I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving 2016 with family and friends and are now rested and ready to continue the revolution to make America great again!
While you were away, I posted what I think are very important stories, and because I want to be sure you got them all (some of you reported that you didn’t get my post on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (9/11 mastermind) telling interrogators that the Islamists plan to take over America by immigration and out-breeding us), I’m listing here a series of posts I wrote since the day you got in the car (or on a plane) to head to grandma’s house for Thanksgiving!
Sorry (to those of you who look for it), I didn’t get around to a weekly round-up of top posts again this past week, but will do a round-up for the month of November later this week. By the way, if you haven’t noticed there is a right hand sidebar here at RRW entitled Top Posts where the posts being most read over the last day or so are listed. There is a really old post about the Clintons and Podesta trending for some reason.
….while Obama is willing to take all he can get!
Look at this New York Times story on the supposed deal the Obama Administration has made with Australia to take its rejected asylum seekers off their hands! And, look at the UN twisting like a pretzel as it tries to explain why this insane deal is even being considered.
What it all boils down to is this: the Australian public (the voters) are sick and tired of all the Muslim boat people trying to break into Australia (so they have been parked offshore), but Australian political leaders, by agreeing to take Central American (phony refugees) in Costa Rica, are banking on being able to sell the public on most likely Catholics (or Christians of some sort) rather than the Muslims whose asylum cases were rejected!
This is basically a swap of illegal aliens! Don’t believe the UN that this is a “one-off!” Check out Malta, the European island nation that sends the US its overflow African illegal alien boat people, a travesty we have been writing about for years.
The Muslim boat people held in detention in Australian offshore facilities have had their asylum claims rejected. So neither those on Nauru or those in Costa Rica are legitimate (by definition) refugees!
For background, before you read on, see Grassley and Goodlatte blast Obama, here. There is a list of the nationalities of the failed asylum seekers, most come from Muslim countries.
SYDNEY, Australia — For years, the United Nations’ refugee agency told Australia that its policy of banishing asylum seekers to remote Pacific island detention centers was illegal.
This is Obama’s Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power. This “deal” sounds like something she wholeheartedly approved. What will Nikki Haley do about it (or other similar deals, this is not a one-off) when she gets to the UN? Will she say No! We don’t know, but one thing we can be sure of, Haley will likely dress more professionally than Power!
Now, the agency is working with Australia in what both sides call an unusual, not-to-be-replicated agreement to send some of those refugees across the world, to be resettled in the United States.
The deal, announced by Australia last week, is aimed at shutting down two offshore detention facilities — one on the island nation of Nauru and the other on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea — where hundreds of people are housed in what rights groups describe as deplorable conditions. The United States has agreed to take some of them; how many, and how quickly, remains unclear.
In an interview this week, Volker Turk, an assistant high commissioner with the United Nations’ refugee agency, said his staff would help with the screening and resettlement of refugees but only as a “one-off” to allay their suffering. “We think there is an urgent imperative to find a humanitarian way out of this otherwise very, very, complex conundrum,” he said by telephone from Canberra, the Australian capital.
What the heck is the “complex conundrum?”
Either they are legitimate refugees that Australia should admit to the mainland or they are illegal aliens who should be returned to where they came from. THEY ARE NOT AMERICA’S PROBLEM EITHER WAY! NYTcontinues:
“We do not in any way want to give the impression that we would continue supporting such types of mechanisms,” Mr. Turk said, referring to Australia’s offshore detention policy. “We, all of us, are very clear that this is a one-off, good offices, exceptional humanitarian type of involvement because we do not believe that the future of handling this lies in sending people to Manus Island and Nauru.”
Making the deal even more unusual, Australia has agreed to take in an unspecified number of Central American refugees who fled gang violence in their homelands. [Fleeing gang violence is not a criteria for being designated a refugee!—ed] The United Nations says there are an estimated 2,400 such people from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras who have been screened and recognized as refugees [Who “recognized” them?—ed]. The United States has long been reluctant to let them apply for asylum on its territory and only recently agreed to let the United Nations vet them at a processing center in Costa Rica.
Legitimate asylum seekers are supposed to ask for asylum in the first safe country they get to, they are not supposed to be ‘asylum shopping’ for better deals! By doing this ‘one-time’ (ha! ha!) deal we set the precedent for many more to come!
Continue reading here.
If you want to learn more about Samantha Power, we have a lot, click here.
Invasion of Europe news….
The EU is between a rock and a hard place! Remember Turkey is not our friend (Obama’s, but not ours)!
Unrelated (sort of) to this story, I wanted you to see this data from the US State Department’s Refugee Processing Center because I want you to know that the three top countries through which we process refugees to the US are Kenya, TURKEY and Jordan. All three are processing in mostly Muslim refugees. Data for the month of October only. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B84u_jF_w2FMSTd4cUNwTXhpaUE/view
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned the European Union that his country may wave through up to three million migrants to Europe as Ankara reacted furiously to Thursday’s vote in the European Parliament calling on Turkey’s accession negotiations to be frozen.
