I don’t know exactly what is happening. I don’t have any inside track, but since you all have been calling your members of Congress to defund the Refugee Admissions Program (Rep. Babin’s strategy is a good one), I need to tell you what some House Republicans proposed two days ago. Republican Congressional leaders have been enabling Obama for years. And, they are about to do it again on refugee funding. Why? Go here to page 8 of HR 6071(Title III Ensuring vetting of refugees to Keep Americans Safe).
It is the same old scam they tried to pull last year where the Director of the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence would certify that individual refugees from only Iraq and Syria would have to be ‘certified’ terror free.
This is what Senator Jeff Sessions said last yearwhen Congress was addressing the same issue!
The Republican Congress decides how many are brought to America by how much funding they make available.
Senator Jeff Sessions last year:
There is only one true check now against the President going it alone: Congressional funding. In his annual budget request, the President asked for more than $1 billion to fund the Refugee Admissions Program. All Congress has to do is make clear that the President’s funding request will not be granted unless he meets certain necessary Congressional requirements – the first of which should be to make clear that Congress, not the President, has the final say on how many refugees are brought into the United States and from where.
Apparently negotiations are on-going between the House and Senate to get the Continuing Budget Resolution done so they can get home to campaign so they can get back in there in January and not do their work again next year.
Will let you know what I learn later today or tomorrow (you may know before me!).
See my tag ‘Where is Congress’ for everything I’ve written on the funding issue in recent weeks.
Even after the (told you so!) attack at St. Cloud’s Crossroads mall last Saturday night, the first instincts of elected officials in Minnesota is to rally around the Somali Muslim population to protect their sensitive feelings.
In an interview with World Net Daily, Bachmann does not hold back! (St. Cloud was part of her district during the years she was in Congress and trying to get her fellow members to wake up to Islamic supremacism and the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the Administration in Washington, DC.)
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:
Minnesota’s St. Cloud community is still reeling from Saturday’s knife attacks that injured 10 people and caused panic at the Crossroads Center Mall on Saturday, a day that police chief William Anderson said changed the city forever.
I hope I am still around to see Bachmann vindicated one day and John McCain shown to be the traitor who protected Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration of our government.
But did it?
The city of 67,000 people sits 65 miles northwest of Minneapolis. It has been pummeled with Muslim refugees, mostly from Somalia, for more than a decade, and its citizens have been brow beaten into a form of politically correct submission to Islam, says former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.
“I would say that this attack did wake people up in the sense that this was real and it happened in our backyard and people are aware of it. But Minnesota is a state where we have been marinated in political correctness for quite some time, and the pushback against any type of conservatism is extremely intense. So people have no fight left in them,” Bachmann told WND.
To say anything negative about Islam immediately gets you branded a bigot, a xenophobe, a racist or an “Islamophobe,” she said. It doesn’t matter that Islam is not a race or that the term “Islamophobe” was invented by the extremist Muslim Brotherhood as a tool to cast Western Muslims as victims of oppression.
Continue reading here. Could Minnesota be America’s first Muslim state?
By the way, if Hillary and her chief aide Huma Abedin make it to the Oval Office we are finished, but I don’t need to tell you that!
You might want to visit our top post over the last few days—it is from 2015—about how Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota is responsible for seeding St. Cloud with Somalis.
We have focused our attention on the vetting process for refugee resettlement, maybe because that is easier to see, easier maybe to get a handle on, but most of the recent successful terror attacks in the US have been committed by those 3-year olds we raised up after we ‘welcomed’ their families to America. How do you vet against those? In 2014 Mohamed Osman Mohamud was sentenced to 30-years for plotting to blow up a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, OR. He came here as a small child.
When I say “we,” I mean the US taxpayer. We put roofs over their heads, we fed them, we treated their medical problems and sent them to school and college, and what came out at the end, not an upwardly mobile young man, but a killer for Allah.
So we can vet the refugees coming in all we want, but its the next generation that has turned to the teaching of Islam for their guidance.
Both of the terrorists last weekend (in NY/NJ and MN) came to America as small children, as refugees and asylees.
And, who can forget the Boston Bombers—the Tsarnaev brothers. But, I bet you have long forgotten the Somali Christmas tree bomber and the evil creep who killed some of our military men in Chattanooga. (I’m not bothering to list all of the Minnesota Somalis who either already left the country to join the international jihad or are in prison for trying to leave.)
All came as children who grew up supposedly assimilated and then said s**** the good life, I want to kill infidels. How do you screen against those?
Do you remember when Obama went to the Philippines in 2015 and sneered at American ‘fears of 3-year olds?’
(There is actually a longer version of this same speech where he sneers at the idea of bringing in only Christians but could not find one that could be inserted easily here.)
