In fact, the mother and father of the 4-year-old sexually assaulted by three boys in her apartment complex’s laundry room over a month ago feel like they are being treated as criminals. (Click here for all of our previous reports on the case).
I tweeted out this story by World Net Daily’s Leo Hohmann last night right after it was published, so you’ve probably seen it. But, if not this is a must-read this morning. Hohmann interviewed the victim’s mother. And, it sure sounds like a rape (under Idaho law) occurred.
Interesting to me is that there is still no news about the immigration status of the boys (two are Sudanese and one is Iraqi). Those are two prominent ethnic groups we admit to the US as refugees (immigrants from those countries through any other legal means are rare).
Both Sudanese and Iraqis have been resettled in Idaho.
The big lie!
Why can’t they tell the truth about immigration status?
And, why is this family being treated so badly by the authorities? I believe it is because this story (just like the Somali roving gangs in Minnesota and the alleged sexual assault in Massachusetts last week) doesn’t FIT THE NARRATIVE the Open Borders Left and the Refugee INDUSTRY (including the big businesses that benefit from cheap immigrant labor) want the public to swallow!
National mainstream media—including Fox News—keeps stories like these from reaching a broader audience and are therefore complicit in keeping the general public in the dark about problems with the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.
Help the American family move!
After reading Hohmann’s latest, if you want to help the little girl’s family, go here to a GoFundMe page set up to help them move from this apartment complex to a safer area and away from her attacker.