Obama to allow more Syrians to settle here. However, security concerns, anti-immigration sentiment and bureaucratic hurdles all stand in the way.

It has taken the world a long time to acknowledge that most of the 12 million Syrians displaced – inside and outside their country – by the five-year civil war will not be going home anytime soon. Neighbours Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey have absorbed nearly four million Syrians between them. Other countries have been slower to step up to the plate, particularly in terms of pledging to take some of the 88,000 Syrian refugees allocated for resettlement by the UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR.

Twenty-eight countries have so far agreed to take in 62,000 of them – with Germany taking nearly half.

These are phony baloney numbers.  I’ve been watching the European situation and there is a lot of talk about Germany accepting tens of thousands of Syrians, but it has not happened!   And, besides, Germany says it isn’t going to take them permanently, as we do, but wants them to return to Syria at some point in the future.

Also, the UN wants some countries, especially the US, to start the flow in a big way so they can guilt-trip other countries into following suit.  It is important that you help stop this madness!

The US has not committed to a specific number, but Larry Yungk, senior resettlement officer with UNHCR in Washington, said it is expected to take in only 35 percent of the 13,000 individual cases submitted for consideration by his agency. The protracted US security clearance process, which involves additional checks for Syrians, means it is likely to be at least another two years before the refugees set foot on American soil.

“This is just too little and too slow for a country that should be a global leader,” said Eleanor Acer, from Human Rights First, which is advocating for the US to take in 65,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016.

Read it all.

The article goes on to promote that dumb idea of bringing 50,000 Syrians to re-populate Detroit!

I don’t care how hopeless your representatives in Washington may be, but please, please express your concerns to them!

Please everyone reading this, call your Member of Congress and Senators starting today and continue next week.  Tell them NO—do not admit Syrian Muslim refugees who will, of course, be planted in your towns and cities across the entire country!

See my latest Youtube video and send it to everyone you know. It is short and explains to Americans what they need to do and why.


Stickin'-it to Rep. Trey Gowdy, US State Dept. contractor World Relief brings first refugees to Spartanburg

Update June 6th: World Net Daily wrote about this yesterday, here.  Also, be sure to see the exchange of comments to this post which we highlight here.
It is not really World Relief so much as the Obama State Department and Secretary of State John Kerry.  Gowdy had asked that no refugees be resettled in his district until his many questions had been answered to his satisfaction.   See our post yesterday about the inadequate response Gowdy has received so far.

Resettlement of refugees from DR Congo well underway. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/03/04/us-resettlement-of-tens-of-thousands-of-un-chosen-congolese-refugees-well-underway/

The refugees from DR Congo*** resettled in Spartanburg apparently about a week or so ago could just as easily have been taken to any one of 190 (more!) cities in the US, but clearly the State Department is sending a message to Gowdy—(expletive you!).

As we said previously, Spartanburg is pivotal in the battle for determining who controls the resettlement process—will the UN/US State Department ram third-worlders down the throats of small town America, or will cities and states play any role in the present secretive resettlement process?

Just a reminder!  Rep. Trey Gowdy is not just any Congressman with concern for his district, he is Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee responsible for the refugee program!

If anyone has any power in Congress on this issue, it is Gowdy.  The question is, is he willing to exercise his power?

Here is the latest from GoUpstate.

In this pivotal showdown, score one for Secretary of State John Kerry!

Spartanburg churches are welcoming refugees who recently arrived here.

Jason Lee, director of World Relief Spartanburg, said two refugees from the Congo arrived in Spartanburg in late May. He would not provide a specific date, citing security reasons. He pointed out that they are persecuted.

Meanwhile, Rep. Trey Gowdy called the U.S. State Department’s response to his latest questions about a resettlement agency’s plan to sponsor refugees in Spartanburg “sorely inadequate.”

Gowdy has invited the federal agency to brief elected officials on the refugee resettlement.

The Republican congressman issued a statement Wednesday after receiving the State Department’s response.

Gowdy has written the federal agency twice to obtain details about plans to sponsor refugees in Spartanburg. World Relief, a faith-based refugee resettlement agency, opened a Spartanburg office earlier this year. The state Department of Social Services approved Spartanburg as a new refugee resettlement site, according to the State Department’s response.

World Relief Spartanburg has been authorized to resettle up to 60 refugees in the 2015 fiscal year.  [FY2015 ends on September 30, 2015, so they should be coming in pretty quickly now—ed]

There is a lot more, continue reading here.

Here is my question:  Is the US State Department getting even with Gowdy over Benghazi? 

***The Congolese

Asst. Secretary of State for Population Refugees and Migration: We will take most of the 50,000 from DR Congo that the UN wants us to take!

We are assuming that Jason Lee is referring to refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo), a poor corrupt country in central Africa, and not simply the Congo.
In 2013 Asst. Secretary of State Anne Richard reported that the UN wants 50,000 from the DR Congo resettled over the next few years and that we will take most of them.
If you visit the State Department’s data base, here, we have admitted only 34 refugees from the Congo this fiscal year, but 2,921 this fiscal year so far from DR Congo.  So again, we assume Spartansburg’s new American “seedlings” are from DR Congo.
The majority from the DR Congo are not Muslims although a few are as we reported here.
A large number from DR Congo are abused women and children.  We learned, here, that many of the women need extensive mental health care due to the abuse they have suffered.
By the way, the UN is always in a hurry to clean out its camps and send refugees to the first world rather than waiting out conflicts and then returning refugees to their homes or to countries with a similar culture.  However, in the irony of ironies, they are not in any hurry to resettle Palestinians (that is good for us!) leaving them in ‘camps’ on the border of Israel in order to harass that country for the last 6 decades.
For new readers, our original post on Spartanburg, with updates, may be found here.

