This federal refugee contracting agency is 97% taxpayer funded

I’m talking about the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) which is the contractor responsible for refugees arriving in Twin Falls, Idaho. USCRI is also the agency embroiled in the controversy about bringing Syrian Muslims to Rutland, VT.

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This is Lavinia Limon, CEO of USCRI, sharing the stage with Mr. Chobani (Hamdi Ulukaya) at the same Clinton Global Initiative gathering where Bill Clinton and Ulukaya thought it was a great idea to repopulate Detroit with Syrian refugees. Chobani Yogurt actively seeks refugee employees for their yogurt plants in New York and Idaho. Ms. Limon supplies the town of Twin Falls with refugees. Cozy huh? Watch here:

This is the second in my series on the US State Department’s nine major resettlement contractors***.  I told you about Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) here a couple of days ago.  I’ve reported on the nine (really quasi-government agencies) many times over the years, but it’s been about 2 years since I examined each of their financial statements closely, and since we have so many new readers I figured it was time to do it again.
The information on USCRI is from its 2014 Form 990 to the IRS:

They had a total revenue that year of $51,524,570

Of that $46,560,452 is from government grants (that is you).

They had another $3.4 million from various fees and contracts.  $1.9 million of that was from those air fare loans I told you about in the post on LIRS. I expect that most of the $3.4 comes from government sources of funding.

Run those numbers and you will see this means that 97% of their funds are from federal, state and local tax payers.
Forget that warm and fuzzy spin about charity and “humanitarianism!”

They couldn’t exist without your money and without Congress shelling it out to them!

Here is page 11 of this 2014 Form 990:
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Go to page 10 and check out the salaries:
USCRI’s head honcho is Lavinia Limon (Breitbart told you about her recently). Formerly Bill Clinton’s director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, she pulled down a salary and related income package of $302,519 in 2014.  Another Limon (family member?) collected $159,344.
Dear critics, if you find it outrageous that we report this information, remember this: If these were real charitable organizations raising private money I would not care how much they take in or how much they pay their employees, but these are in effect quasi-government agencies and therefore we are entitled to know where our money goes! By way of comparison, go here and see that federal elected officials and judges do not make nearly as much as Ms. Limon because they are accountable to you, she isn’t! Yikes! She makes more than Vice President Joe Biden!

Wow! I just went back to the accounting I did using the contractors 2012 Form 990s.  Go here and see how much their revenues have jumped in two years!
Is USCRI working in your town, go here and find out!
***These are the nine major resettlement contractors that monopolize all refugee resettlement in America, under them are 350 or so subcontractors:

First refugees to arrive in Missoula, MT are homeless; time for local do-gooders to step up

They aren’t on the street, but live in temporary housing (what! some motel?).
I can’t believe this! After all the hoopla and excitement about shoving refugees down the throats of Montanans who don’t want the poverty and cultural disruption third worlders bring to communities, the mighty International Rescue Committee (IRC) headquartered in New York City doesn’t have homes and apartments lined up for the former camp-dwelling Congolese whose arrival has been predicted for months!

Miliband and Soros
That is David Miliband in the middle giving George Soros and his son the IRC’s top award in 2013. LOL! It is called the Freedom Award. Miliband, a British citizen, runs the major US resettlement contractor with a salary of almost $600,000 a year. Maybe he, or Soros, could co-sign leases for the poor Africans being brought to Montana.

Where is Missoula’s R & P Abstract, did the IRC lie to the US State Department about the availability of reasonably priced housing for large families?
Didn’t the IRC sign a contract with the US State Department that said the refugees must have a home (with a requirement for a certain number of bedrooms for family members) to go to from the airport with the refrigerator stocked with culturally appropriate food?

When do-gooders don’t do good!

