NEO Philanthropy launders millions of dollars to promote "social change" by changing the people

This is another in our series we call—know the opposition.

Michele Lord, co-President of NEO Philanthropy, working from New York City, funneling big money to change your towns and cities.

A reader recently sent me a Form 990 here for something called NEO Philanthropy which includes a list of dozens and dozens of NO borders groups and immigrant and refugee promoting groups they fund.
As a matter of fact, you should use the list starting on page 35 of the Form 990 as a guide to figure out who organizes against you, American citizens, in your communities.
We bring you this information so that you know, as you build your ‘pockets of resistance,’ that the other side, working with Obama, is rolling in millions of dollars of laundered money to work against you, to change your towns and to change the electorate.  But, do not be discouraged! Take heart and understand you are the David working against their Goliath. (We know how that story ended!)
Use this information to understand who they are.

Why launder money through an organization like this?

There are large private donors who do not want their names associated with groups on this list, so they send their millions to NEO Philanthropy which then doles it out.
We recognize some of the ‘social change’ groups listed on their many pages of groups they fund.  And, by the way, there are groups associated with education and gay rights as well.
Here are just a few we are familiar with (the dollars in parenthesis are for this one year–2013!):

Arab Community Center ($100,000)

Casa de Maryland ($270,000)

Center for American Progress ($175,000)

Colorado Immigrant Rights ($360,725)

Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights ($290,000)

Mass. Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition ($210,000)

La Raza ($275,000)

National Immigration Forum ($85,000)

Sojourners ($150,000)

Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition ($469,000)

Welcoming America ($89,000)

The list goes on and on (here).  You might find one in your city or state that you had no idea was even there!

Below is more about NEO from the mouth of its co-President, Michele Lord.

Oh, and one more thing, one branch of NEO is the Four Freedoms Fund originally started by George Soros, see here.
From Skaggscreative (whatever that is!):

Michele Lord
Co-President, NEO Philanthropy

Michele Lord is one of the two presidents of NEO Philanthropy (her co-president is Berta Colón), an innovative non-profit that advances social change. Together, Lord and Colón have created an organization that offers a range of services—organizing collaborative funds and spearheading donor advised funds, to name two—that help donors make visible and lasting change in the social justice space. The goal, Lord says, “is to meet people where they are, and maybe by going there, and going a little deeper there, they may be interested in doing something else. That’s how we see our value-add. It’s a much deeper conversation.” To continue plumbing the depths, read on!

When I first heard of your organization, you were being rebranded. What prompted that change?

The organization has been around for 30 years. Before I came on fourteen years ago, it had a reputation of being a fiscal sponsor. It didn’t have any staff. It didn’t have any budget. We were the backroom for lots of organizations that didn’t have their own 501(c)(3). [Groups that did not want to report to the IRS!—ed]

What do you mean when you say backroom?

We provided financial support, management support and legal support. A lot of groups didn’t want to get their own 501(c)(3). So they couldn’t get foundation dollars. We were able to do it for them. We did their HR as needed, their accounting, all of that. We were known as Public Interest Projects then. I had been working for a very wealthy family in their family office, and I’d become very interested in the whole collaborative idea, of foundations coming together and capitalizing a fund, so that they could do their grantmaking together around a particular strategy. When I came on board, I was very interested in creating a model that would do it differently and better than where I was. We started with one collaborative fund, and now we’ve done over twelve of them. We still work as a fiscal sponsor, and we also do donor advised funds.

So that shift in focus is what inspired you to change the name?

The name Public Interest Projects was essentially picked out of a hat. The original founder, Donald Ross, wanted the organization to be under the radar so that people wouldn’t necessarily know what it did. Before I came, we were always in the back, never in the front. Once we started developing our work, the name became confusing to people. It didn’t say who we were, and it didn’t say anything about our values.

Continue reading here.
To see others in our latest series about those working to change your towns and cities by colonizing them with immigrants and refugees, visit our category The Opposition here.

Greece in chaos as 50,000 refugees arrive in the country in July alone

Invasion of Europe news…..

What do you think? Could there be some planning in this invasion?

From Malta Today:

The Greek islands of Kos, Chios and Lesbos are in “total chaos” due to a heavy influx of refugees, the UN’s refugee agency UNHCR have warned.

The organisation said that around 50,000 migrants arrived in Greece in July alone, more arrivals than in the whole of 2014. The majority of them are refugees fleeing the wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

UNHCR European Director, Vincent Cochetel said that refugee facilities on the Greek islands are “totally inadequate” and called on the EU to do more to ease Greece off its burden.

“On most of the islands there is no reception capacity, people are not sleeping under any form of roof, so it’s total chaos on the islands,” he said. “After a couple of days they are transferred to Athens, there is nothing waiting for them in Athens.”

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras admitted that his country was unable to cope and that Greece’s economic problems meant it was facing a humanitarian “crisis within a crisis”.

Meanwhile in the US, the border flood is apparently underway again as July numbers reveal, here.
Go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.