I mostly wanted to know what the numbers are looking like because I’m sure the Obama Administration is pouring them in as fast as they can before January 20th, the day Donald Trump moves in to the White House.
So checking Wrapsnet.org this morning, and to make it easy on myself (with the math) I checked the data from October 1, 2016 to December 10, 2016 (exactly ten weeks) and this is what I found. We admitted 21,117 refugees from all over the world in those ten weeks. That is a rate of approximately 2,112 per week so far this fiscal year*** which is way beyond anything we have seen in years. See the monthly rates for the last ten years here.
So here is a screenshot (sorry couldn’t get it all on the screen) of where the 21,117 have been placed in the last ten weeks:
And here is the list of the top ten states so far:
For all sorts of data and reports, visit two important categories here at RRW. Visit ‘Refugee statistics’ and ‘Where to find information.’ Both are categories where I post information like this.
I’ll try to do one of these reports for some of the primary ethnic groups over the coming days.
***I always try to use fiscal year which runs, in this case, from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017, because the Refugee Admissions Program operates on a fiscal year basis. So, if you see numbers being reported elsewhere, take note of whether the reporter is using the fiscal year or calendar year.
Day: December 16, 2016
Ohio State Somali slasher family's refugee case contained many red flags apparently ignored by Obama DHS
When Donald Trump said the Ohio State Somali refugee jihadist should not have been here, he was right.
More information is coming out every day on who these people are and how they got in to the US.
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:
Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the Ohio State student who attacked fellow students with his car and a butcher knife last month, was a known recruitment target of Islamic terrorists when Homeland Security officials allowed him into the country as a “refugee.”

The revelation came from a letter sent Wednesday by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Artan entered the U.S. as a refugee along with his mother and six of his siblings, leaving one sibling behind in Somalia.
Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is demanding more information on the screening process applied to Artan and his family.
While applying for entrance into the U.S. as a “refugee” from Somalia in 2013, Artan’s mother told immigration officials she feared persecution from al-Shabaab, an al-Qaida affiliated terrorist group, and believed Abdul and his siblings would be recruited into the organization if they remained in Somalia, the Daily Caller reported.
That knowledge should have led USCIS officials to “conduct additional questioning to better understand ties to a group that the United States designated as a foreign terrorist organization in 2008,” the letter said. But the additional questioning, which the committee describes as “common practice” in those situations, never happened.
Artan’s mother also told government screeners that her husband had been kidnapped by al-Shabab.
All of these facts should have been red flags, a former DHS screening officer told WND.
Phil Haney, a recently retired Homeland Security officer and co-author of the bombshell book “See Something Say Nothing,” said it’s not all that rare that a case with obvious red flags gets no response when passed up the line from the original interviewer at DHS.
Continue reading here because the meat of Hohmann’s report is his interview with author and former DHS officer Phil Haney who says concerns about certain refugee cases began to be ignored as soon as Obama took office.
I’m quoted in Hohmann’s piece too reiterating what I have recently said: The new AG Jeff Sessions should take this case apart from top to bottom to learn how the Somali pipeline to America operates.
Germany rounds up and deports Afghan failed asylum seekers
Invasion of Europe news….
Thirty four Afghan young men were rounded up in Germany in recent days and put on a plane to Kabul.
Trying to cope with hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers who have entered the country in recent years, German authorities say they are moving faster now to get rid of those who have no legitimate claim to asylum.
Germans are giving preference for refugee status to Syrians and apparently these Afghans couldn’t prove they would be persecuted if sent home.
This publicly reported (by the Merkel government) round-up and deportation is likely meant to show nervous Germans that they are being protected.
Here is the story at The Times of Malta:
Afghan asylum seekers have returned home after being deported from Germany the day before, an official said, a move that was made possible after a recent Afghan-Germany deal to stem the influx into the European country.
The plane carrying the deportees – all young men without families – landed in Kabul around 5am local time, said the Kabul airport chief of police, Mohammad Asif Jabarkhil.
Many of the deportees expressed disappointment, saying they had lived and worked in Germany for years and were now forced to come back without any job prospects.
Until now, few were deported with many instead being convinced to go home voluntarily with financial incentives. [I’m an advocate for giving financial incentives for migrants to go home. We should be thinking about this in the US, especially for refugees who came here thinking the streets are paved with gold and instead finding only slaughter plant work for low wages!—ed]
At the Kabul airport on Thursday, some deportees – such as 24-year-old Mohammad Khan who said he had spent 10,000 euros (£8,350) to get to Europe and had lived in Germany for almost six years – complained over the behaviour of the German police.
“Two days ago, two policemen came to my home and said, ‘Let’s go on a picnic,’ and took me to the deportation centre,” he said. “The next day, I was brought to the Frankfurt Airport.
In light of the horrible news about the last moments of Maria Ladenburger’s life, not too many Germans are weeping for the recently deported. It is only too bad they didn’t find Hussein Khavari sooner.
All of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is here. Please pay attention to Europe and the destruction of western civilization there. Even if there is not much we can do (except offer moral support) to help save them, watch and learn so we don’t suffer the same fate.