Letter to media: “discredited” SPLC should be ignored

I signed an open letter to the media on Wednesday critical of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate group” listing.

Here is the story about that letter at WND:

They are among the rudders of America’s conservative movement.

Limbaugh: “… all you have to do is disagree with them and you are called a hater.”

Names such as L. Brent Bozell III of the Media Research Center, Edwin Meese III of the Heritage Foundation, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Boykin of the Family Research Council, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel and Michael Farris of Alliance Defending Freedom.

They are the ones media seek out for comment on important issues of the day.

Now they collectively are sending a message to establishment media: Stop using the “hit pieces” from the Southern Poverty Law Center in your reporting.

Forty-seven individuals and groups in a coalition Wednesday released an open letter to news outlets, calling on them to stop using data from the “discredited Southern Poverty Law Center.”


Just days ago, talk radio superstar Rush Limbaugh criticized SPLC as “perhaps one of the biggest hate groups on the left.”

“They tar and feather and slander right-wing groups and call them hate groups,” he said. “They’ve got a map on their website, and whenever a right-wing group that says or does anything that the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is a bunch of leftist freaks, all you have to do is disagree with them and you are called a hater.”

Go here to read more, and see the text of the letter here.

No group here!

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Looking for a hate “group” at RRW? Up until recently, Oreo is all you would find for group members!  However, we recently added a dog and that has created a whole new hate situation here at RRW. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2017/02/17/splc-announces-new-list-of-hate-groups-did-you-make-the-list/

Of course the SPLC has me listed as a hate “group,” but to show how shoddy and unprofessional their work is, I have no group.  I’m an independent blogger writing factual reports (with my opinions!) on the US Refugee Admissions Program and have been doing so for the last ten years.

What apparently got me in the crosshairs of the SPLC (besides being effective!) is this report (Resettlement at Risk) written by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (a federal refugee contractor) with the help of a large grant from the J.M. Kaplan Fund.

The report recommends that any local citizens questioning the federal placement of refugees in their towns and cities should be investigated. (You see we have no right to question what the federal government does or how it spends our money, or expect to be labeled “haters.”)

Conduct Research on Local Anti-Refugee Leaders:

The national refugee agencies should partner with groups such as Center for New Community and Southern Poverty Law Center to learn more about individuals and groups leading local efforts to resist resettlement, to determine if they belong to
organized anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim organizations or networks.

See my previous posts on the SPLC by clicking here.

San Diego IRC office gets slap on wrist from US State Department

I reported the news here.  The giant New York City-based International Rescue Committee was found to be placing refugee families in housing that violated local codes and surprise! a local reporter investigated the story.

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The original investigation was posted on KPBS (not a rightwing news outlet!).

Over the ten years I’ve been writing about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program I’ve rarely seen investigations of any of the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors***.

There were a couple of cases elsewhere in the country where a contractor failed to deliver on their DOS contract, left refugees in the lurch in bug infested housing, and where the story was picked up by the mainstream media, but they are rare.

This update by reporter Tarryn Mento is posted at something called inewsource housed, we are told, inside KPBS.


That is where we pick up the story….

The national headquarters of the International Rescue Committee says it has found problems with the way its San Diego branch placed refugees in homes. The announcement follows a KPBS investigation into allegations that refugees were told to sign falsified rental documents to get their large families into apartments.


In a statement to KPBS Tuesday, the IRC’s national office in New York said: “We unfortunately have identified housing placement practices in San Diego which were inconsistent with the IRC’s policies and code of conduct. In response, we have taken steps to reinforce housing-related policies and practices with local staff and we have engaged with and are supporting families who may have been impacted.”

Of course the arrogant IRC isn’t going to talk! Reporters will learn that secrecy is the watchword when it comes to the placement of refugees.

KPBS repeatedly requested a phone interview with the IRC’s national office to learn more about its findings and how it was helping families, but the agency has not replied. San Diego IRC Executive Director David Murphy has also not responded to requests for comment.

In 2014, IRC CEO David Miliband traveled to San Diego and announced that they were sending more Syrians there.  Miliband, a pal of Hillary and Bill, is a Brit making decisions for American towns and cities. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/03/01/brit-who-heads-international-rescue-committee-lets-send-some-more-syrians-to-san-diego/

A spokeswoman for the U.S. State Department, which awards federal dollars to resettlement agencies, said in an email that the agency was satisfied with the measures taken by the IRC.

“The State Department requested that IRC conduct a thorough investigation into the allegations, and they have communicated to us that they have taken appropriate action to ‎ensure that all refugees resettled through IRC in San Diego are served in full compliance with all relevant programs, guidelines, and codes,” the spokeswoman said.

The State Department simply took the word of its contractor! (I think the contractors lead the DOS around by the nose!).

But, see what the reporter found out when she went back to the families!

Continue reading here.