I’m going to rage a bit before I give you some snips from The Missoulian (Missoula Refugees face housing issues).
The International Rescue Committee is a behemoth in the Refugee Industry. It is the richest of the nine federal contractors with an annual income in 2014 of $688,920,920 and $454 million of that comes from YOU, the taxpayer. Its CEO, Former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband*** is making $591,846 annually and probably lives in some swanky digs in Manhattan!  (See recent Form 990 here)
But, the IRC refuses to co-sign the housing rental agreements with the refugees they are dropping off in Missoula!
It is an outrage! They expect local landlords to waive their rules for the refugees that obviously have no credit and no background checks and no job prospects and take a gamble on them that they can pay the rent for months and years to come!  Not to mention the fact that over the last nine years I’ve heard many stories, especially about refugees who have lived in camps, that they do not know how to use modern appliances and often trash them in the process of learning how to operate dish washers, stoves, etc.
Here is the story that got my blood boiling this morning!

Congolese refugees and the people trying to help them get settled in Missoula are facing a housing crisis.

Five families from refugee camps in East Africa will be in town by the end of September, none of them with a source of steady income or credit history.

It’s the job of the local resettlement agency, the International Rescue Committee, to help them secure both as quickly as possible, said IRC director Molly Short Carr.

But record home sales prices in Missoula have placed rentals at a premium. And in a town that swells this time of year with university students – many with no credit ratings themselves – property managers and landlords can afford to be picky about who they rent to.

“We’re kind of hitting a bit of a brick wall,” Carr admitted.


Missoula has been approved [Why were they approved by the Dept. of State if housing was not available?—ed] as the destination for families of five, four and three people – 25 refugees in all – in the next few weeks, so the hunt for housing is becoming critical.

What a bunch of B.S. this is! We are expected to believe that local landlords should carry the burden of helping teach refugees how to be self-sufficient! Continue reading:

The IRC doesn’t allow its offices to co-sign for refugees.

“Our focus is really on getting them self-sufficient,” said Carr. “Co-signing is kind of a contradiction to self-sufficiency and being able to guide their own lives.”

Hey, here is an idea! maybe Mary Poole and other members of her group could take on the responsibility of co-signing rental agreements with landlords for the families they have ‘welcomed’ to Montana! Maybe put a little of their own skin in the game!


If your town is contemplating ‘welcoming’ refugees, please pay attention. The uber-wealthy resettlement contractor will be out of the refugees’ lives in only a few months and the burden of these third world families will be on you—the taxpayers, the landlords, the social services, the school system and the health services of your town!

***David Miliband is a pal of the Clintons, click here for many posts we have written about him in recent years. BTW, Miliband was the first of the resettlement contractors to call for 65,000 Syrians for America before Obama leaves office and he subsequently joined the chorus for an even larger number.
Addendum: After I posted this I thought you might be interested to know that Anne Richard (Asst. Secretary of State for PRM) and Robert Carey (Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement) were both former Vice Presidents at the IRC pulling down 6-figure salaries and are now the two top officials responsible for the entire US Refugee Admissions Program (the revolving door between government and contractor on full display).
Update: Soros spent $600,000 on a pro-refugee PR campaign in Europe (see here). How many refugees might he have helped personally with that kind of money? Or maybe Miliband would forego that huge salary and help needy refugees with it! Nah, he needs it to maintain the jet-setting lifestyle!

RRW weekly and monthly round-up for August 2016

I hope you all are having a restful and not too stormy end-of-summer weekend with family and friends!
As regular readers know, for the first half of August I was out on the road visiting refugee overloaded hotspots and other towns and cities attempting to not become new refugee seeding sites.   It was a great trip and I met some very wonderful, hardworking and patriotic citizens fighting to save America for Americans first!  You will be hearing more about the trip in connection with posts I write going forward.

Nebraska capitol
I loved this inscription above the door of the Nebraska State Capitol in Lincoln (one of many places I visited with our great patriots).

The second half of August involved catching up on posting, work on the farm, and slipping in to DC for the huge Rally4Refugees that wasn’t.  While in DC, with the help of my friends at the Center for Security Policy, I filmed a new youtube video because I want you to know what a critical month(s) we are entering as Obama plans to send his huge new refugee wishlist to Congress by the end of September.  You can see the video by clicking here.
For new readers, I sporadically post the top three most-read posts of the week so you all can see which posts most interested readers around the country and around the world (readers from 150 plus countries and territories visit RRW each week).
Here are the Top Three Posts for the week ending September 2nd (daily you can see the top posts of the day in the right hand sidebar):

HUGE! Food stamp fraud bust in Baltimore, check out the names, see a pattern?

