Reader: Why isn't Trump sending them all to Hawaii?

That made me laugh and I said I would have a look at the numbers!
If you are new to the issue, the joke is that when Hawaiian judge, and Obama pal, Derrick Watson put a halt to Trump’s last Executive Order one month ago, we pointed out rightly that Hawaii has only taken a handful of refugees for decades, see here and here.

Judge Derrick Watson wants diversity—send him some!

I checked Wrapsnet just now.  As of today Trump is at 40,671 refugees for this fiscal year which is way ahead of either George W. Bush or Barack Obama for this point in the fiscal year (see chart below).
2,565 refugees have been admitted to the US in the past 4 weeks when there was supposed to be a ‘moratorium’ on resettlement.

Hawaii?  (Drum roll!)

Hawaii has taken ZERO refugees in those 4 weeks and only 3 Burmese in the whole of this fiscal year (out of the 40,671).
We should launch a campaign and call it ‘Send them all to Hawaii!’

Trump presiding over largest number of refugees admitted by mid-April in last ten years!

Check my math, have we admitted a number over 40,000 refugees by mid-April in the last ten years? I don’t think so!

Endnote: Remember it is Hawaii that was sending its homeless people to the mainland! So much for loving diversity!

Trump crosses 40,000 refugees mark! Over 900 in past week! Syrians lead the pack in last 4 weeks

It has been 4 weeks since President Trump announced his 120-day “moratorium” on refugee resettlement as part of the court-halted Executive Order.  And, for the umpteenth time, I repeat that the President did not have to even announce any “moratorium” or put it in an Executive Order!  He has the power to simply stop the processing!

GW Bush loved refugees, yet at this rate Trump will bring in more refugees than Bush. Bush’s average is about 58,000. At the rate of admission for this past week, Trump will surpass that number. Trump has already passed Bush’s lowest year (2003) of 39,554.

Then on March 30th we were stunned to learn that they were aiming to bring in 900 refugees a week through the remainder of the fiscal year that ends on September 30th.
If he and Tillerson keep that pace they will admit around 60,000 this year which is near the average number we have admitted since 9/11.
Do they think we are not watching?
George Bush loved refugees and he averaged under 60,000!

Sure enough, according to Wrapsnet in the last week, from April 6th to today (April 13th) they have admitted 977 refugees in ONE WEEK!

It was yesterday that I noticed Trump had passed the 40,000 mark (it was 40,180 this time yesterday morning).  Today it is 40,602 (you might get slightly different numbers depending on the time of day you check the data, I try to check around the same time every day.)
That is an increase just since this time yesterday of 402!  (See my right hand sidebar where I am tracking the numbers every few days).

Going back to the date that the “moratorium” was supposed to begin on March 16th the Trump State Department has admitted 2,496 refugees.

100 Burmese Muslims admitted to US in last 4 weeks.

Of the 2,496, topping the list are 335 Syrians! 327 of those are Muslims. Other countries, where Trump’s campaign promise of “extreme vetting” was supposed to be put in place (Somalia and Iraq), come in at 283 each, and we admitted 116 Iranians in the last 4 weeks.
Most interesting to me is that we admitted 333 Burmese (that part is no a surprise because we have been admitting Burmese minorities for years and years).
The big surprise is that in just the last 4 weeks we admitted 100 Burmese Rohingya Muslims.  When I first started writing RRW in 2007, we were steering clear of bringing the devout Rohingya to America.

VOLAGs not making so much noise now!

Have you noticed that there are fewer news stories about the Refugee contractors*** screaming bloody murder about Trump (and their loss of federal bucks) in the last week or so? I have.  Has the word gone out to shut up for awhile?
The ultimate test for me will come in September when the Trump Department of State will send its “determination” to the Hill with the proposed numbers for FY2018.  Will Trump simply cave and continue the trend he has begun to bring in the average number of refugees that we have seen in the last 15 years?


We will also be watching to see if the Tillerson Dept. of State will go back to holding public hearings on the size and scope of the US Refugee Admissions Program.  The Obama DOS abandoned the public hearing format in 2015 after several years of hearings that had gotten contentious. See my comments last year here.
The ‘hearing’ is usually in May or possibly early June. We will be watching!
If the Trump team were smart they would hold some field hearings so that citizens impacted by the program could voice their concerns to the Administration—but, don’t hold your breath!
*** For new readers, these are the nine major contractors (VOLAGs), paid by you, to resettle refugees in your towns and cities:

Twin Falls, Idaho: Mormon Boy Scout troop being used to promote MORE refugees

It is really pretty shameful to use Boy Scouts who couldn’t possibly understand the complexity of the US Refugee Admissions Program to be shilling for a resettlement contractor paid by the head to place refugees in communities like Twin Falls just so local businesses can take advantage of taxpayer-supported cheap/captive labor that refugees represent.

They know not what they do….

Here is the latest from Leo Hohmann at WND.  Be sure to see previous posts of mine about how the Mormon church is getting in to the refugee seeding process. LOL! I think they are angling to become VOLAG number ten!

One week after three refugee boys from Sudan and Iraq pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho, the city council has voted unanimously to lay out the welcome mat for more refugees.

The council voted 7-0 to direct the city staff to draft a resolution declaring Twin Falls a “welcoming city” after hearing a pitch from local Boy Scout Troop 4, which is sponsored by the Mormon Church.

The Latter Day Saints Church sponsors a scouting troop that is involved in an Eagle Scout project to help refugees being resettled in the area by the College of Southern Idaho.

About 12 scouts and their parents showed up to promote the CSI Refugee Center and its continued resettlement of refugees from Sudan, Iraq and other parts of the world.

But not all residents were for the idea of making Twin Falls a “welcoming city.”

“By putting people into different categories instead of all residents, we’re setting aside a precedent that we’re all created equal with equal rights,” local property owner Terry Edwards told the council. “It’s surprising to me that we have a Scout troop here that are in favor of the refugee center, and I don’t know that they know a whole lot about it.”


On Monday, LDS parents and relatives of the Boy Scout troop filled the council’s meeting chambers, along with a leader of the Idaho Dairymen’s Association, local doctors, teachers and attorneys who all spoke in favor of more refugees. [Big Milk (big yogurt!) wants the cheap labor!—ed]

The LDS community has been supportive of refugee resettlement in Utah and Idaho, offering volunteers and financial donations to the resettlement agencies.

Please read on, there is much more.
Click here for our huge archive on Twin Falls.

We are deporting Somalis—4,000 are in the pipeline!

Although, much to my dismay, the Trump Administration is continuing to admit refugees (including hundreds of Somalis), I’m happy to see news like this about illegal alien Somalis being found and deported to Somalia.
For years we didn’t send Somalis back even when they committed one crime after another, but at least this portion of the Trump agenda is being carried out.
(BTW, the theory about not sending illegal migrants, even criminals, back to hellhole countries has been that it is too cruel for them and they will be in danger there.)
From the Voice of America:

Somalia’s U.S. ambassador says his embassy has learned that U.S. immigration agents are planning to deport about 4,000 Somali nationals now living in the United States.

Obama welcomes Somali Ambassador to US. See here in June 2016, Obama was beginning deportation of Somalis, or so he said.

“We learned through immigration sources that the total number of the Somalis that are in the books of [U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement] to be removed are close to 4,000,” Ahmed Isse Awad told VOA’s Somali service Saturday. “Most of them are not in detention centers.”  [Good luck finding them! They are probably on the way to Canada!—ed]

Since Somalia’s embassy in Washington reopened in November 2015, the ambassador said, about 170 Somali immigrants who either ran afoul of U.S. law or had their asylum applications rejected have been deported to Mogadishu, the Somali capital.

Most of those previously deported had applied for but been denied political asylum in the U.S., he added. Another group of Somali applicants whose requests for asylum have been denied are now in detention centers or prisons, awaiting deportation.

Is Virginia a magnet for criminal aliens?

ICE agents recently arrested 82 people from 26 nations during a five-day operation in and around the U.S. capital.

According to a statement from ICE, 68 of those detained March 26-30 had previous criminal convictions, for crimes including armed robbery, larceny and drug offenses. All but three were arrested in the state of Virginia.

Be sure to see the whole story.  VOA reports on one Somali deported in the past who simply returned with a new name.  He has been here for decades.  How many more like him are out there?

RRW monthly round-up for March 2017

The most important news I have this morning is that I am taking a short break.  As of my ‘Muslim Brotherhood supported by Trump State Department‘ post two days ago, I have written 8,402 posts since 2007 and I need some time off right now!

I’m mentioning the number of posts because I have so many new readers and some ask me to get them up-to-speed on the issue, and frankly I can’t do that.
It’s up to you to research posts I have written.
Start with Frequently Asked Questions linked at the top of this page (sorry fact sheet is out of date).  You can use the categories in the drop-down in the left hand column or tags at the end of individual stories.
And, the search function here at wordpress is very good, so use a few key words in the search window.
LOL! I also have new readers referring to my “organization” or to my “staff.”  There is no organization and no staff, just me and this blog!
When I take a break now for a week or two (unless there is some earth-shattering news), I urge you to follow me on twitter (my twitter feed @Refugee Watcher is also in the right hand side column of this blog and I tweet much more news than I could possibly write about), or follow my facebook group page, here, and in the left hand column of this blog page.
I’ll be updating the ‘Refugee Admission Numbers’ in the right hand side bar during my break.
Also, although there are many good writers who are writing about the refugee program, you should follow especially Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily, Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart, Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review, Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, Pamela Geller at The Geller Report, and Daniel Greenfield at Sultan Knish. Others?
So, as I do at the beginning of some months, here are the Top Three Posts of last month:

Church World Service announced yesterday that it is launching anti-Trump campaign (to raise $$$)

Hawaii: Muslim Brotherhood-backed imam dictating US refugee policy

“Battle of Rotterdam” on eve of historic election in the Netherlands

All weekly and monthly roundups are archived in my ‘blogging’ category, here.
Oh, and one more thing, wordpress seems to dump subscribers from time to time.  I don’t control those e-mails that come directly to you each time I post.  I recommend that you simply visit RRW every day or so and see what is new, and, for now, while I am taking a break, to use the blog as a research tool as described above.
p.s. Although I don’t say it enough, your gifts and notes of thanks are gratefully received.