Mr Erdogan said that Turkey could row back on the migrant pact signed with the EU in March, which has dramatically reduced the number of refugees entering the EU through Turkey.
Three kindred spirits changing the world order, undermining Western Civilization: President Barack Obama, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and German Chancellor Angela Merkel
As a condition of that deal, the EU promised to accelerate Turkey’s accession talks and consider granting visa-free access to Turkish citizens to Europe.
But concerns about the Turkish government’s increasingly authoritarian stance, as it clamps down on dissenters following July’s failed coup, has sparked calls for Turkey’s accession talks to be suspended.
Speaking in Istanbul on Friday, the Turkish president accused the EU of “betraying its promises”.
“If you go any further, these border gates will be opened,” he said, describing the parliament vote as a “dry threat”.
If Turkey opens its gates, I predict Erdogan should expect the so-called ‘anti-immigration’ parties to win big! So, his threat, if carried out will not help his case.
Elections are looming in a number of EU countries next year, including France, Germany and the Netherlands, with anti-immigration parties expected to poll strongly.
As a result, incumbent governments are unlikely to want to commit to granting 78 million Turkish people visa-free access to Europe.
More here.
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.
On the Refugee Processing Centerwhere the US State Department keeps the data on who is coming in to the country through the RAP, we have found that important parts of the site are unavailable again and we hope it is only a Thanksgiving weekend anomaly. Notice how the new sitehas become an advocacy-oriented site. This is the sort of thing a new Secretary of State must know about and be ready to change!
Update November 29th: See tongue in cheek comment with a suggestion for Sam, below!
The biggest threats to the social order and economic viability of your community may be the little darlings at your local college or university (many of whom will graduate and go somewhere else in four short years).
Readers in Virginia need to nip this in the bud.
Students are pushing for a city resolution welcoming the federal refugee contractors in to set up shop in the historic city. (Nevermind that there is little low cost housing because the students likely gobble it all up!).
Why is it so cool for the kids these days to want to bring in Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees while not caring about the local American poor, disabled or struggling veterans?
From the Virginia Gazette:
William and Mary students want to make sure refugees know they are welcome in Williamsburg if and when the state sees fit. First step: getting the city council to pass a resolution to that effect.
In light of severe political unrest and danger in Syria, more than 10,000 refugees have entered the United States. They’ve settled in cities and towns across the country.
“The resolution would say that the city of Williamsburg would be willing to accept refugees were they to come,” senior student Andrew Vollavanh said.
He and other students decided to take the city resolution route after speaking with city staff. “We were trying to proceed in a legislative fashion,” Vollavanh said. “The mayor told us that probably wasn’t the best way to do it.”
Sam Steed is the Virginia legislative coordinator at Amnesty International and a student at the college.
Be sure to check out the information on Sam (photo caption at Virginia Gazette)! He is from Massachusetts and wants a job with Amnesty International when he graduates!
Looks like this is a national campaign aimed at college towns.
He said that resolutions similar to the one that they are trying to pass in Williamsburg have already passed in other cities, including Durham, North Carolina, New Paltz, New York, and Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Williamsburg does not share all of the traits of those cities, but the students still want to push a resolution through. The federal government lets trusted non-governmental organizations [LOL! “trusted”!—ed] figure out where refugees can settle upon entering the U.S. They weigh characteristics like whether there is an existing immigrant community and housing availability.
Continue reading as they repeat the refugee industry’s talking points that seem to be springing up everywhere. These are the three main talking points we have addressed in the past: Omar al Harden an Iraqi refugee plead guilty in Houston recently. He planned to bomb two area malls for ISIS. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2016/10/18/houston-tx-iraqi-refugee-pleads-guilty-in-isis-bomb-plot-so-much-for-screening/
~Only women and children! So we are expected to believe that these Middle Eastern and African women are going to live without their men for the next couple of decades. There is this thing called “family reunification.”
~Thoroughly vetted! But, no one tells the students that the Director of the FBI has testified to Congress that the Syrians can’t be vetted because there is no documentation on them from the failed state of Syria. In spite of that, Obama shortened ‘screening’ for Syrians from 18-24 months down to 3 months.
~No terrorist arrests in the refugee population in the US! Amazing to me that they tell this bald-faced lie when there is plenty of documentation of Islamic terrorist arrests and convictions (caught before they acted!) in the US refugee population.
I told readers about a few cases off the top of my head herewhen Church World Service was spinning in Poughkeepsie. One of these days I guess I will have to go back through my refugee crimes category and pull out all the Islamic terror/crime stories from the last 9 years involving refugees.
And, if you live nearby don’t miss this:
Students at the campus chapter of Amnesty International will hold a forum on Nov. 29 where experts will talk about some of the nuances involved in accepting refugees.
See more of the story at the Virginia Gazette.
