Update February 22: The mosque will be built, Trump Administration did not stop Obama deal. So sad for citizens there.See here.
Maybe he doesn’t even know that an Obama Justice Department ‘deal’ is going forward! With the stroke of a pen this afternoon, AG Sessions could halt this action! Spread this news far and wide to try to get the attention of Attorney General Jeff Sessions! World Net Daily:
A city of 130,000 people in southeastern Michigan is under the gun of Islamic pressure following its denial of a mega-mosque in a residential neighborhood populated largely by Christian refugees who fled Islamic persecution in Iraq.
Sterling Heights already has two mosques, but a third, the American Islamic Community Center, applied for a permit and was rejected after it was determined its proposed use was incompatible with the residential area. Too much traffic, too little parking, the city planning commission decided by a 9-0 vote against the mosque in September 2015.
But in December, the mosque sued the city and the Obama Justice Department joined in, claiming the real reason the mosque was denied was because the city was caving to anti-Muslim bigotry in the community. Now, a settlement deal is headed to the Sterling Heights City Council on Tuesday evening. If the council votes to sign the deal, it could be very costly for the city.
Obama’s Justice Department deals must be killed! Here is the full story, no time to write about it further, just please see what Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily is reporting.
CEO Hetfield could always take a pay cut to tide them over! Or maybe consider doing charitable work that doesn’t involve the vagaries of federal funding.
Today there is a sob storyabout how some of the refugees expected to be resettled in Delaware by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) might not be coming. Longtime readers know that Delaware has only received a handful of refugees over the years and I have always suspected that somehow good ol’ might have had a hand in keeping the numbers small (not in my backyard!).
But, near the end of the Delaware news we see that the HIAS is a plaintiff in at least one of the lawsuits against the Trump Administration and I thought it might be a good idea to show you their complaints which seem to center around the idea that they were promised so many refugees (paying clients) this fiscal year and now they might not get them.
See one of our recent reports on HIAS federal funding.
Can you sue the federal government to get grants you were hoping for?
Below are some screenshots from the lawsuit which could be moot by the time I post this!
Amazing isn’t it! It is all about their money! (and protecting their Muslim clients). The brief continues about individual cases. Continue reading hereif you are interested.
As I said in my previous post about Catholic Charities crying foul, shouldn’t there be a federal law disallowing non-profits receiving federal grants from working against the hand that feeds them? Click here for our HIAS archive.
What else can we expect from the NYT! Or, most of the mainstream media for that matter.
A report in the NY Times yesterday (hat tip: Joanne) glosses over the problems with the placement of poverty on top of poverty in upstate cities, misleads us about Obama’s 2017 wish list, and skims over the fact that ‘religious’ charities are sucking down taxpayer dollars like there is no tomorrow.
BTW, refugees are generally not placed in New York city because the contractors can’t find enough cheap housing. Assuming there is only one Jesse McKinley at the NYT: https://bayarea.blogs.nytimes.com/whos-who-on-the-blog/
So Buffalo fits the bill!
Only two things worth mentioning in this overly long and biased news about how refugees are supposedly revitalizing slums.
First this!
Reporter Jesse McKinley seems to think that churches becoming mosques is somehow a positive thing! Really!
BUFFALO — Newcomers have filled up hundreds of empty homes and apartments, and poured money and energy into destitute neighborhoods. Former churches have been reborn as mosques…
And, then this (below) made me laugh—Catholic Charities can’t have it both ways!
The majority of their funding for placing refugees in New York state cities comes from the federal government. Yet, now that refugees have a negative view of the federal government, Catholic Charities of Buffalo wants to pretend they are a non-profit group! Mr. Walczyk, why not try doing your charitable Christian good works with your own privately-raised money!
Dennis C. Walczyk, chief executive of Catholic Charities of Buffalo, said that the president’s order had spread suspicion among new arrivals.
“They’re questioning us,” Mr. Walczyk said, adding: “Even though we’re all independent, nonprofit, nongovernmental agencies, the connection seems to be being made by some of our clientele, that, ‘Well, you’re an arm of the government.’”
Yes, Mr. Walczyk, you are an arm of the government! How about doing your ‘religious’ charitable work with private money and then you can claim independence! McKinley continues….
Groups like Mr. Walczyk’s do receive an administrative payment for their work in settling new arrivals — $900 per person — and the potential loss of that money is another point of concern, though refugee placements have restarted. Some resettlement groups across the state have already tightened their belts, and reduced staffs, reflecting President Trump’s immigration order and his administration’s plan to accept 50,000 refugees this federal fiscal year, as opposed to the target of 110,000 set by President Barack Obama.
Reporter wants readers to believe 110,000 is normal!
Darn lazy liberal reporters never tell you that this “target” set by Obama (for a year he would no longer be in the WH) is first only a ceiling not a target!
