Syrian 'refugees' going home, thought they were going to be cared for in Europe

But, the problem now is how to make the reverse trek back to Turkey and ultimately home to Syria.
Invasion of Europe news…

El Dorado
They did not find El Dorado and now want to go home to Syria!

When I saw this story I was reminded of a story we reported in August of 2015 where a Syrian born woman said that Syrians are not “refugees” but opportunists.  You might want to read it (here), before this latest news.
This is what she said:

They left homes and cars and possessions here in order to take up the offer of FREE money and housing in Europe. They had been sure that once in Europe they will be given free medical, education, housing, food and provided for in every way forever. They think of Europe as “El Dorado”. There is also a large dose of jealousy involved, as they saw their neighbors going and they didn’t want to be left behind. Syrian hate to see someone else get a good deal, and not get a piece of the pie themselves.

Now here is the news from AP at One News Now:

…dozens of Syrian refugees are risking their lives again but in the opposite direction — paying smugglers to take them back to Turkey, and heading home.

Rather than brave the often treacherous waves of the Aegean again, they face the dangerous currents of the Evros River, which runs along the Greek-Turkish border.

Each night, groups of migrants and refugees huddle at the railway station of the small border town of Didimoticho, about 3 kilometers from the frontier, setting up small tents and waiting for their chance to cross.

Stuck in Greece…..

Al Jassem and his family stayed for months in Idomeni, a sprawling impromptu refugee camp that sprang up on the Greek-Macedonian border.

Authorities evacuated the camp last month, and the family were moved to an official camp with thousands of others.
But months of living rough had sapped their morale and their resolve.

They gave up the dream of a life in Germany.

“We did not expect we were going to be treated as such in Europe,” said Al Jassem.

“We thought they will be humane, looking after us and after our children, protect our children. We though we will be helped, but we found the opposite. Europe has no feeling for us at all.”

Continue reading here.
We also told you earlier this month about Syrians who made it to Germany and now want out!
It is really quite shameful that the UN and the IOM can’t figure out how to safely return these people to their homeland and are thus leaving them in the hands of smugglers.
Our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here.

How many Syrians forced to work in American meatpacking plants or in hotels cleaning bathrooms are going to want to go home too a year from now? 

Set up that repatriation fund, it will be cheaper than keeping them on welfare!

UN wants 170,000 refugees permanently resettled next year

For new readers, this once again confirms that the United Nations is determining who comes to America!
They want 170,000 permanently resettled, and they will be picking the deserving ‘refugees.’

Obama UN
Important election year opportunity coming up in September when Obama will surely follow UN instructions and vastly increase our refugee numbers for FY2017. Make this a critical issue for all candidates and ask them where they stand!

Obama has already said he will be setting the level for FY2017 in September at 100,000.
So the rest of the world would be responsible for 70,000 divided among many many countries.  As always the US is expected to take in the lion’s share of the world’s refugees.
Here is the UN today in Geneva:

Geneva: The United Nations said Monday it will try to resettle a record 170,000 refugees urgently in need of a new home next year as it grapples with an unprecedented displacement crisis.

The projected resettlement figure from the UN refugee agency represents an increase of nearly 30,000 people compared with this year.

Most of the millions of refugees being created in the world today are a result of Islamic destabilization of Africa and the Middle East.
Make this an important issue in the fall election as Obama will be making his ‘determination’ in September.  Pin Hillary down, as well as other candidates at all levels of government, when Obama announces his numbers for 2017.
And, besides the annual determination, which always comes due in September, remember Obama is leading a special pow-wow on refugees that month at the UN.  He will be looking to get kudos for America’s generosity and “welcome.”

If you aren't an Islamophobe today you are very naive

The word Islamophobe was of course coined by the Islamists and their friends on the political left as a way to mock and silence anyone who fears Islam.  But, there is much to fear as we saw in Orlando yesterday.
Just a few minutes ago I turned on CNN and watched news commentators twist themselves into pretzels trying to decide if the Orlando slaughter of 50 members of the gay community by an avowed ISIS supporter was a hate crime or an act of Islamic terror. It is both of course because Islam hates homosexuals.

Muslim killings
This was making its way around twitter yesterday. It is outdated and doesn’t include San Bernardino, Paris or Belgium. Now the greatest mass murder in American history needs to be added as well.