And, one final thought. Since Williamsburg is an independent city with as they admit little housing for poor people, the kids would presumably have to sell this idea on surrounding counties. Editor (update): Here is a fun comment from a reader making a suggestion for Sam (sent to my personal email):
Sam Steed from Massachusetts, a student at William and Mary, wants to turn Williamsburg into a welcoming city for refugees, does he? Well, I’d say he doesn’t go far enough. So, Sam, here’s what I propose you do to gain credibility — Before you ask the city of Williamsburg to welcome refugees, you and fellow do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do students must step forward and offer to adopt individual refugees and their families, prepare them for assimilation into America, and then take them home to Mom and Dad for a lesson in cultural diversity. The refugees can be a real-life report card, like show and tell: this is what your tuition bought. Deal with it, Mom and Dad, or else you’re a racist and a bigot and a xenophobe. What do you say, Sam? Amnesty International might hire you early!
If everything is so copacetic in Lancaster County, then why did it go 57% for Donald Trump?
This is what the Left is so good at—writing studies that are not completely accurate to paint a positive picture of the economic impact of refugees on a community and then use it as a news-hook. But, in this case the study (the propaganda!) which concluded that immigrants/refugees economically benefit Lancaster County, PA was produced by the real driver of the Open Borders movement, not the Leftwing, do-gooder, ‘humanitarians,’ but business interests who want the ready supply of cheap labor—-the Chamber of Commerce and Bloomberg’s New American Economy cheered on by federal refugee contractor Church World Servicewhich receives most of its funding from you, the taxpayer. [For more on the New American Economy, go here.–ed] Do not trust any propaganda from leading Open Borders advocates like Bloomberg: “Former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg speaks at a press conference announcing a new initiative between the Clinton Foundation, United Nations Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies…” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-bloomberg/bloomberg-what-works-cities-data_b_7097304.html (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
The article at Philly.com (fake news?) seems to be promoting refugee resettlement, but when you look closely, the educated and hardworking immigrants cited are mostly not refugees—they are Vietnamese (we only take a handful of refugees from Vietnam now), Mexicans, Germans!, Dominicans, and a smaller number of Cubans which we do take as refugees, but shouldn’t be!
But, the most important and misleading aspect of the story is that there is no information in the study about what the refugees/immigrants cost Lancaster County and the federal taxpayer for welfare, subsidized housing, food stamps, medicare, the criminal justice system and a biggie—education for the kids. The low wages Tyson Foods and other big global corporations pay their labor is supplemented by you, so of course the business community loves this model! Philly.com:
Lancaster County is Donald Trump land. The president-elect won 57 percent of the 240,000 votes cast there, compared with Hillary Clinton’s 38 percent.
The county of about a half-million people also is home to fast-growing numbers of immigrants and refugees – 23,094 as of last count – whose rate of growth from 2009 to 2014 was nearly double the rate for the county as a whole. Nationwide, immigrants and refugees were among groups often lambasted by candidate Trump.
VP Lancaster Chamber of Commerce, Cheryl Irwin-Bass. http://www.lancasterchamber.com/article.aspx?page=executive-biographies&parent=media-center#.WDmpW1ygY2w
But in Lancaster County, according to a study released Tuesday, foreign-born residents have had “an outsize” positive impact on the local economy, and in 2014 contributed $62.8 million to Social Security, $16.4 million to Medicare, $52.5 million in state and local taxes, and $103.3 million in federal taxes. Their spending power was estimated at $440.5 million.
The study was a joint project of the Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Lancaster County Refugee Coalition. It was conducted and underwritten by the bipartisan New American Economy, a Washington nonprofit whose cochairs include former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Philadelphia Mayor Michael A. Nutter.
“With the very serious workforce challenges the business community faces, the findings in this report will help us to more fully leverage every person in this county,” Cheryl Irwin-Bass, vice president of the chamber, said when she presented the study at her group’s annual State of the County event.
The study cites manufacturing and health care as industries in which immigrants have played important roles. Some refugees have obtained jobs at Tyson Foods. [I wonder if refugees who sign up abroad to come here are forewarned about the meatpacking jobs they are expected to fill—ed]
Church World Service has an office in Lancaster City, and the refugees she helps include Syrians who have had to flee their war-ravaged homeland. The top five immigrant groups are from Vietnam, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Germany, and Cuba. [Mostly NOT refugees—ed]
Philly.com continues here. Rally earlier this year against more refugees for Lancaster. Trump voters! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2016/01/03/pennsylvania-patriots-rally-against-more-muslim-refugees-for-lancaster/
Forget humanitarianism, it is all about money!
If I have done nothing else with this post and years of work on the subject of Refugee Resettlement I hope I have gotten one important message through to you dear reader—-Refugee Resettlement in America is NOT first and foremost about humanitarianism, it is about big business and cheap labor!
I’ve written a lot about Lancaster (Amish country) over the years. My interest began in 2007 when it was Lancaster’s spillover (there was some problem with crime there we were told by our police chief) that came to my county in western Maryland. Go herefor my archive on Lancaster. See especially posts where some very unhappy citizens protested against more refugee resettlement and where the school system endured a very expensive lawsuit filed by lawyers for refugees (I bet Bloomberg didn’t include that cost in his study!).