Read this and stiffen your spine! Laugh at them when they call you racist

DCRally4Refugees falls short of expectations

And, here is the round up for the month of August and the Three Top Posts of the month (note that this first one made top post of the month in only 2 days):

HUGE! Food stamp fraud bust in Baltimore, check out the names, see a pattern?

Twin Falls, Idaho: Breitbart reporter confirms little girl raped, father saw video

Reception and Placement Abstracts: get them and use them!

For new readers (and those who have forgotten):

This (below) is my usual information to new readers so you can catch up with the last nine years of RRW.
I want you to be able to find information here where 7,822 posts are archived!
Those 7,822 posts extend back to the summer of 2007.  Use the search window with a few key words to look for information (LOL! before you send an e-mail asking me to find things for you!). For example, if you are very new to the issue, type in the name of your state and see what has been posted over the years.
Also, see our newly updated Frequently Asked Questions and our fact sheet (out of date but still useful) in the header. In the FAQ you will see a link for ‘Ten things your town needs to know.’
I’ve been tweeting a lot and sometimes if I can’t write about a story you send, I tweet it.  See my twitter feed (4,180 followers at this moment) in the right-hand side bar. Even if you aren’t on twitter, you should be able to open the links to the news embedded in the tweet.  I am@RefugeeWatcher.
Likewise you might want to ‘like’ and follow RRW’s facebook page, here.  See it also in the left-hand side bar. It has over 28,000 likes now.  A friend helps me there (because I stink at facebook) so you will see other related news there that is not on RRW.
If you are looking for fellow grassroots activists in ‘pockets of resistance’ see the Refugee Resisters facebook page here (Jim Simpson).
All previous round-ups and this one are archived in a category simply called ‘blogging.’
My FIRST video about how the refugee program works is here (over 2.5 million views as of this writing).
All comments you submit are screened and we don’t post threats of violence, most foul language, or ad hominem attacks on other commenters.  Sometimes I am away from the computer for many hours, so you may not see your comment posted quickly.  And, lately I’ve noticed a delay by wordpress in sending me your comments.
As much as I would love to see you all in your hometowns, I hate speaking. I think I am more useful right here researching and writing. 


I may be going to the Hill more often this fall, so with an entre from some of you, I might be able to stop in and see your Member of Congress or Senators’ staff members.
As you may have noticed, I did finally break down and add a donation button for paypal users and have just today added a P.O. Box address (see that in left hand side bar under my photo).  Any gifts you make are not tax deductible for you. I’m not subjecting myself to the scrutiny (or guard every word I utter) at the IRS by applying for 501(c)3 status.  Thank you in advance, but please please know that I am not writing RRW to make a living, but to, in my small way, help save America for Americans first!

So America! Are you ready for Rohingya Muslims and their 'cultural' differences?

Thanks to Joanne for sending this news a couple of days ago.
In Australia a Rohingya refugee was sentenced to five years in prison for raping a ten year old boy.  The convicted Muslim man said it was culturally acceptable to rape children where he came from in Burma (aka Myanmar).
(Gee, could this be one of many reasons the ruling Buddhists want the Rohingya out of their country?)
Here is the story:

A REFUGEE jailed over the sickening rape of a 10-year-old boy told authorities that it was culturally acceptable to sexually assault children in his homeland.

It happened in America! Meet Esar Met a Burmese Muslim sentenced to life in prison in Utah in 2014 when he was found guilty of brutally raping and murdering a little Christian Burmese girl in his Salt Lake City apartment complex where he had been placed by a resettlement agency. The medical examiner testified that she died in excruciating pain. Shame on the mainstream media for never reporting on this case outside of Utah.

Mufiz Rahaman, 20, slumped forward in the dock at Downing Centre District Court yesterday as he was sentenced to five years in jail, with a non-parole period of three years, after pleading guilty to aggravated sexual assault of the boy in the child’s bed on January 8 last year.

Rahaman, a member of the persecuted Rohingya Muslim minority from Myanmar, told Correctives Services staff compiling his pre-sentence report he “did not believe what he did was a crime and that it was culturally acceptable in Myanmar”.