Not too long ago I wrote a post at my other blog about how each of you must educate yourselves about Islam and make sure those around you are educated. Please take time to do that if you haven’t already.
If you have read even the bare minimum about the ‘faith’ you would see why this killer of Afghan heritage picked a gay club to unleash his Islamic-inspired hatred.
So, how did this particular family of Islamic supremacists come to live in America?  I don’t think we know yet (maybe we do, but I haven’t read anything yet this morning).
The killer himself was born here and we do know he was given all the opportunities America offers (the family probably initially got gobs of government welfare as well), which once again highlights the fact that we can screen new Muslim immigrants until the cows come home, but we aren’t able to keep the next generation from becoming radicalized (Boston bombers, Memphis killer, Somalis from Minneapolis).
We do know that the Dad is a Taliban supporter and perhaps unhinged as we saw yesterday in a video reported by the Washington Post and that the killer himself is a registered Democrat who killed large numbers of blacks and Hispanics (no right wingers anywhere in this whole sad story).  (The WaPo has modified its story since yesterday and now leads with some mushy stuff from the Dad before you get to the Dad-is-a-nut portion of the article.)
And, hint to Obama, Orlando has nothing to do with poverty and lack of opportunity. Face it! There is only one common thread—Islam!
By the way, one of the best articles I saw yesterday on the killer and his family is this one by Julia Hahn at Breitbart.
Send me links if you see definitive stories on how this family got in here.  There is no ‘line’ to get in from Afghanistan.  Most Afghans are here as refugees, successful asylum seekers, special immigrant visa holders, diversity visa lottery winners or illegal aliens.
Oh, and one more thing! Did you see CAIR run to the microphone to say this has nothing to do with Islam.  They must be peeing in their pants because CAIR’s plan is to take over America by increasing the Muslim population (the hijra) and using our political process to do it. Every time there is an Islamic terror attack more Islamophobes are born!

Rutland, VT refugee plan kept secret from the public, only a few business people in on it

This is a long article at Seven Days all about the mayor on the hotseat in Rutland, VT.  If you are following the story closely you might want to wade through the whole thing, but below are some snips that jumped out at me.

Rutland’s Mayor Louras is looking to bring cheap labor to the city. Get over the idea that this is all about humanitarianism.

I’m particularly interested this morning in two important points you should consider as your town is targeted and this article tells us about both.

First, the US State Department and its contractors operate in SECRECY! They don’t want the public to know what they are planning until they have literally brought in the first families. Why? Because they know that they can’t sell it to communities when the people know the facts!
Secondly, don’t get bogged down in the ‘humanitarian mushy stuff!’ Resettlement is largely driven by those who have a financial interest in cheap labor, landlords looking to fill their apartments, and members of Chambers of Commerce looking to sell used cars (etc.) to the new consumers.
Federal welfare follows the refugees and thus more welfare dollars enter the local economy. Remember when Nancy Pelosi famously said that food stamps grow the economy! (Nevermind that you are paying for it!).
From Seven Days: Wade through many column inches telling us about Mayor Chris Louras (will he fall on his sword for 100 Syrians?).
(Emphasis below is mine.)
Then here is how Louras sees himself:

Concluding that he’s a “technocrat, not a politician,” he returned to Rutland and rebranded himself as a nonpartisan fixer.

For new readers here is some of the background:

This year, there will be an estimated 60 million refugees and displaced people worldwide. The United States has agreed to take in 85,000, including 10,000 Syrians, though the country has fallen behind on its schedule to fulfill that pledge. VRRP, the organization tasked [stop the BS, not tasked, they are paid by the head!—ed] by the U.S. Department of State with settling refugees in the state, usually accepts 300 refugees a year. With the crisis in war-torn Syria, which has prompted millions of displaced people to flee to Europe, the VRRP is upping that number to 400.

It has quietly funneled most refugees who arrived in Vermont — Bosnians, Somalians, Bhutanese, Congolese, Burmese and Iraqis — to Burlington and Winooski. Burlington’s Old North End is full of restaurants and shops opened by refugees. More than 30 languages are spoken in Winooski, and more than 40 percent of Winooski High School students were born outside the U.S.

But the resettlement agency has long wanted to open up a second refugee hub in Vermont to be able to serve more people.

Last November, after the Paris terrorist attacks, several Republican governors across the country declared they would not welcome refugees fleeing Syria into their states, citing concerns about possible terrorist infiltration. Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin was among the first to declare that his state would welcome the Syrians.

Soon afterward, officials from Middlebury, Woodstock, Warren, Waitsfield, Brattleboro, Bennington and other communities reached out to VRRP, offering to help. Louras got in line.

