So what happened at yesterday's solidarity-with-mosques day?

Leo Hohmann (author of the best selling book ‘Stealth Invasion) tells us here at World Net Daily. See my post on their plans here a couple of days ago. And, see what I said here (below)!
Hohmann at WND:

‘Christian’ activists head to mosques to resist Trump

A national coalition with ties to George Soros was behind a national day of “solidarity” with Muslims Friday that included rallies at airports and prayer vigils at mosques.

Must read! Hohmann’s ‘Stealth Invasion’ which is moving up on Amazon’s best sellers lists.

The National Partnership for New Americans sponsored a “day of action” to protest Donald Trump’s 90-day moratorium on travel from seven countries – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Yemen – which the groups are calling “unconstitutional” and a “Muslim ban.”

The NPNA was funded with a $200,000 grant from Soros’ Open Society Foundations in 2011.

Friday’s action is to be followed up by another on Feb. 22 when the NPNA coalition plans to flood congressional offices with protesters at the district level, sending an army of advocates for immigrants and refugees.

But Friday’s event was no ordinary protest. Many non-Muslims entered mosques and joined Muslims in the Jummah prayer, which is the most heavily attended prayer of the week at mosques around the world and widely referred to as the “Friday call to prayer.”

Some of the secular and ostensibly Christian activists posted on social media that they felt “inspired” to join in the prayers to Allah.

One mosque that attracted ‘Interfaith’ supporters yesterday was  the Islamic Society of Western Maryland!

At some mosques, such as the Islamic Society of Western Maryland in Hagerstown, visitors observed Islamic gender rules.

This was reported by the Hagerstown Herald Mail:

“We are extremely grateful and appreciative for this show of concern,” Faruq Post, the society’s resident scholar, told the men, women and children, who were asked to segregate by gender. Most women covered their heads with scarves.

By the way the Herald Mail story says 100 were in attendance, but never tells us how many were regulars at the mosque. Three from the INTERFAITH group are quoted.

The NPNA coalition includes a large swath of the interfaith movement in America – a blend of Christian, Muslim and Jewish groups – teaming up with immigrant rights activists.

Federally-funded refugee contractors were involved in organizing the solidarity event.

Hohmann continues….

Allying themselves in this project with Muslim groups such as CAIR and the Council of Muslim Organizations are various Christian organizations such as Church World Services, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, World Relief and others involved in the resettlement of refugees in the United States. These volunteer agencies, also called VOLAGs, are paid $2,050 for every refugee they resettle in America, with more than half of that fee flowing into their coffers and the balance going to the refugee. [For new readers it was Church World Service subcontractor, the Virginia Council of  Churches that brought refugees to Hagerstown in 2007 and inspired me to write this blog!—ed]


These groups present themselves as charitable advocates for the downtrodden when in fact the vast majority of their budgets are funded by federal grants, not donations by church members.

If you missed it in 2009, it is not too late to read it. In fact, the timing could not be better!

“It’s not charity if you are taking other people’s money by force, through public tax dollars, and using it to do what you consider to be the Lord’s work,” says Ann Corcoran, who follows the refugee industry and blogs at Refugee Resettlement Watch.


“They will whine about refugees but when you look at this list and know what they are planning, it is open borders they are really pushing for—illegals, legal immigrants, it is all the same to them,” wrote Corcoran. “In fact, on the call they said they would link their national policy agenda to emotions by using individual refugee sob stories. Refugees as pawns for their radical political agenda?”

As of Friday there were 14 states and the District of Columbia listed as hosting rallies in support of Muslims. Cities on the list included Chicago, New York, Nashville, Los Angeles, Miami, Greensboro, North Carolina; Fairfax and Alexandria, Virginia; Reading, Pennsylvania; Billings, Montana; Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; Silver Spring and Hagerstown, Maryland; and Boise, Idaho.

The Hagerstown Herald Mail could never bring itself to write about allegations made in 2009 in ‘Muslim Mafia’ even though CAIR has never been able to prove any of the information is false having been taken directly from documents CAIR had warehoused.
WND’s story continues…..

One of the participating mosques that welcomed non-Muslim supporters to join it for Friday prayers was the Islamic Society of Western Maryland in Hagerstown. This mosque was identified as having connections to radical Islamic elements in the undercover investigative book “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America” by David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry.

The FBI was investigating this predominantly Pakistani mosque for suspicious activity in 2004 and the imam immediately brought in a CAIR lawyer Shama Farooq to help coach him on how to answer the investigators’ questions.

To learn what happened, continue here.
As we know well, citizens have every right to support mosques and organize protests, but when it comes to federally- funded organizations possibly using tax dollars to do it then we have every right to demand an accounting.
By the way, Esam Omeish former head of the Muslim America Society (a Muslim Brotherhood spin-off group) is a member of this mosque. Look what he said in Hagerstown in 2008:

In a sermon during Monday’s holiday prayer service, Omeish encouraged Muslims to establish themselves and break new ground where they live in much the same way Abraham is said to have founded monotheism in Arabia.

Yahya Hendi has spoken here as well. See what Hendi told the Saudis in 2007. Why would Muslims be pushing for the election of Muslim mayors across America? If they are here to assimilate why do they need Muslim mayors?

Comment worth noting: What one reader said to President Trump

Editor:  This is from a reader named Paul. He took my suggestion and wrote to the White House comment page.
Before you read it (below) consider this:

Since we have no idea if our comments to the White House website go down a black hole, use whatever you tell the President more broadly.

First, copy what you told Pres. Trump to your member of Congress and two US Senators. For good measure send it to your governors and your state and local elected representatives. Always ask those elected officials, especially your Washington, DC reps, a question so that they MIGHT feel compelled to respond to you.
Then you can use your comment as a part of a letter to the editor to your local newspaper. Simply say, Dear Editor, this is where I stand on President Trump’s Executive order and I believe there are many people in our community who feel the same way.  Be sure to make it clear it is a ‘Letter to the editor.’
Finally send your comment to any groups you participate in, your e-mail lists, and send it to your facebook page too. Ask everyone to go to the White House website (more then once if they want to!) and do the same!

In other words, don’t waste your comment, but make it go far and wide!


Here is what Paul said to Donald Trump a couple of days ago:

So far, I’m disappointed with Trump’s actions on immigration. They’re not nearly muscular enough.

DACA and DAPA should have been cancelled on Day 1. Refugee intake should simply be on moratorium, not just in abeyance for a few months. And asylum should be shut down, too, since it’s almost entirely fraudulent.

One important, discrete thing to do is to turn off the federal money to the nine national refugee-resettlement agencies …

Church World Service (CWS)
Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)
Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular)
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
World Relief Corporation (WR)

.. which are essentially federal contractors. Many of their names suggest that they’re charitable organizations, funded by donations from generous American citizens. Instead, the vast bulk of their money comes from us taxpayers, who have no choice about the exactions.

It’s time for any remaining refugee intake to be done solely by private parties on their own nickel. And they should also be made responsible for the well-being of any such refugees after they arrive — as it is now, most of the refugees are dumped into our welfare programs, and they wind up being an even bigger expense — MUCH bigger — to us taxpayers than the resettlement agencies.

Tell everyone you know to contact the White House website and leave a polite message for President Donald Trump! Click here.  Then put your comment(s) to good use!

This post is filed in our ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts’ archive here.
Don’t miss my previous post this morning about how panic has set in among the contractors listed in Paul’s comment. Trump is breaking their rice bowls (taxpayer-funded jobs going bye! bye!).

Oh, the wailing has begun, refugee contractors NOW trying to raise private money to stay afloat

President Barack Obama’s administration told resettlement organizations to staff up in anticipation of an increase in refugees this year!

Mark Hetfield told the AP

In the wake of only a 120-day slowdown for refugee resettlement, the nine major federal refugee contractors are moaning about how they will have to cut staff as they lose MILLIONS of federal dollars they receive to place ever increasing numbers of third worlders into unsuspecting American towns.
This is an Associated Press story filled with extremely useful information, here is the first part of it.  All of you in ‘pockets of resistance’ should keep the whole article.
We gave you a list of local sob stories here the other day, here are the major contractors.
From AP at Crossroads Today (emphasis is mine):

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) – Refugee resettlement organizations are bracing for significant funding cuts and possible layoffs over the coming months during President Donald Trump’s temporary refugee ban.

The agencies receive a certain amount of federal dollars per refugee they help resettle, which means they would lose a key source of funding unless the Trump administration provides funds in the interim during the 120-day temporary halt to refugees entering the U.S.


Catholic Charities USA says the executive order will cost the organization millions of dollars and put at risk about 7,000 jobs out of the 54,000 jobs at their agencies around the country, according to spokeswoman Patricia Cole.

So now they attempt to raise private Christian charity, why didn’t they do this long ago! The refugee program was supposed to be a public-private partnership, but the public share increases annually as the private share shrinks!

AP continues….

The group launched an $8 million fundraising campaign this week to help replace the funding it expects to lose during the four-month moratorium.

Catholic Charities agencies resettled roughly 23,000 of the nearly 85,000 refugees that entered the U.S. last year, Cole said. Most of them were women and children.

British national David Miliband gives Soros the IRC’s top award—the 2013 Freedom Award (LOL! not fake news!). Miliband said Soros has made a “tremendous commitment to the advancement of human rights, social justice and democracy around the world.”

It is one of nine agencies*** that handle refugee resettlement. Another agency, International Rescue Committee is asking its donors to help raise $5 million to ensure its 29 offices around the country can continue to support refugees already here.  [Hey, here is a thought maybe David Miliband could take a pay cut, he gets over a half a million as CEO of this contractor. The budget for the IRC is more than a half a billion annually —ed]

Making matters worse for agencies is that President Barack Obama’s administration told resettlement organizations to staff up in anticipation of an increase in refugees this year, said Mark Hetfield, president of HIAS, formerly the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

You must read it all! Go here.
See that many of the employees they will let go are refugees. So next time you see their mumbo-jumbo about how they help refugees get jobs, remember many are getting jobs to advance the contractor’s agenda.

They want Trump to advance them money as Bush did after the 9/11 slowdown!

Don’t do it Donald, they are too big, too bloated, too lazy to raise private money, and they operate with secrecy and arrogance toward local citizens wherever they place refugees!

Readers, you can tell President Trump what you think here.

Be sure to tell him that these very same ‘non-profits’ whining for your tax dollars are deeply involved in plans to demonstrate against his administration, see here.

***Nine federal refugee contractors: