I have too many things piled up to write anything extensive about this subject, but just wanted to be sure that you know that the Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS is also busy placing tens of thousands of illegal alien youths with ‘families’ who got here illegally ahead of them.
Below is one such story. But, before you go there, here is an ORR fact sheet explaining their legal authority. And, read this, the ‘children’ are eating up ORR’s budget.
From the Sante Fe-New Mexican:
It had been more than 10 years since Gari, an undocumented immigrant from Guatemala who was living in Santa Fe, had seen his younger brother. So he was surprised earlier this year when he received a call from a federal government agency telling him his teen brother had emigrated alone from the Central American country to the Arizona-Mexico border.

The boy was in the custody of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which asked Gari to take legal guardianship of his brother.
At first, Gari was apprehensive because it would require him to give his personal information to a federal agency — something that virtually all unauthorized immigrants try to avoid. But Health and Human Services officials assured him in January that it wouldn’t jeopardize his own safety. The boy just needed a legal guardian as he dealt with his own immigration case, they said.
Gari, 34, was arrested at his home Aug. 14 by federal immigration agents who had used his little brother as bait.

The Department of Health and Human Services, which runs the Office of Refugee Resettlement, is tasked with reuniting unaccompanied children and youth with relatives in the U.S.
“Our programs encourage reunification of children with their parents or other appropriate adult relatives,” the office’s website says. It doesn’t distinguish between relatives who are U.S. citizens or legal residents and those who are living in the U.S. illegally.
Fascinating isn’t it! ORR is actually placing the mostly teenage boys coming across our borders with illegal alien families (who are in violation of our laws themselves) and you pay millions of tax dollars to help it happen!
If they can’t find a legal family, why aren’t the mostly teenage boys held in detention until they can be returned to their home countries?
To be granted asylum they must prove they will be PERSECUTED if returned home—for their race, religion, political views, etc.
Anyone simply trying to escape violence or looking for work is NOT a legitimate refugee. By administering the program through ORR it sends a message that they are refugees.
I repeat, these are not refugees!