As you probably have gathered, I’ve been away. Am back now and trying to get a handle on so much news that happened while I was out of the country. I was able to sneak in a few minutes to post in the last ten days, as you’ve seen, and am frankly surprised to see that our readership did not drop off while posting was light.
I see my first youtube is over 1.3 million views, and my second one (about the 65,000 Syrians the UN and its operatives want to plant in America) is incorporated into a petition at GoPetition. To learn more, please visit my earlier post this morning and consider signing it!
Here are the Top Three Posts of the last week (Top Daily Posts are in the right hand side bar):
Here are the Top Ten Countries from which readers arrived at RRW this week (excluding the US):
EU (don’t ask me why wordpress is now counting EU visitors as somehow separate from the individual countries)
For New Readers: In many previous weekly roundups, we have given further information on how to get the most out of your visits to RRW. For the sake of time (there is so much happening I need to get posted),go here and scroll down to the new reader information.
Update: When I signed earlier this morning I was #58 and just a few hours later we are at 247. So, please help spread the word!
A petition is circulating at GoPetition that asks you to tell elected officials at all levels of government that decisions, to “plant” third worlders in your towns and cities, rest with the local citizens and the local elected government and not with edicts from Washington.
The petition is here. And, if you would like to join the national grassroots effort to protect your communities from colonization, go here.
To my knowledge, this is the first time anything like this is being organized on the national level!
Here is a portion of the description of the problem from GoPetition:
The federal Refugee Resettlement (RR) program is operated today by the Global Left, the UN, Islam, and religious frauds. The goal is to Change America by Changing its People.
As a result, we are drowning in refugees who are destroying our Constitutional freedoms, overburdening our welfare system and posing a genuine national security threat.
Will you as an American citizen stand up and fight this national suicide via LEGAL IMMIGRATION?
By signing this petition, you are telling your Governor, Congress and state representatives:
• I will not tolerate giving my tax dollars to secretly “planted”, unvetted refugees that would otherwise go to aid poor families in my community.
• I demand you do your job by representing the Will of The People rather than the Resettlement industry that may be funding your campaigns.
Continue here. If you feel more comfortable, you can be anonymous, but please sign it! Go hereto see who has already signed. And, check out the very cool interactive map that will hopefully be filled in by thousands of you signing the petition.
We’ve seen this coming for some time—the word-police are out in force and want to be sure you stop using certain words to describe the “invasion” of Europe.
By the way, “invasion” is one of those words you are NOT to use, which is precisely why we won’t stop using it!
According to Al Jazeera, any “migrant” on the move even for economic reasons or for nefarious reasons is to be called a “refugee.”
We are seeing it right here in America as the illegal alien kids are rushing (LOL! swarming!) the US southern border and the Obama Administration and the resettlement contractors refer to them as “refugees” or “asylum seekers.”
Here is the Washington Post telling us about Al Jazeera:
Reading a British tabloid newspaper in 2015, you might wonder if Europe was again at risk of being conquered by the Mongol Empire. The continent is under “siege,” the papers report, facing an “invasion” from a “horde.” Parts of Europe have become like a “war zone,” they say, as “marauding” foreigners “swarm” the borders. The reality, of course, is that there is no army at the gates. The migrants that cause Europe such angst aren’t arriving in warships. Instead, most arrive in a human trafficker’s dinghy, if they arrive at all.
It’s not hard to see that using sort of language could have a dangerous impact on the discourse surrounding migrants. “Words that convey an exaggerated sense of threat can fuel anti-immigration sentiment and a climate of intolerance and xenophobia,” Alexander Betts, director of the Refugee Studies Center at Oxford University, told WorldViews recently. Critically analyzing the derogatory words used to describe migrants is clearly prudent, but some want to go even further: Last week, Al Jazeera English broke with other major news organizations to announce that it was ditching the word “migrant.”
“The umbrella term migrant is no longer fit for purpose when it comes to describing the horror unfolding in the Mediterranean,” Barry Malone, the online editor of Al Jazeera English, explained in a blog post. “It has evolved from its dictionary definitions into a tool that dehumanises and distances, a blunt pejorative.” Instead, Malone wrote, his news organization would use the term “refugee” to describe those crossing the Mediterranean. “Migrant is a word that strips suffering people of voice,” Malone concluded. “Substituting refugee for it is – in the smallest way – an attempt to give some back.”
For more and for embedded links go here.
By the way, the word “refugee” holds an even greater meaning when one understands that in much of the first world it entitles those so designated to be given welfare goodies of all sorts.
I kind of like some of those words in the first paragraph, words like “swarm!” I’ll have to remember that one for future use.
Editor: This is a letter written by a concerned citizen of South Carolina. It is an open letter to the Spartanburg County Council. The council may have no legal way to stop the US State Department (or so we are told), but if the Council voted to say they were not supportive of the effort to bring in impoverished people from the third world (because Spartanburg has its own poor minority) it would go a long way to persuade the US State Department to go elsewhere.
