No wonder Roanoke isn’t feeling very welcoming toward more refugees (remember this story! ).
Hey, all you big companies looking for cheap refugee labor take note! We bring an awful lot of refugees in to America with mental illnesses. From WDBJ7 (Hat tip: Suzanne):
ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ7) The man who shot and killed a person and shot three others at FreightCar America has been identified as 53-year-old Getachew Fekede from Kenya.
Police on the scene of this morning’s shooting in Roanoke. Shooter is a refugee former worker at the FreightCar America facility there.
Police say he died from a self-inflicted gunshot would.
Three other employees were shot. One of them has been released from the hospital.
Roanoke police say around 10 rounds were fired from a 9 mm semi-automatic handgun.
Fekede last worked at FreightCar America in March. [They make railroad cars—ed]. He arrived at the building by bicycle, police say.
Fekede came to Virginia in 2011 as part of a refugee program.
No mention of Fekede’s nationality (his resettlement contractor*** would know). We don’t take Kenyans as refugees, but we take thousands of Somalis and other African migrants (Sudanese, Ethiopians) who have re-located to Kenya. So keep an eye out for more news about where he is really from and what his religion might be. [Update: a reader tells us he is probably Ethiopian.]
Longtime readers may remember the famous failed kidnapping plot in Roanoke in 2009 where several refugees were found guilty of attempting to kidnap one or more prominent women in the town and hold her/them for ransom.
Also we have 2,024 posts in our refugee crimes category, here.
*** Commonwealth Catholic Charities is responsible for refugees resettled in Roanoke.
Here is the breaking news from Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart:
The Tennessee General Assembly has selected the Thomas More Law Center to represent the state in its lawsuit against the federal government over the resettlement of refugees in the Volunteer State.
The Ann Arbor, Michigan based nonprofit public interest law firm made the announcement in a press statement released on Tuesday.
The Thomas More Law Center will represent the state free of charge in the “constitutional challenge to the federal government’s refugee resettlement program as a violation of the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”
Tennessee is one of twelve states that have withdrawn from the federal refugee resettlement program in which it is operated by the federal government under the statutorily-questionable Wilson Fish alternative program. Texas is the thirteenth state to withdrawn from the federal program, effective in January. Two additional states, Vermont and Massachusetts, allow the federal government to resettle refugees within their boundaries under the Wilson Fish alternative program, but have not withdrawn from the federal program.
Continue reading here.
This lawsuit is available for only those so-called Wilson Fish states (feds and a non-profit contractor call the shots on resettlement bypassing the state legislature) that have withdrawn from the federal program. As mentioned above, Texas is the most recent one to do so. Within the last year Kansas and New Jersey have withdrawnas well, so they don’t yet appear on this outdated ORR list. So what should you do—tell your state to withdraw and then have the governor sign up as a plaintiff with the Thomas More Law Center!
But, don’t forget to pressure your member of Congress to DEFUND the program in the lame duck session of Congress next month. This lawsuit is going to take a little while to work its way through the system and in the meantime (if Trump isn’t elected) we could have another quarter of a million refugees spread out across 49 states (assuming Wyoming continues to hold out!) by the time a legal judgement and the appeals process has been exhausted.
Here are the Wilson Fish states. By the way, there is one county on the list(San Diego County) so this could mean a county could withdraw and join the lawsuit. I’m not a lawyer, but I can’t see why that wouldn’t work!
North Dakota
South Dakota
And then New Jersey, Kansas and Texas have joined the list.
Come on Governors Abbott (TX), Brownback (KS) and Christie (NJ) show some fight!
This is very interesting, but doubtful if its conclusions are defensible…..
This study is a fascinating example of how propaganda works. It shows one more way that the Open Borders Left and the refugee industry are using “studies” and social media to try to tell you what Americans are thinking (always pro-open borders of course).
However, as I look at this I’m thinking the side which wants to see immigration controlled is likely not using hashtags on twitter to any great degree (heck! you are probably not on twitter!) that would help balance an avalanche of pro-open borders, pro-more refugee resettlement hashtags tweeted by a small group of savvy social media Leftists. Hereis the story, and then (see below) how about a concerted effort to counter their false meme with some hashtags of our own. Check out the bias in the first line—to “truly understand” they claim “dialogue on twitter” is definitive!
To truly understand American sentiment toward refugees and to see where they are most welcome in the U.S., we decided to explore dialogue on Twitter. We conducted this research with the help of our friends at International Rescue Committee so that we could better understand the response to the refugee crisis across the country. Which states are talking about refugees the most? And where do the most positive tweets come from? Do positive tweets about refugees fluctuate according to world events?
