First, if you don’t know, the Center for American Progress is John Podesta’s creation. Podesta has been a long time friend of George Soros and a svengali of sorts for both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Clearly the Center for American Progress is now deeply involved in the refugee controversy (and in helping businesses find immigrant labor to compete with Americans!) and has produced a report (propaganda!) about how refugees help economies boom!
(I’m guessing they didn’t include San Diego in their study!)
We previously wrote about Podesta and his Washington lobbying operation (CAP) here on several occasions.
Here is the Voice of America story that includes comments from Mayor Tim Mahoney who makes it sound like everything is sweetness and light with the refugees placed in Fargo, ND.
So who is really driving the resettlement of refugees in places like North Dakota? Big business? And, who are the 33 businesses looking for cheap, captive (because they can’t go home!) refugee labor in Fargo? Does anyone have a list?
During a panel discussion last week in Washington about refugee resettlement, advocates reviewed the importance of local government being part of helping newcomers become familiar with a new reality.

“While refugee resettlement is a matter of global importance, there’s need to find durable permanent solutions. This is not the time to pull back, but rather an opportunity to lead by example,” said Winnie Stachelberg, executive vice president of external affairs at the Center for American Progress.
Cities like Fargo, in North Dakota, are not “pulling back.” According to Mayor Tim Mahoney, the community has come together to help refugees recover and build new lives.
“We have a great growing city. Good economy and things are happening,” Mahoney said, adding that every year about 500 refugees move to Fargo.
“We have found them an important part of our work force …
Mahoney said the city has a network of 33 businesses “healthily” competing to have newcomers work for them.
Any BIG MEAT in N. Dakota? Poultry processors? That is what I would like to know!
Continue reading here.
See our North Dakota archive here. They have had some very interesting crime stories involving refugees in that state! Don’t miss the one about a Somali refugee murdering a Native American family.
Also, since Lewiston, Maine was invoked by the Center for American Progress, see our huge archive on Lewiston by clicking here.
Assimilation vs. integration! CAPs and the Leftist Open Borders gang do not like the word “assimilation” so you can see in the title of CAPs report that they use the word “integration.” See our discussion of the Left controlling the language, here.