As of this writing I haven’t seen an update of what happened with meetings in Spartanburg when theUS State Department sent its top dog to a town that has developed a ‘Pocket of Resistance’to World Relief/UN/US State Department plans to establish an immigrant seed community there.
I did see an excellent commentary at Fits News. Go here for an opinion in advance of the meetings yesterday and Monday.
By remaining silent the Spartanburg County Council will allow these two to determine the future of Spartanburg: Asst. Sec. of State Anne Richard and UNHCR Antonio Guterres, former head of Socialists International.
Below is the letter from Beverly Owensby. The sentiment she expresses here is one all of you concerned about being labeled “unwelcoming” or unchristian should pay attention to. It is a view we have expressed here many times over the years—true Christian charity is using one’s own time and money to help the poor preferably where they live. Or, if one adopts, or supports an immigrant child or family, one uses one’s own resources and doesn’t dump the responsibility on the taxpayer.
An open letter:
After spending hundreds of hours on fact based research, the current REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT program is nothing more than an AMERICAN INVASION. Many are exploiting the compassion of Christians to trick them into accepting the REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAM as the right thing to do to protect Christians from being persecuted. This is so far from the truth. Based on the U.S. State Department website, the majority of REFUGEES are Muslims. Why? The UNITED NATIONS is responsible for selecting who comes to America. GEORGE SOROS is spending billions of dollars to ensure the success of this program. If the United Nations and George Soros cared about Christians, they would have done something to prevent ISIS from killing so many Christians in the Middle East and other parts of the world.
Beverly Owensby in Spartanburg yesterday.
The United States is $18 Trillion Dollars in Debt and cannot afford to pay for REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT! The United States is on the verge of an economic collapse that will destroy America. The REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT program is designed to push America over the edge. The influx of ILLEGALS coming across our Southern Border and entering the U.S. along with the REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT program are by design to overload the system.
Christians who want to help the REAL PERSECUTED CHRISTIAN can contact a Mission Board and let them know they are willing to house and provide total financial support for an individual or family. THIS IS TRUE CHRISTIAN COMPASSION…. NOT FAKE CHRISTIAN COMPASSION! ….
Beverly Owensby
What would Jesus do? I suspect he would throw the money changers (federal contractors, including the US Catholic Bishops!) out of the temple.
For new readers, go here for a background (with some updates) on what happened in Spartanburg beginning last spring when it was learned it would be targeted for colonization. For a complete archive on Spartanburg posts, go here.
Again, not enough time to give you all the ins and outs of these cases, you need to read this story yourselves. Thanks to a reader for sending it! For those of you thinking that this is Minnesota’s problem, think again!
The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement is giving grants to some of the nine major federal contractors and subcontractors responsible for resettling refugees to help refugee women set up dare care facilities to provide “culturally appropriate” day care in towns where you live (see below)! BTW, they are basically using your tax dollars to compete with American women who might want to become day care providers. And, you might want to ask, well what about assimilating to America if they are placing Somali kids only in Somali run day care centers? Where is the multiculturalism in this?
From Alphanews:
Since the Minnesota Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) fully-staffed their new child care fraud investigative unit in the spring of 2014, they’ve worked with the FBI to shutter daycare centers around the state. Of the cases that have hit the news since then, all have involved Somali-run businesses.
Hirsi gets one year in jail and must repay $300,000, but I bet you a buck that the money she scammed Minnesotans out of has long since left the country!
Khadra Abdisafad Hirsi, 47, was the director and co-owner of Ace Daycare Center in Eden Prairie. In February, Hirsi pleaded guilty to knowingly submitting fraudulent claims to the state of Minnesota’s Child Care Assistance Program. From November of 2011-May of 2013, Hirisi inflated the number of children using her daycare’s services and fraudulently obtained $300,000 in payments from the state of Minnesota and the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services. Earlier this month Hirsi was sentenced to one year and one day in federal prison and ordered to pay $300,000 in restitution.
Deqo daycare center, which had three locations in Apple Valley, St. Paul, and Minneapolis was shut down in 2013 due to licensing violations and prosecutors charged husband and wife Ahmed Aden Mohamed and Yasmin Abdulle Ali for bilking the state out of nearly $3.7 million, $3.1 million of which was collected from April 2012-January 2013. The duo had recruited more than 100 parents to enroll their own children in the program.
There is much more here.
Now be sure to visit the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Microenterprise Development—Home Based Child Care program where your tax dollars are handed out in grants to help Somalis (and other refugees) become day care owners and operators. Go hereand be sick!
And, I suspect that the contractor administering the grant is not audited to determine where exactly this money is spent! People ask me all the time how can a contractor make enough money simply by collecting the per-head payment for each refugee they resettle. Well, it is grants like these that send more money into their coffers.