Let’s be honest, if it weren’t for the vast numbers of Muslims being admitted through the refugee program we wouldn’t be talking about all of this. We still couldn’t economically afford the unsustainable numbers Obama and the Republicans in Congress are admitting from all corners of the world, but Islamic terrorism would not be our major fear.
As far as I know, no 3-year-old Christian refugees have grown up to attack us (to bite the hand that fed them) in the name of their faith. Face it! The only possible solution is a moratorium on Muslim refugees (and other legal immigrants) coming to the US from certain parts of the world, because yes, we have a legitimate (proven) fear of 3-year-olds. An aside:You know how we could expose the young jihadists living in our communities. If we had a law on the books to deport all immediate family members of a convicted Islamic terrorist and anyone else connected to that terrorist who could be proven to have known about his/her intentions—best friends, Imams, etc. Imagine how quickly some of these potential jihadists would be turned in in advance!
Thanks to all who sent this news. I saw it earlier. How many of you remember that Kansas and New Jersey dropped out a few months ago? A handful of you? Did it have any effect other than a little bureaucratic reshuffling. Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee Michael McCaul is from Texas, so what is he doing in the House to protect his home state. Anything?
There was a story the other day that NJ has gotten over 200 Syrian Muslims since Gov. Christie withdrew NJ from the program. The slack is just being picked up by a non-profit federal contractor. Those states effectively became Wilson-Fish states. (Search Wilson-Fish here at RRW if you don’t know what that is.)
Now don’t get me wrong, there is an impact if the Governor goes through with it. But, unless he then follows up with a 10th Amendment lawsuit like Tennessee is planning to do (who knows when?), getting out will only temporarily slow the flow to Texas.
Sorry to sound so cynical, but I am today! I was optimistic this morning, but all that changed when I saw the useless language (page 8) the Republicans are now proposing for the Continuing Budget Resolution.
I am so disgusted at most of the spineless Republicans in Congress who have no courage to begin to roll back the program that is frankly dangerous to our communities and economically UNSUSTAINABLE!
And, they are dumb besides, because once the immigrant (Muslim) population reaches a certain level they will vote the Republicans out of office! Foxis one of many outlets talking about Texas withdrawing:
The state of Texas on Wednesday announced that it is withdrawing from the Obama administration’s refugee resettlement program due to the administration’s inability to ensure that refugees resettled in the state do not pose terror threats, according to an announcement by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.
Texas informed the Office of Refugee Resettlement in a letter that it will be withdrawing from the program on Jan. 31, 2017. The letter comes on the heels of several weekend terror attacks across the United States
The administration has refused to approve a security plan by the state of Texas aimed at ensuring that refugees are only resettled following in-depth security checks.
Texas officials drafted a plan that would require federal national security officials to provide assurances that none of the individuals being resettled pose a terror threat. The administration has declined to approve this plan.
And, come to think of it, how did Texas become the number one resettlement state in the nation? Because certain Republicans have been running that state forever and they have been derelict in protecting their citizens. (Remember this name—Bush?)
Update: Just hold on! S.O.S. Looks like the Rs are going to try the same old scam they pulled last year. See my postfrom September 9th. I think we are headed down the same path. They must think that we are really really stupid. More tomorrow.
It is not just Rep. Brian Babin’s brave 36 members of Congress talking about amending the Continuing Budget Resolution in the House, but other Republican members are stepping up to question the wisdom of spending millions to bring in more migrants like Dahir Adan in Minnesota and Ahmad Khan Rahami in New Jersey. As usual Mitch McConnell does not want to have a fight with Obama!
Here is what the Daily Signalis reporting. I will admit this budget process is confusing to me so I’m not presenting this as an expert. But, when you get to the end of the lengthy discussion, one thing I am taking away is that the House could attach something to withhold funding, but some Republicans in the House are pointing a finger at Senate Dems who they say have no will to protect us.
What about Senate Republicans, does MAJORITY LEADER Mitch McConnell have the will to protect us or is it his BIG business interests (cheap labor/Chamber types) he is protecting?
I know you are probably sick of hearing it, but this refugee program is more about cheap migrant labor than about humanitarianism!
Here is the Daily Signal(hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum). This first part we know, but to recap:
As President Barack Obama used his final address before the United Nations General Assembly to urge world leaders to help protect refugees, Republicans in Congress threatened to use their budget powers to restrict who is admitted into the U.S.
While refugee resettlement has enjoyed bipartisan support in Congress historically, some Republicans want confirmation from U.S. intelligence leaders that screening procedures are strong enough to warrant a major American commitment to accepting more refugees during a time of heightened terrorism fears.
