Just as Governor Sam Brownback did in Kansas this week, Texas should “opt-out” of the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and then when the feds put a ‘non-profit’ group in charge of making decisions that expend taxpayer dollars in the state—sue the feds on Tenth Amendment grounds. It is that simple (well sort of!).
Any governor in America who talks big about wanting to get the RAP under control in their state, isn’t doing anything (other than trying to appease voters) until he or she takes dramatic action—like withdrawing from the program altogether.
(For readers who don’t want to kill the program outright, dramatic action is the only thing that will bring enough controversy to even begin to see the smallest effort toward reform.)
This Breitbart headline (Texas Has No Authority Over Agencies That Resettle Refugees in State) and story caught my eye.
Texas is the top resettlement state in the nation and has a governor who has been attempting to protect the state, so why not go for the whole enchilada. (Congress should be protecting you, but it isn’t!)
Read the story here.
For new readers, know that these states (below) already withdrew (or never had a program) at one point in the past and are now so-called Wilson-Fish states whose refugee programs are run illegally and unconstitutionally by ‘non-profit’ groups hired by Washington.
By the way, experts tell me that the Wilson-Fish amendment to the Refugee Act of 1980 made no provision in the law for the federal agencies to pass the program off to unelected non-profit contractors of the federal government—one of many many cases where a federal agency (the Office of Refugee Resettlement in this case) simply made its own ‘law’ through regulations.
If you are in one of these states you must urge your governor/legislature to sue with a states’ rights claim.
I know you won’t get states like Vermont to demand their state’s rights, but heck then if they are that ‘welcoming,’ let the feds just send them all there.
(I saw news last night and tweeted it that the Rutland, VT mayor is welcoming 100 Syrians soon. Follow me on twitter for more news.)
Wilson-Fish states (Kansas is effectively on the list now too):
North Dakota
South Dakota
See my three part series on Texas from last summer by clicking here. Go here for everything we have said about Wilson-Fish.