By analyzing tweets with related hashtags (such as #openborders, #refugeeswelcome, and #(in)humane) in the U.S. since January 2015, we are able to tell a story that is not often covered in the news — that many Americans are sympathetic toward refugees and do want to help. Continue reading to see which states and cities are tweeting their support.To truly understand American sentiment toward refugees and to see where they are most welcome in the U.S., we decided to explore dialogue on Twitter. We conducted this research with the help of our friends at International Rescue Committee [No surprise that the richest of US resettlement contractors is involved! LOL!—ed] so that we could better understand the response to the refugee crisis across the country. Which states are talking about refugees the most? And where do the most positive tweets come from? Do positive tweets about refugees fluctuate according to world events?
Now check out their states which they claim are most “welcoming” because of positive words and hashtags!!!
If you are tweeting from the top ten, and want to see the refugee program stopped or defunded, you have work to do!
There is a list of states with the most negative tweets on refugees too! Check it out! Click here. Wisconsin is in the ten states which tweeted more negative tweets on refugees—sure hope the message got to Speaker Paul Ryan!
If you are in one of the top ten ‘welcoming’ states according to this twitter study, or any state for that matter, it’s time to tweet and use some hashtags of our own. I’m going to start using hashtags such as: #RefugeeInvasion, #SyrianInvasion, #UnvettedSyrians, #sickrefugees, #DefundRefugees, #refugeepropaganda, #refugeeseeding… And, surely you can think of more of your own!
By the way, the article lead us to this story from Louise, Mississippi where last year the town fathers said they want Syrian refugees among others to be resettled in Louise. When I have a minute I’ll look and see if they got any yet and whether I should put Louise on my list of new sites.
I was doing some research on West Virginia just now and was interested to see how many Iraqis went to WV (a state that has been able to stay out of the Refugee Admissions Program to any large degree, but is now looking to get in) and so I had a look at the whole country and thought you might be interested in this information. When this Iraqi refugee terrorist pair was arrested in Kentucky in 2011, the flow of Iraqis slowed dramatically as the feds had to re-screen all of the incoming Iraqis. Their original screening of these two failed miserably. I went back ten fiscal years and learned that in the last decade we admitted 135,648 Iraqi ‘refugees.’Of those 63% are Muslims and the remaining 37% represent a whole host of religions (we are cleaning out the country of its minority population!) including Catholics, Christians and Chaldeans.
When I saw the breakdown of the Muslim numbers, it made me laugh. Who is persecuting who because we have brought in large numbers of the two primary opposing factions!
We admitted: 34,679 Shiites, 48,297 Sunnis, and 2,116 Muslims of unknown orientation. Are we placing them in the same towns so they can continue their infighting? Are we placing Iraqi Christians among them? (The resettlement contractors must think that America’s magic melting pot will erase centuries of animosity—it won’t.)
Here is the map from the Refugee Processing Centerof where the Iraqis have been placed. (There may be a way to find out which religions you got in your state, but I don’t know how to find that information. Knowing how the VOLAGs operate they probably sent you a smattering of all of them so you might have tensions in your community going forward.)
Alaska got 49 and Hawaii 4 but they didn’t fit on the map. Source Refugee Processing Center
Here are the numbers resettled by fiscal year (again, I did not go back to the first wave of Iraqis who came in the wake of the first George Bush war). One thing that you will see clearly is that once we get rolling and admit large populations of a particular ethnic group, we don’t stop for years and years (Somalishave been coming for decades).
FY 2007: 1,608 (This is the first year I began writing this blog and I remember well how the VOLAGs and the Open Borders gang were haranguing GWB to open the flood gates for Iraqis which he finally did. They said we broke Iraq so it was our responsibility to resettle vast numbers of their warring factions.)
FY 2008: 13,822
FY 2009: 18,838
FY 2010: 18,016
FY 2011: 9,388 (this dip is due to the discovery of 2 Iraqi Islamic terrorists in Kentucky, so the feds had to re-screen all the incoming Iraqis.)
FY 2012: 12,163
FY 2013: 19,488
FY 2014: 19,769
FY 2015: 12,676
FY 2016: 9,880
For more than you ever wanted to know, visit our Iraqi refugee category by clicking here (706 previous posts!). Endnote: LOL! This is how I get off track almost daily, I find something interesting to me and then don’t get to what I planned for the day. But, hopefully this is useful to some of you! One more thing…. Don’t like what you see? You only have 14 days (including today) to get a commitment from your member of Congress to DEFUND the Refugee Admissions Program in the lame duck session of Congress! They won’t care what you think after November 8th!
