This is rich!
I’ve told you about David Miliband in many previous posts. He is the former UK Labor Party Foreign Minister (his brother is known in the UK as “red Ed”) who came over to New York to head up the fabulously wealthy International Rescue Committee where he is sucking down a salary of $591,846 annually.

(The IRC is the wealthiest monetarily of nine federal refugee contractors, although we are told that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops handles a higher volume of refugees each year.)
Btw, if you follow Miliband even tangentially you will see he is still busy mucking around in British politics.
Here is some Lefty website called Death and Taxes on British national Miliband and that meany, Donald Trump:
“It’s not an exaggeration to say the very existence of refugee resettlement as a core aspect of the American story, and America’s role as a global leader in this area, is at stake,” David Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee said.
I’m willing to give up our supposed “global leader” role, aren’t you? (But, wait, didn’t we just hear from Human Rights Watch that Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon are the global leaders giving protection to refugees?).
Here is erudite reporter Tosten Burks at Death and Taxes on Trump White House aid Stephen Miller (LOL! this was my tip-off about the nature of this ‘magazine’):
During a meeting at the White House on Tuesday, Homeland Security officials proposed a 2018 cap of 40,000, the Times reports. Racist booger Stephen Miller has pushed for an even lower cap of 15,000, sources said. No final decision has been made.
This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category, here.