Baltimore: Taking care of refugee kids at the expense of poor African American kids?

Recently we told you that the refugee resettlement contractors are pouring third world poor people into a caldron of poverty and violence in Baltimore.
Does that make any sense to anyone?  One of the most frequently asked questions I get when speaking to a group just being introduced to our 35-year-old refugee program is: Why aren’t we taking care of our own poor people first?

Yikes! While researching this story I found this. Islamic Relief USA working with Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlins-Blake to help refugees get established in Baltimore. http://www.irusa.org/press-releases/rebuilding-a-city-rebuilding-lives-baltimore-welcomes-refugees/

Here is one more example of how money is being thrown at the refugee population when Baltimore is a hell-hole where we learned the African American community is not thrilled by the cultural diversity inserted into their neighborhoods.
Thanks to reader Joanne for sending it.  I wonder what this program costs the taxpayers?

Who We Are

The Baltimore City Community College Refugee Youth Project seeks to improve the lives of Baltimore’s youngest refugees by supporting their academic needs and making their acculturation simple and meaningful.

RYP is committed to its mission of creating a safe environment for refugee children to improve their literacy skills, enhance their knowledge of American culture, engage in enriching extracurricular activities, and grow to be confident, caring individuals.

~Furnish homework help, enhancing core academic skills, in a safe after-school space

~Provide refugee youth general and targeted practice of the English language

~Prevent high school refugees from dropping out and assist high school seniors with transitioning to college or a career program

~Promote creative self-expression to build self-esteem, foster a sense of community among diverse populations and explore themes of cultural identity

~Educate the Baltimore community about young refugees and their families being resettled in the surrounding area

What We Do

Since 2003, the Refugee Youth Project has been providing quality after-school and mentoring programs for newly-arrived refugees between the ages of 4 and 21. It was established when refugee and asylee parents taking adult ESL (English as a Second Language) classes at Baltimore City Community College became concerned with the academic success of their children. RYP began with one site and 12 children and has since expanded to meet the needs of over 300 pre-K through 12th grade students in Baltimore City and Baltimore County.

The Refugee Youth Project currently serves newcomers from over 17 different countries, including Bhutan, Burma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mauritania and Sudan.

I haven’t the time to do the research, but if you do, please check and see if there is federal money involved here for Baltimore City Community College.  Surely there are state and local tax dollars being spent.

About the photo:

I told you here that the questionable Muslim charity—Islamic Relief USA—was helping Syrian refugees get established in Kentucky.
Please go to the Clarion Project and learn about how this huge charity is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood!

Is Islamic Relief USA helping fund refugee resettlement in your city or town? 

Please read about the Modern Day Trojan Horse—Muslim immigration!

Alabama: Massive food stamp fraud bust; some of your money went to Yemen

Longtime readers know that the subject of food stamp fraud perpetrated by immigrant managers and owners of mom & pop convenience stores has been a hobby of mine here at RRW.  I have probably written a hundred posts on the topic over the years after I witnessed it happening near where I live in 2007 (at the same time the refugees were arriving here).

Alabama food stamp fraud
Nine of 17 arrested in Alabama yesterday on food stamp fraud charges. Your tax dollars were sent to Yemen!

Recently, I haven’t written much on the subject simply because there are not enough hours in the day.   And, it is a side issue because, although refugees are heavily using food stamps, most of the perps running these stores are not refugees but got in to the US through other mostly LEGAL means.
Also, in one of the last posts I wrote on the multi-million dollar fraud, here in November 2014, I begged someone wishing to become a blogger to please take on food stamp fraud (trafficking in food stamps) as a primary investigative focus.  It is huge!
If they gave Pulitzer Prizes for bloggers, a blogger who unravels this huge international scam on America could win the prize!  I am convinced it isn’t happening as isolated cases and that the scams are hatched abroad.

What is the legal immigration program that admits all of these foreign “investors” to the US?  Here is your chance to help save America—find out how it is being done!

Maybe someone could get Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) to look into this!

A reader sent me this story about the massive bust in Alabama yesterday!

A couple of steaks shoplifted at a Gardendale Walmart three months ago led to the biggest food stamp fraud investigation in Jefferson County’s history, and launched 11 simultaneous raids this morning at convenience stores countywide.

Led by the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office, teams of law enforcement officers met at 5 a.m. for a briefing and then fanned out across the county beginning at 6:50 a.m. The officers and agents were armed with 242 arrest warrants and plans to arrest 17 suspects.

All 17 suspects were in custody by mid-morning, and investigators already today have filed for forfeiture and condemnation of those 11 stores, which totals more than $1 million in assets.

“This is huge for us,” said Jefferson County District Attorney Brandon Falls.

The massive probe, dubbed Operation T-bone, targeted those they say have been cheating the food stamp system to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars and sending at least some of the profits via wire transfer to Yemen.


How big is the problem? “It is enormous. It is pervasive,” Raulston said. “We actually had to cut off the number we were going to prosecute this round, and this will be an ongoing investigation and prosecution for our office.”

When I followed food stamp fraud regularly there was a very clear pattern when one examined the names of those arrested!

Those arrested in today’s raids are: Jowher Almnasoob, Abdulrahman Alqublani, Ismail Hassan Elnaham, Saleh Yahya Rowaid, Ramzi Jowher Ali Almansoob, Mujahed Jowher Ali Almansoob, Bashir Abosaleh Mohamed, Fouad Zamzami, Muneer Zindani, Sufyan Saleh, Mansoor Almansoob, Audrey Morris, Jerry Brown, Keith Lee Lucas, Travis Wayne Holmes, Murad Nooruddin and Mable Olympia Kirksey.

I can assure you that this is going on in all 50 states!  See our extensive archive on food stamp fraud by clicking here.