Thirty-seven Republican House members wrote a letter to House leadership this week asking them to use a must-pass spending bill as a vehicle for language that would block federal funding to refugees from Syria, the Middle East, and North Africa until national security officials can guarantee that terrorists cannot infiltrate the screening process.
“This is a clear and present danger to the U.S.,” said Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, who has sponsored legislation pausing refugee resettlement from “terrorism hot-spots” to the U.S., and who signed onto the letter.
Setting the stage (Daily Signalcontinues): Rep Mark Meadows takes a stand to protect you!
With Congress in control of the funding for refugee resettlement, Republicans say their concerns over vetting procedures for admitting refugees to the U.S. outweigh other concerns, and that they need more assurances the program cannot be infiltrated by Islamic extremists.
In calling for stronger vetting, these critics have pointed to testimony last year to Congress from FBI Director James Comey, in which he said there are challenges to how the U.S. screens refugees, specifically with the limitations in gathering intelligence in war-torn Syria.
Republicans also note recent terrorist attacks in Europe where some of the terrorists involved had posed as refugees.
“We have a new dimension on the national security front that we never faced before,” said Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., in an interview with The Daily Signal.
“Where in the past refugees have come to the U.S. as a place of rescue and safety, now we have credible evidence that suggests that ISIS and other terror groups are trying to take advantage of our generosity and compassion. So that does necessitate a change in not only our priorities, but also the funding we allocate to this particular issue.”
We didn’t know this, that the Freedom Caucus has a strategy as the refugee issue might be used as a negotiating chip in determining whether the budget resolution will be revisited in the lame duck session (between the election and the end of the year) or extended in to the new year. By the way, if Trump is elected and the budget must be debated in December it could be one helluva battle over refugees at that point in time (and this is why we must keep pushing this now!).
Meadows is among members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus who have said they would support a government spending bill that expires in December, rather than later in the new year, if the legislation contains language pausing refugee resettlement.
The Freedom Caucus prefers the spending bill to run past the lame-duck session of Congress, but Meadows and other members say they’d abandon that position if their concerns over refugee resettlement were addressed.
Then here is another Republican group with a concern about funding refugees from terrorist regions of the world and raising the specter of a government shutdown over refugee funding. (Again, the Daily Signalcontinues) Maryland’s Andy Harris ‘gets it’ and deserves praise for his leadership on this issue!
A larger House conservative group, the Republican Study Committee, is also pushing congressional leadership to include a policy rider to the spending bill related to the refugee issue.
“A lot of us agree with the vast majority of Americans that we should be certain we can vet these refugees before we give them free access to the U.S.,” said Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md., a Freedom Caucus member who is running to become chairman of the Republican Study Committee. [Harris is also on the all-important Appropriations Committee—ed]
“I believe a CR [continuing resolution to fund the government] should have a refugee component as part of it,” Harris told The Daily Signal in an interview, adding:
If the president wants to threaten to shut down the government because he wants to take in refugees who are not vetted, especially given what happened in New York and New Jersey, I’d like to see that argument against it.
In the Senate, Senators Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz are expected to speak up about refugee funding, but there doesn’t seem to be the will there in the leadership to cut any funds!
The offices of House leadership—Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis.; Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.; and Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers, R-Ky.—would not confirm to The Daily Signal that they would attach a refugee-related measure to the spending bill, citing the privacy of ongoing negotiations.
The Senate is widely expected to release its version of the spending bill before the House does. Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., are among senators to speak out against Obama’s plan to take in more refugees this year.
But here at the end, we see the usual Republican (RINO) ploy—blame it on the Dems! This Congressman, whoever he is!, is shilling for the elite Republican establishment.
He is letting not only Paul Ryan off the hook, but the Senate MAJORITY LEADER as well by saying if there is no Democratic support there is no sense doing anything. This is BS! The Republicans control Congress, not the Dems!
If Charlie Dent is your Congressman, time to unload on him!
We know too much now, they can’t pull this c*** on us! The Republicans are responsible for refugee funding! Maybe it is time for the Republicans to stand up for the principle (and the Constitution!) and if the Dems want to bring in potentially more terrorists let them be responsible!
TheDaily Signalwraps up with this from an apparent establishment mouth piece!
Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa., who leads House Republicans’ more centrist Tuesday Group, saidhe is doubtful party leaders would attach language related to refugees unless they know more Senate Democrats would vote for it.
“I believe any proposals that should go into the CR are ones that can attract the votes to pass, and I don’t know if this refugee rider can get the votes in the Senate,” Dent told The Daily Signal in an interview, referring to the continuing resolution to fund the government.
So, Dent is one of those Republicans who aren’t willing to fight or stand on principle. He thinks we will just blame one more loss on the Democrats! Won’t work anymore!
Keep calling! It is working!