See Death by Demography at American Resistance 2016!

marching-men 2When the new year began, I had such grandiose ideas that I would have time to write about the 2016 Elections at a new blog, American Resistance 2016!, but the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program is expanding exponentially and thus I haven’t found much time for that blog.
However, just now I pulled several pieces of information together about the migration, about the hijra, and how this election, perhaps since the founding, will have the most profound impact on America’s future than any other before it.
Check it out by clicking here.  Learn all you can about Islam and help spread the word about how it will not be compatible with Western Civilization once the Muslim population reaches critical mass (and that is a very tiny number—3-5% and demands for sharia law begin).
Update May 31: be sure to see Leo Hohmann’s story at WND about the huge numbers of green cards we are giving out to Muslims from all over the world, here.

Comment worth noting: reader wants map to show state per capita refugee arrivals

Reader TipTipTopKek asked the following in a comment to the post last night with the map of the US .  He/she wants to know which states receive the most refugees on a per capita basis.

I would love to see these raw numbers reconfigured in two different ways:

First, as a per capita number based on the total population of the State

Second, as a per capita number based on the NON-HISPANIC WHITE population of the State

My suspicion is that, generally speaking and with Wyoming as an obvious exception, the highest RAPEfugee flows have been into the WHITEST States.

Maybe some one of you is good with numbers, I’m not, however we have previously posted the map below which shows the distribution of refugees to states on a per capita basis, but we don’t know which states are the whitest. I’m guessing the Dakotas, Nebraska, Idaho and Vermont are examples of states with large white populations and they definitely are getting more than their share of refugees.  There is no doubt there is a method to the madness—the UN/US State Dept. is seeding diversity.

What is this you ask? It is a map distorted to show which states are disproportionately receiving refugees based on their overall populations for years 2009-2012.  The number in each state is the number of refugees resettled per existing residents of the state.

Editor: All of our ‘comments worth noting’ are archived here.

Testimony to the US State Department from John in Indiana

Editor: Yes! I know there are many more! I am still sorting my e-mail in search of the testimony you sent to the US State Department in response to the DOS request for public comment on the “size and scope” of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program for FY2017.
The day before the deadline for submission of testimony I noticed (maybe you were all ahead of me and noticed!) that the dates were wrong in the Federal Register.  I happened to see a comment sent by lawyers to the DOS asking that the comment period be re-opened because citizens, who might like to have testified, didn’t think the notice was for a comment period this year, but for last year.   See here.

From John:

Ms. Anne Richard
Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration
US State Department
Washington, DC

RE: FR 2016-09267

Dear Ms. Richard:

I have to believe that you do not realize the havoc you are creating across our great nation, or certainly you would take steps to alleviate it.

Your actions are resulting in overcrowded schools with resources stretched beyond the breaking point.

Your actions are causing communities to go nearly bankrupt because their resources are not sufficient to manage the multiple problems and needs of these new people.

Your actions are creating danger in the communities because these new people cannot obtain substantial work and hence are resorting to criminal activities.

Your actions are resulting in increases in unemployment among American workers because these new people are forced by necessity to work for substandard wages when they can find jobs.

Your actions are allowing the growing group of Islamic people to become even larger with the possible potential for Shari’ah to be instituted in parts of our country, a system of life that is totally at odds with our nation of freedom.

I could go on and on but I am sure that you are receiving many comments from other concerned citizens and are becoming aware of what we are worried about. We are simply not able to absorb the masses of people you are trying to bring into our communities. We have plenty of problems in our cities and towns and our money and talents should be directed to them.

Let the other countries deal with their problems and let us deal with ours. We are not, and should not be, the savior of all nations. If America is to survive as a sovereign country this massive and ill-advised immigration program must stop.

Yours with worry and concern,

This is the eighteenth testimony in our series leading up to the deadline for comments to the Dept. of State on May 19th.  Go here for where they are archived to see what your fellow citizens have said.
I intend to keep posting testimonies, a few a day, until I have exhausted my long list! I had no idea so many of you would respond to my offer!  But, thank you for your hard work!

Top resettlement states in last ten years

I was looking for something else and found this map. Don’t you just love that white hole in the middle—Wyoming!
As we have reported many times, the top states resettling refugees are Texas, California, New York, Florida and then Michigan, Illinois, Arizona and a couple of others vying for the #5 spot.
The map is for FY2006-FY2015:
map US top states

Testimony to US State Department from Adrienne in California

Editor: Yes! I am still combing through my hundreds of e-mails to find the testimony you sent to the US State Department in response to the DOS request for public comment on the “size and scope” of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program for FY2017.
The day before the deadline for submission of testimony I noticed (maybe you were all ahead of me and noticed!) that the dates were wrong in the Federal Register.  I happened to see a comment sent by lawyers to the DOS asking that the comment period be re-opened because citizens, who might like to have testified, didn’t think the notice was for a comment period this year, but for last year.   See here.

It is not selfish to put America First!

To PRM from Adrienne,

States should have final control over resettlement activities within their state borders. Until there is evaluation of and FULL DISCLOSURE of the costs and other impacts associated with resettling the thousands of refugees, I am strongly opposed to continuing the Refugee Admissions Program for 2017. The program should be suspended or put on hold until the costs and impacts have been revealed to the American public.

Schools are overburdened, with some now having 75 different languages. The education of our children will be impacted as teachers try to address the additional language, learning and emotional difficulties inherent in refugee children.

San Bernardino killer
There was a lot of information that should have been a red flag to those “vetting” the San Bernardino killer.

In addition to the burdens to the American people in more ways than just increased taxes, fewer jobs, and less care for our Veterans and Seniors, there is a danger in not properly vetting people from areas where there is a predominant ideology to destroy those who do not believe as they do.

I live not far from San Bernardino, where this ideology was espoused by terrorists who killed people who had just given him and his wife a baby shower! Isn’t this much like the good will extended to refugees as they settle in other towns? There was evidence from the wife’s Facebook page that she had pledged allegiance to ISIS.

Certainly we need to take the time to ensure that each individual refugee has a clean past. The vetting process MUST NOT be shortened to anything less than the 18-24 month standard. The responsibility to protect American citizens falls upon your department. Please do not let us down.

It is not selfish to put America first, because only when we are great can we lend a helping hand to those in need.

This is the seventeenth testimony in our series leading up to the deadline for comments to the Dept. of State on May 19th.  Go here for where they are archived to see what your fellow citizens have said.
I intend to keep posting testimonies, a few a day, until I have exhausted my long list! I had no idea so many of you would respond to my offer!  But, thank you for your hard work!
P.S. I should have mentioned it, but I have been adding photos and other images just to jazz up the plain text, I hope you all don’t mind!