Dear Donald, Send refugee resettlement agencies to Puerto Rico!

Tomorrow or the next day, if you ‘welcome’ the admission of 40,000-50,000 impoverished people (in need of housing, food, and medical care) from Burma, DR Congo, Afghanistan, etc. to begin arriving on Sunday (Oct. 1, the first day of the new fiscal  year), all hell is going to break loose for you from the nine major federal resettlement contractors*** who will say you are mean and racist because they want at minimum 75,000 third worlders to care for.

Conversely, all those Americans who believed your campaign statements (like the one about how communities should have a say when their town is targeted for resettlement) and who believe 40-50 thousand is way too many, are going to be pretty ticked off.

Here is a compromise!

donald-trump smug

How about this:

Suspend the US Refugee Admissions Program for right now and send the employees of the nine federal resettlement contractors (they are all quasi-government agencies anyway) to help our people, the poor people of Puerto Rico rebuild their country

Give them some modest remuneration if necessary (travel expenses, food and shelter) and let them put their humanitarian drive to a very good purpose.

So what will they and their friends at the UN say, that you are mean and racist for helping Puerto Ricans?

What will the mainstream media, already raising a ruckus claiming you aren’t doing enough for our own people in Puerto Rico say (that you shouldn’t send so much help to the devastated island!).

***These are the nine major resettlement contractors, each is paid millions from the US Treasury every year to do their charitable good works. Let’s put them to work helping hurricane refugees in Puerto Rico!

Hitting a nerve (again!) at Right Wing Watch

I served up some red meat for the Right Wing Watchers here at World Net Daily with my comments about the Rohingya ‘crisis’ in Burma.  You can read the Watchers yourself!

RWW’s Miranda Blue, one of my biggest fans! @bluemir

How dare I (and others) challenge the Left Wing meme that the Rohingya are the helpless victims, pure as the driven snow, in the decades-old violent conflict between these two great religions of peace!

Watch for it!

The Syrian Muslim refugees were yesterday’s downtrodden, but the Left has moved on to the new flavor of the year—-the Rohingya—who we should support with millions of taxpayer dollars, or better still move to your neighborhoods ASAP.

For ambitious readers, I have over 200 posts on the Rohingya conflict archived here over TEN years. See for yourself what’s been happening there.

Oh, and see my other mentions at Right Wing Watch, here.  Miss Miranda sure didn’t like me telling Americans to have more babies!

This post is filed, not just in Rohingya Reports, but in my category ‘Laugh of the day!’ here.

Except for Somalia and Syria, new rules for travel to US won’t have much impact on refugee program

In Trump’s new mixed bag, most of the eight countries are not significantly represented in the US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).

Editor:  By the way, I assume you saw that the Supreme Court has cancelled arguments on the previous travel ban, here I don’t know yet what that means for the refugee portion of the case.

Other than Somalia, Syria and Iran we don’t see many refugees from the other five countries. And, you should know, for Iran, that the vast majority of those we admit as refugees are Christians and other religious minorities.

As I remarked the other day, we do admit very large numbers of questionable refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq, Burma (Rohingya Muslims) and some additional African countries who will not be getting the extra scrutiny.

I checked Wrapsnet just now to see how many refugees we have admitted between FY07 and FY17 from the 8 ‘travel ban’ countries. But, don’t forget that many others from these countries get in to the US through other legal programs as well as illegally.

Refugees admitted FY07-FY17 (to date).  Here is what I found:

Chad (182)

Iran (38,236 but only 405 of those are Muslims while over 20,000 are Christians)

Libya (12)

N. Korea (203)

Syria (21,110)

Yemen (146)

Somalia (67,158)

Venezuela (13)

The new vetting rules may have a large impact on Somalis entering the US….

Check out here where all those Somalis have been planted.  Minnesota tops the list with 8,529. But that doesn’t tell the whole Minnesota story as Somalis resettled elsewhere move in large numbers as what the USRAP calls “secondary migrants” to MN.


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Alaska welcomed 294, but Hawaii (the state that loves diversity) welcomed zero!