Because the refugee agencies have failed over the years to raise private money for their ‘charitable’ good works (to tide them over) and have become completely dependent on you—the US taxpayers—to pay for their ‘humanitarian’ hobby.
Scratching your head and wondering why these non-profits (during this slowdown) can’t just take better care of (and give their love to) the refugees they have resettled over the previous years?

Then you need to know that federal dollars flow to these quasi-government ‘non-profits’ on a per refugee head basis. The love stops when the money does!
No refugees=no payola. You might even liken it to a ponzi-scheme.
If there was so much public support for refugee resettlement, why couldn’t ‘charitable’ organizations like those whining in Philly have done all the normal activities that legitimate non-profits do to raise PRIVATE money—hold fundraising events, galas, bake sales, telethons, solicit corporate donations, etc.?
The answer is that it became too damn easy to dip into taxpayers’ wallets….
(And evidently the general public isn’t that interested in supporting this type of charity!)
Now we see headlines like this one at the Philadelphia Inquirer:
Trump’s travel-ban casualties: Laid-off refugee workers
Here are a few snips of the story meant to make it look like Trump is the meany while no mention about how groups like these are funded:
President Trump’s travel ban stalled the hopes of thousands of refugees overseas, and now it’s taking something crucial from workers who help the world’s most vulnerable people.
Their jobs.
Resettlement agencies in the Philadelphia region have laid off staff and left positions empty as the flow of refugees slows to a trickle. One organization cut half of its specialized staff, and another has asked senior employees to take unpaid time off.
“It’s a tortuous situation,” said Margaret O’Sullivan, executive director of the Nationalities Service Center in Philadelphia. “We’re all waiting to see which way this is going to go.”
Ms. O’Sullivan (Nationalities Service Center)*** is referring to the decision expected at any time now from the Trump Administration about how many impoverished refugees (aka paying clients) the US will ‘welcome’ to American towns and cities beginning October 1. We have been advocating suspending the program, see here.
Job jeopardy:
“We’re struggling,” said Peter Gottemoller, director of Pennsylvania refugee programs for Bethany Christian Services.
Bethany has laid off more than half of its 20-person resettlement staff in offices in Allentown and Lancaster and in Montgomery County, “and there probably will be other layoffs coming down,” he said, “because we’re not going to get in the expected number of folks.” [And, the reporter must never have asked, so what is the connection, can’t you keep helping those already here?—ed]
*** Nationalities Service Center is an USCRI affiliate. A recent Form 990 shows that $2.9 million of their total gifts/grants of $3.7 million came from the government (you).
Below are the nine major contractors that are in most cases completely dependent on your tax dollars.
USCRI is approximately 98% funded by you (from the US Treasury).
The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/Leftwing activists/lobbyists from the process.
- Church World Service (CWS)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- World Relief Corporation (WR)