Reader: Why isn't Trump sending them all to Hawaii?

That made me laugh and I said I would have a look at the numbers!
If you are new to the issue, the joke is that when Hawaiian judge, and Obama pal, Derrick Watson put a halt to Trump’s last Executive Order one month ago, we pointed out rightly that Hawaii has only taken a handful of refugees for decades, see here and here.

Judge Derrick Watson wants diversity—send him some!

I checked Wrapsnet just now.  As of today Trump is at 40,671 refugees for this fiscal year which is way ahead of either George W. Bush or Barack Obama for this point in the fiscal year (see chart below).
2,565 refugees have been admitted to the US in the past 4 weeks when there was supposed to be a ‘moratorium’ on resettlement.

Hawaii?  (Drum roll!)

Hawaii has taken ZERO refugees in those 4 weeks and only 3 Burmese in the whole of this fiscal year (out of the 40,671).
We should launch a campaign and call it ‘Send them all to Hawaii!’

Trump presiding over largest number of refugees admitted by mid-April in last ten years!

Check my math, have we admitted a number over 40,000 refugees by mid-April in the last ten years? I don’t think so!

Endnote: Remember it is Hawaii that was sending its homeless people to the mainland! So much for loving diversity!

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