And besides, if Obama was so set on that huge number (110,000!) why wasn’t he anywhere close to that number for the previous 8 years! (Ceilings were set at 70,000-80,000 but he only occasionally came close to hitting the ceiling).
Numbers resettled in Obama years (from data here):
FY09: 74,654
FY10: 73,311
FY11: 56,424
FY12: 58,238
FY13: 69,926
FY14: 69,987
FY15: 69,993
FY16: 84,894
On a whim, I decided to see just how much of your tax dollars Catholic Charities of Buffalo, NY is burning through.
Yikes! At USASpending.gov we see that since 2008 they received $43,153,870 in grants and subgrants—43 Million!!!
So why aren’t reporters like Mr. McKinley doing this kind of research and questioning what is driving the refugee industry? (We know the answer!)
There should be a law, if you are receiving federal grants you shouldn’t be allowed to whine to reporters and otherwise work against the President.
Readers, look up your local Catholic Charities and prepare to be shocked!
We have posted many many times about New York over the years, but here is one postthat will help you get started with your education on the subject!
SPLC: Send us money, lots of it! We have fake news to spread and big salaries to pay!
Now we see that Daniel Greenfield (I wish I was able to tickle the funny bone as well as he does) tells us more about the “Islamophobic groups” SPLC says are on the rise.
Here at Frontpage:
Look out! It’s another fake Islamophobia crisis.
“Huge Growth in Anti-Muslim Hate Groups During 2016: SPLC Report,” wails NBC News. “Watchdog: Number of anti-Muslim hate groups tripled since 2015,” FOX News bleats. ABC News vomits up this word salad. “Trump cited in report finding increase in US hate groups for 2nd year in a row.”
The SPLC stands for the Southern Poverty Law Center: an organization with slightly less credibility than Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Clown College, and without the academic degree in greasepaint.
And you won’t believe the shameless way the SPLC faked its latest Islamophobia crisis.
The Southern Poverty Law Center’s latest “hate group” sightings claims that the “number of anti-Muslim hate groups increased almost three-fold in 2016.”
That’s a lot of folds.
Continue reading hereto see how they inflate the number of “groups” they claim are anti-Muslim. The vast majority of the “groups” are individual, or small clusters, of grassroots patriots who work for nothing, but are up against this bunch of fat cats!
I’ve never bothered to look until today to see what the salaries are of the ‘leaders’ of the SPLC and I am blown away! Much of this money comes from Americans they have scared with their “Hate” lists! Look at these screenshots from a recent Form 990! (Form 990s are the reporting forms that non-profit groups must file with the IRS)
Fat cats!
From their 2015 Form 990 (available on their own website) where they reported a total revenue of $58 million:
So, dear patriots! Know that you are up against powerful and rich liberals who have to keep cash flowing in by duping naive fellow Americans.
Trump is right about most of the media, because as Greenfield points out, ABC, NBC and even Fox News bleated out their fake news!
One of the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors*** won’t feel as much financial pain as the smaller ones during Trump’s upcoming refugee slowdown. That contractor is the International Rescue Committee that seems to be hellbent on changing the American West—they are well-established in Idaho and only last year opened their first office in Montana. IRC CEO David Miliband with the winner of the IRC’s Freedom Award—George Soros. Big money up against just regular folks in Idaho.
So, it appears they will use the slowdown to begin to get your minds right about refugees and the wonderful diversity they will bring to conservative states. They are going to reach the college kids first.
Before you read on, go herewhere I told you how much money the IRC banks each year—a large chunk comes from you via your tax dollars—but you can bet that former British Foreign Secretary (still a British national), its CEO, is bringing in gobs of money from globalists like George Soros. This is the first time, I’m seeing a propaganda launch like this one from a refugee contractor which has apparently set up a separate media campaign.
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is introducing a new campaign, One Home Idaho, to celebrate Idaho’s diverse population and promote awareness of different social groups living within the state.
Expected to last four months throughout the Summer of 2017, the One Home Idaho campaign is an awareness movementstarted by the IRC intended to bring recognition to the beauty and cultural diversity refugees can offer.
Will they be mentioning the case of Uzbek refugee Fazliddin Kurbanov in their media campaign? Convicted in Boise in 2015 on terror charges. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/08/14/idaho-uzbek-refugee-convicted-of-terrorism-conspiracy-charge-in-us/
The campaign comes soon after the recent executive order regarding immigration that left a percentage of the American population contemplating the implications of the global refugee crisis.
A recent teach-in held by Boise State hosted panel members from refugee resettlement agencies, who spoke on the gravity of the situation and shed light on the presence of refugees in Idaho.
The One Home Idaho campaign aims to foster this kind of relationship between native Boiseans and resettled refugees by promoting their cause through their website, social media platforms, billboards and potential airtime on TV networks.
Continue reading here.
We have a substantial archive on Idaho, here. And for more on David Miliband, click here.
***For new readers the nine federal refugee contractors paid by the head to place refugees in your towns are here: