Amarillo, TX being destroyed by refugee overload

“Small ghettos” of competing ethnic groups have developed!

We have been writing about Amarillo, Texas (a ‘pocket of resistance’) for a couple of years (see our complete archive by clicking here).  Like so many meatpacking towns in America, federal refugee resettlement contractors*** got a foot hold there years ago (mostly working as ‘head hunters’ for the meatpacking industry) and have continued to pour third-worlders into Amarillo despite pleas by elected officials to STOP! (See our post just yesterday, here, about BIG MEAT).
***Update*** See more about Cargill, the meat giant, here.
***Update Jan. 15th*** For some reason this post went viral, please take a minute to read the comments esp. ‘7delta’s’ response to reader Keith Jones who said that sharia law is no threat to us.

Omar Jamal in Amarillo
Omar Jamal meets with Somali workers from Cargill after van rollover accident in 2012.

From (hat tip: Robin):

As Texas officials spar with Obama administration lawyers over refugee resettlement, Amarillo is building Muslim “ghettos.”

Under federal refugee programs, the North Texas town has become home to more than 1,000 Mideast migrants – giving Amarillo the highest refugee ratio in the country.

“Our education system is overloaded with kids who can’t speak English. We have something like 22 languages spoken in our schools,” said William Sumerford, a local taxpayer activist.

City Commissioner Randy Burkett is considering a plan to halt further refugee settlements. Burkett could not be reached, but Mayor Paul Harpole isn’t optimistic about the city’s authority to push back.

“We’ve been a giving community, and it’s a huge disservice to bring in refugees in numbers that we’re not able to handle. We create small ghettos,” Harpole told

Why do Somalis need their own government within American cities?  It is about Sharia Law! This is how it begins!

“A group of Somalis came in to say they had elected a mayor of their community,” Harpole related. “Then another faction claimed they had their own leader. We come to find out that rival tribes — slaves and masters — were being settled together.”


Mayor Harpole said the city’s schools are particularly hard hit.

“We have 660 (refugee) kids who don’t speak English and the U.S. Department of Education says they have to be at grade level within one year. It’s a ludicrous requirement — they don’t even know how to use the bathroom,” Harpole said. Washington pays schools $100 per refugee student per year.

There is much more at
See also our three part series on Texas, here, from last year.
And, here is a recent post about Cargill caving to Somali demands regarding prayer break times.  Cargill is one of four meat giants destroying America towns and cities as they lure cheap refugee labor to your community.
Photo:  I can’t believe it, Omar Jamal, was acting once again like the Somali ‘Jesse Jackson’ here in 2012.  I bet we have mentioned Jamal in 50 posts (more!) here at RRW over the years.  He was originally an illegal alien, but was never deported and he manages to get to every hot spot in America as the voice of Somalis.
*** Click here and scroll down to Texas to see which Refugee Resettlement contractors are working there.

Foreign operatives and foreign-owned businesses changing America by changing the people

The Wall Street Journal’s Miriam Jordan gives us a peak inside the employment services that the nine major refugee resettlement contractors offer American businesses.
I just want to scream when I see stories like this—what about Americans who might like to own a small business or need work?
Everyone working in ‘pockets of resistance’ must begin to expose the businesses in your city and state that work with refugee contractors to displace American workers. And, don’t forget the Chamber of Commerce!  It is all about keeping wages low!

David Miliband, the former British Foreign Secretary (bff Hillary) is changing America by changing the people as CEO of the financially largest US refugee resettlement contractor. He wants 100,000 Syrians in here by the end of Obama’s term.

And, then be sure to find out which elected officials are receiving campaign donations from those same businesses—expose them!
You also must check out the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s micro-enterprise loan program which gives grants to contractors like the International Rescue Committee so they can be big shots and hand those loans out to their refugee ‘clients.’ The story says that the IRC is dishing out $4 million in loans to refugees, but if you could ever get to the bottom line, I will bet you find that most of the $4 million comes through federal and state taxpayers’ pockets.
See the story at the Wall Street Journal and take note of the businesses in Ohio and Kentucky that are working with a federal resettlement contractor to get the cheap refugee labor.  It is all the more galling when you know the cheap hourly wages are being supplemented with your welfare dollars in the form of subsidized housing, Medicaid, and food stamps.


Jordan mentions JBS Swift & Co. hiring refugees in the Louisville, KY area.  Swift is a Brazilian-owned company.

Swift CEO is Andre Nogueira a Brazilian, changing America by changing the people! See all others who are helping bring refugee laborers to your towns.

Think about it, a Brazilian company is changing your American town by bringing in cheap immigrant/refugee laborers with the help of federal government supposedly ‘religious’ refugee contractors!
Click here to see where Swift & Co. is operating (and changing your community).
We first learned about the impact of meat packing in conjunction with the refugee industry here in 2008 when we learned about Bill Clinton bringing Bosnian ‘refugee’ labor to Iowa!
I was told repeatedly for years that meatpacking wages were excellent and American workers were very happy with the work until the industry discovered first cheap illegal immigrant labor and then legal immigrant labor, so I took a few minutes (and it only took a few!) to find out that it is factual—wages in meatpacking were excellent BEFORE the 1980’s.
(Related? Remember Hillary’s special little gig involving Tyson Foods)
Really someone should write a book:  

How the meatpacking industry demographically destroyed America!

So check this out.  Here is some information (and I will bet there is much more if someone really looked into it!) about how wages declined when the industry (now monopolized by four major companies) discovered CHEAP immigrant labor.

The average wage of animal slaughterers and processors remained comparatively strong from the 1960s through the early 1980s. The average wage earned by a meat packing employee during the 60s and 70s was 14-18 percent higher than their counterpart in the larger U.S. manufacturing sector. The peak average hourly wage of a meat packing employee during this period was nearly $20 an hour when adjusted for inflation.  [Remember Jordan reports that the refugees in KY are making about $10 an hour today—ed]


The 1980s were a transitional decade for America’s meat packing industry. Developments such as improved distribution channels allowed meat packing companies to move out of urban, union-dominated centers and relocate to rural areas closer to livestock feedlots. New industry powerhouses like Iowa Beef Processors (IBP) sought to undercut the competition by operating on slim profit margins, increasing worker speed and productivity, and cutting labor costs.

Please remember readers that this is all about MONEY (Democrat voters, and erasing borders)!

Forget the BS about how bringing refugees to America is all about humanitarianism!  

Germany: Face the facts! Not all refugees are saints!

No kidding!
Invasion of Europe news continues…..
The UK Independent has a couple of good follow-up pieces to the sexual assault news from New Years Eve in Cologne, Germany (and to a lesser degree in other parts of “welcoming” Germany).

Heiko Mass
German Justice Minister—how dare he use the word “pogram” to explain German anger at sex crimes by foreigners. Photo at June forum on Muslim reality in Germany.

Here is the first story from yesterday which tells us that the Muslim political activists are whining about the hateful Germans who want to preserve their culture and their country (imagine the nerve of them wanting to save Germany for Germans!).

In a narrow backstreet overlooking railway tracks, the 140 refugees who live in Cologne’s Hotel Mado say they are living in a climate of fear. An anti-foreigner backlash has come hard on the heels of the city’s New Year’s Eve attacks, which police have said were largely the work of Arab and north African immigrants.

On Sunday night, a lynch mob descended on the area surrounding Cologne’s landmark cathedral where 500 women were assaulted by apparently co-ordinated gangs 12 days ago. Two Pakistani men were badly beaten and three Guinean men and two Syrians were also injured. The attacks stopped only after busloads of police arrived on the scene.


Heiko Mass, the German Justice Minister, today warned of a potential anti-foreigner pogrom.


Germany’s main Muslim umbrella group, the Central Council for Muslims, said that it had been forced to cut off all phone lines after being inundated with abusive and racist calls and emails since the 31 December attacks.


Nineteen suspects have been positively identified by police. Ten were among the one million asylum seekers who have arrived in Germany in 2015, nine as recently as September. Seven were illegal immigrants and two unaccompanied juvenile refugees.

pope on Lampedusa
Never forget! In 2013, Pope Francis went to Lampedusa and welcomed the illegal aliens to Europe.

The Pope needs to shut up!  Sorry to sound so mean, but this Pope is largely responsible for the hell that has been unleashed on Europe!  I’m not going to let anyone forget that in 2013 he went to the shores of Italy and welcomed and blessed the hordes of illegal alien migrants coming ashore!

The Cologne attacks prompted Pope Francis to remark that the “immense influx” of refugees was “causing problems” but that Europe had the means to strike a balance between protecting citizens and helping refugees.

Continue reading here, there is lots of information.
See also this op-ed at the UK Independent by Sunny Hundal which basically says, surprise! All refugees are not saints and the Left better start facing up to that!
Here is one line from his sensible piece ( Will Pope Francis admit this?):

….refugees and asylum seekers aren’t angels, and the left should stop pretending they come without problems.

Hundal’s pragmatic appeal to the Left is—if they don’t start to get that point, the Right will control the message. My prediction: The political Left is never going to admit it and so I expect the anger on the Right to continue to grow. Adding fuel to the fire, there will be more such attacks, some may be worse because German authorities no longer have the will to save dear Deutschland.
For our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.