This is another in my series on Congress and the budget process as it relates to the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program (RAP). See Texas last week, here.
Simpson represents Idaho’s 2nd District which wikipediadescribes below:
In addition to Boise….
Other major cities in the 2nd district include Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Twin Falls, and Rexburg. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a strong presence in the district; a member of the LDS Church has represented this district continuously since 1951. [See our recent postabout the increasing role of the Mormon church in resettlement of third worlders to America—ed]
Rep. Mike Simpson has been in Idaho politics since 1980. He could help reform the Refugee Admissions Program if he had a will to do so. If I lived in the district I would be researching which industries looking for cheap immigrant labor support his campaign. You should know that on Conservative Reviews Liberty Score card, Simpson has an ‘F’
Regular readers know that Boise and Twin Falls are major resettlement sites in Idaho with large numbers of Muslim refugees arriving to work in places like the Chobani yogurt plant (go herefor our huge archive on Idaho).
A recent article at Magic Valley reports on Rep. Simpson’s views on many issues including immigration (he supports ‘comprehensive immigration reform’, aka amnesty, because he says we need workers).
And then here is a standard squishy response on arguably one of the hottest issues in Idaho—refugee resettlement in Boise and Twin Falls.
What are your views on the refugee resettlement program and on accepting refugees from the Middle East, and from Syria in particular? Do you support making any changes to the program or the vetting process? Should we be letting in more refugees? Fewer refugees?
I continue to support the American principle that we will not return a foreign national to a country where his or her life or freedom would be threatened based on their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. That being said, I am still concerned about the current vetting process, in particular for refugees from Syria, and I will continue to support efforts to strengthen that process. The real issue is that this Administration has not been able to effectively communicate to the American people that they can keep us safe. To regain our trust, the State Department and Department of Homeland Security must communicate a clear plan for the screening of Syrian refugees that is stringent and thorough enough to ensure those entering the United States will do no harm.
His answer demonstrates the usual dodge—it’s the Obama Administration’s fault for not communicating clearly how they will keep us safe. And, no answer to the question of more refugees!
He doesn’t tell you that as the 5th in seniority (he has been in Congress for 18 years!) on the powerful House Appropriations Committee, he is in the catbird seat to do something about security screening of Syrians.
(Simpson is not a member of the House Freedom Caucus nor did he support Rep. Brian Babin’s efforts to cut the funding for the RAP earlier this fall, see here.)
And, what does he mean by “not return a foreign national.” This isn’t a question of sending someone back, it is a question of bringing them in in the first place!
Again, it is about the money! He could be working to cut the funding for the program until the security screening (the vetting process) is made safe. Washington representatives like Mike Simpson want you to think it is the Democrats in the White House and the agencies—DOS and Homeland Security—who need to do their jobs. But, in reality he has more power than they do, because he is one of the key members of Congress holding the purse strings! He just doesn’t want his voters to know that!
Ironically he says this about the budget process on his website:
It is important for Americans to understand how the federal appropriations process works so that they can advocate for responsible federal spending.
On that he and I agree and that is why I am hounding you all, if you really want to try to get the RAP under control, get it reformed or stopped altogether, you too must understand the appropriations and budget process.
So what do you do if you live in Rep. Mike Simpson’s district?
There is only one thing you can do to slow this flow (besides electing Donald Trump) which at this rate would bring around 20,000 Syrians to America by next fall and that is to persuade your member of Congress and US Senators to DEFUND the program in the lame duck Budget debate coming in November.
Simpson and other members could stop or slow the flow using their power of the purse!
See the first in a series of posts on the lame duck budget process by clicking here. This is not about Obama! Your Congressional Representatives have the power to rein this in if they wanted to (and they don’t want you to know that they have that power!).
You have 15 days before election day to get a commitment from your Washington, DC representatives to DEFUND!
Citizens concerned about the impact of refugees on the 2nd District of Idaho must haunt Simpson’s campaign for those 15 days! Frankly, you might be better off with a new representative, no matter what party, but with no power, than a powerful Republican member like Simpson not working for you, but against you.
And, don’t forget Idaho’s US Senators and other Congressman. There are only 4 total members of the Idaho delegation, here.
All of our posts on the Congressional budget process are tagged: where is Congress.