The organization knew little about Rutland, and had never considered the city as a possible destination, director Amila Merdzanovic said.

In Rutland, refugees can do the dirty, grungy jobs:

“There’s a potential workforce here, not unlike lots of places, that isn’t interested in the sort of grungy, dirty, hardworking, entry-level jobs that are the sort of thing you will do because you’re glad for a fresh start,” said Notte. [ Board of Alderman President William Notte]

Vermont refugee contractor, Amila Merdzanovic (left) with VT Senator Patrick Leahy one of the leading US Senators in support of more Muslim refugee resettlement in the US. We have a lot on Leahy here at RRW. This is just one post for your review:

Huebner [Tom Huebner, president of Rutland Regional Medical Center] said he has 120 vacancies at Rutland Regional Medical Center, from entry-level housekeepers and cleaners to nurses and technicians. [I guarantee there will be no nurses and technicians ready to go to work in the ‘refugee’ flow coming from the Middle East and Africa—ed]

“Ask any employer in town. They’d say their greatest problem is finding enough workers,” Huebner said. “When these folks start coming into our community … we’d love to work with them. We’ll see what skills they bring, but even if they don’t have English yet and don’t have health care skills, we would still work with them.”

With so many employers promising jobs, Rutland became Merdzanovic’s top choice. “And there’s ample housing,” she added, in contrast to the real estate markets in Burlington and Winooski. [We’ve been telling you that housing is a primary limiting factor in finding ‘welcoming’ towns—ed]

The ‘non-partisan fixer’ mayor didn’t tell the public (only a few business leaders!) what he was doing as he held private meetings and conversations with the federal resettlement contractor.  So much for the humanitarian mush. If this were all about welcoming the poor war refugees to town, wouldn’t he have included the do-gooder community from the beginning?
His actions also indicate he has zero concerns for the security of his constituents.  It is all about the money!
Seven Days continues:

It’s a moving message, but Louras didn’t think it would play well with the public. He told Notte and a few local business leaders about the refugees but left the rest of the board, along with the city’s legislative delegation and his constituents, in the dark.

Emails from a public records request show Louras and Merdzanovic considered announcing it but nixed the idea.

They engaged in secrecy for one simple reason — they feared that involving the public sooner would derail the effort. VRRP never announces refugee arrivals in Burlington or Winooski.

Continue reading here where (near the end) Louras takes a whack at Jim Simpson.

Then don’t miss Simpson’s Breitbart article on Rutland and Louras’s secrecy, here.

See our previous posts on Rutland here.

Europe: Thousands of Muslim migrants converting to Christianity, leaving "religion of violence and fear"

Speculation is rampant about why this is happening.

German baptism
Baptism in Berlin. Photo:

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news….
Are the conversions legitimate or only for the sake of improving one’s chances to be granted asylum, that is the question!
Some of these cases sound sincere to me….
From World Religion News:

The past few months have seen large numbers of Muslim immigrants all across Europe converting to Christianity. Refugees in Germany, Netherlands, France, and Denmark have been getting baptized in the thousands with mass adult baptisms having happened in places like a local swimming pool in Hamburg, Germany. This has been a controversial issue with many people and leaders questioning the motives behind the conversions. Clergy in those areas have, however, stated that Christianity as a religion should be open to all, with no one allowed to judge the other.

The speculations on why the trend has been on the rise have been quite a number. Personal testimonies from some of the converts have provided a different and touching perspective to the issue. Coming from nations like Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq, the refugees have claimed they always lived in fear and gone through hell with some having been raped and so on. Some have referred to Islam as a “religion of violence and fear.” Conversion to Christianity is punishable by death in some of the Islamic nations and they might face death if they go back. Some claim to have converted after meeting very helpful Christians during their refugee journey who welcomed them with open arms. Seeing Christianity as a religion of love, a good number opted to convert.

Here is a line in the story I found perplexing.  Why would any Christian church oppose conversions?

In Netherlands however, conversion may end up being a hindrance to asylum as some of the liberal state churches are opposed conversions.

What are state churches in the Netherlands? Does anyone know?

In the US, the ‘religious’ organizations that have been contracted to resettle refugees in your towns are strictly forbidden to attempt conversions to Christianity (so they can’t use this as a reason for why they resettle Muslims!).  

See one of several posts on the prohibition.

No US government bucks if you try to tell Muslims about Christianity!

Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.