Agreed facts tendered to the court reveal the boy and his father, also Rohingya, were living with other refugees at a vacant Sydney club in January last year.

While the father was outside the bedroom preparing lunch, Rahaman sneaked into the room and raped the boy.

When the father returned he noticed the door had been closed.

The court papers state: “He could hear the offender’s voice coming from inside the room. He heard the offender say, ‘I’ll give you money to do this.’ He heard the victim say, ‘My Dad will hit me.’ ”


“I am unable to find on the balance of probabilities that the offender has accepted responsibility for his actions,” he said.

Judge Scotting said Rahaman had been assessed as having a moderate to high risk of reoffending.
Rahaman will be eligible for parole in March 2018.

O.K. and now you are saying, well that is in Australia.  But, what about America? 

They are here by the thousands already!
When Esar Met a Muslim from Burma raped and murdered a Christian Burmese child in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2008 there was defining silence from any media outside of Utah! I had hoped that maybe that horror would alert the American public to the foolish resettlement of the Rohingya.
(We have been writing about Rohingya for all of our 9 years at RRW and have 190 posts in our Rohingya reports category.)
But no, I was shocked in 2013 to see (I was there) Anastasia Brown testify on behalf of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to the US State Department that she wanted more Rohingya admitted to the US.  She got her wish. I’ve always wondered what she knew about the Utah murder since I assume (it’s a guess) it was Catholic Charities that resettled Met in Salt Lake.

We have now seeded over 15,000 Burmese Muslims throughout America in ten years! Click here.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is 95% funded by taxpayers

It has been awhile since I had a look at Form 990s for the nine federal resettlement contractors, so I thought over this weekend I would re-examine their financials especially because I want you all to focus on the fact that it is the Republicans in Congress who have the power to slow the flow of refugees by cutting the funding for certain groups masquerading as Christian and Jewish ‘religious’ NGOs.

Lynda Hartke
LIRS CEO Hartke rakes in nearly a quarter of a million bucks a year (doing well by doing good!).

For all the new readers arriving here, there are nine faux non-profit groups which monopolize refugee resettlement in America.  They are US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Episcopal Migration Ministries, World Relief (Evangelicals), Church World Service, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Ethiopian Community Development Council, International Rescue Committee and the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.
Under the nine majors are 350 or so subcontractors.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

I’m taking them one by one and going to their most recent available Form 990.  This Form 990 for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is for 2014 and was submitted to the IRS in August 2015.  (BTW, there are some state Lutheran agencies that are larger than the national organization).
So from page 9 (reproduced below) we learn that:

Total revenue for that year was $59,862,898

Total federal grants were $55,341,275

And, they also received from your money $1,817,755 for a loan service fee.

This $1.8 million is from collecting air fare loans from refugees plane fare to America.  The original plane tickets were bought (with your money) by another federal contractor (IOM) and the refugee is supposed to reimburse the American taxpayer.  The contractor, here LIRS, is the dunning agency and they get to keep a cut for themselves of everything they wring out of the refugees.
If you go to page 8 of their Form 990 you can see the salaries of the head honchos.  Linda Hartke, the CEO made $236,386 which includes income from related activities.  There are a total of 6 employees pulling down 6-figure salaries.  And, you should know that last I heard they had 2 lobbyists in Washington to assure their (your!) funds keep flowing their way.
Here is page 9:
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Note the income from ‘higher training fees’ that could be taxpayer reimbursement as well, but I don’t know that for sure.

So I am giving them the benefit of the doubt when I conclude that they are 95% funded by you—-the taxpayers of America! It could be higher.

Remember! They are not passing the plate on Sunday to pay for their supposed Christian charity!
Go here to see if you have a subcontractor of LIRS at work where you live.
For more details on their federal grants go to and type in Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and see their hundreds of millions in grants and contracts over the last 8 years or so.

The buck stops with the Republican Congress!

Tell your representatives in Washington starting now, starting on Tuesday morning! to withhold funding for the US Refugee Admissions Program for fiscal year 2017 which begins in 4 weeks—on October 1, 2016!  Let these supposed non-profit groups raise private money for their charitable pet projects!