One of the stories I hear repeatedly is that the refugee contractors have special inside deals with landlords and owners of inner-city housing.  Let’s have some more disinfecting sunshine on that issue!

Tell the President and Congress that the US Refugee Admissions Program should be suspended and the contractors thoroughly investigated!


*** For new readers, these are the Federal contractors/middlemen/employment agencies/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers? paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities listed below.  Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors.

The contractors income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, but they also receive myriad grants to service their “New Americans.”

If you are a good-hearted soul and think refugee resettlement is all about humanitarianism, think again! Big businesses/global corporations depend on the free flow of cheap (some call it slave) labor.  It is for this reason that Republican leaders of Congress are supportive of an uninterrupted flow of refugees into America.

The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/Leftwing activists/big business head hunters from the process.



Obama-era pro-more-refugees ad still up and running to indoctrinate your kids

A reader alerted us to an ad (from the Ad Council) running repeatedly on their childrens’ TV programing, specifically VeggieTales a show created to convey “Christian moral themes and [teach] Biblical values and lessons.”

We looked for more information on the ad directing viewers to something called Embrace Refugees and found that the public service ad was a joint venture between the Ad Council and the US State Department released on World Refugee Day 2016.

Readers may recall that during this period, Obama was headed toward his big refugee pow-wow in the UN scheduled for September of 2016 and was setting the groundwork for Hillary to step in and continue a refugee flood to America.

See this news report at something called The Ralph Retort when the ad was released.

The ad directs viewers to Embrace Refugees  making it appear to be just one more private project by good-hearted charities instead of a US State Department engineered project.


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Many of the usual cast of characters are here.  Six federal refugee contractors are involved. Interestingly 3 Christian ones are absent from the Embrace campaign: US Conf. of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services and World Relief.  See how much of your money is redistributed to these contractors: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2017/07/11/updating-financial-data-on-refugee-contractors-big-bucks-for-humanitarian-work/


This is the sort of project taxpayers should question and frankly someone with investigative skills should attempt to follow the money and figure out how much of our money (I bet all of it is our money) was used to produce and distribute the propaganda.

You gotta hand it to the Left, they are working every day to change America by getting to your kids (and using your money to do it)!

Here is the ad:


A reader suggested I give you the White House contact page every day.  Ask the President why this Obama ad is still running!

Refugee contractor, HIAS, to conduct conference call today on upcoming Trump ‘determination’

As promised I’m continuing to harangue readers about the significance of what President Donald Trump will decide this month regarding the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program for FY18 which begins October 1.

If he makes a recommendation of 50,000 refugees (or the 75,000 the contractors want), then know that there is no change in how we import and distribute refugees (third world poverty) around the country.  But, he could suspend the program and tell Congress he wants it reformed.

We learned that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, one of nine major federal resettlement contractors*** will hold a conference call today so you can learn more about what is happening. Since HIAS has an inside track to the pro-more-refugees bureaucrats at the Dept. of State, they may actually already know what the Prez is going to send to Congress.

Here is what HIAS announced:

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You should know that HIAS has been a leading critic of DJT since during the 2016 campaign. In February, while collecting taxpayer money, HIAS put on an anti-Trump New York rally featuring Rep. Keith Ellison, here.  They are also a primary plaintiff in the lawsuits against the so-called ‘travel ban.’

You must: Tell President Donald Trump to suspend the FY18 Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP)!

Ask him why he would give federal dollars to non-profits that are knee-deep in opposition to his presidency.

*** For new readers, these are the Federal contractors/middlemen/employment agencies/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers? paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities listed below.  Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors.

The contractors income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, but they also receive myriad grants to service their “New Americans.”

If you are a good-hearted soul and think refugee resettlement is all about humanitarianism, think again! Big businesses/global corporations depend on the free flow of cheap (some call it slave) labor.  It is for this reason that Republican leaders of Congress are supportive of an uninterrupted flow of refugees into America.

The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/Leftwing activists/big business head hunters from the process.


Boulder,CO: Doctors Without Borders brings propaganda campaign to town

When did it happen that decent-sounding NGOs became Leftwing advocacy groups?

And, why can’t this group stick to taking care of the medical needs of poor people around the world? 

Did someone (Soros?) give them a pile of money to do this propaganda event to soften up the public?

From the Daily Camera:

The United Nations refugee agency reported in 2016 that more than 65 million people were displaced from their homes worldwide — more than had been reported in 2015, which had seen the highest number of global refugees since World War II and its aftermath.

doctors without borders
Doctors Without Borders is one of the many NGOs plying the waters off Libya to scoop up migrants and bring them to Europe. Why can’t they stick with sending doctors and nurses to attend to the poor around the world? http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/article/central-mediterranean-msf-condemns-attack-rescue-vessel


Doctors Without Borders is bringing a large simulated refugee camp to Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall beginning Monday to offer a glimpse and hopefully a deeper understanding of the plight of a person forced from his or her home.

“The reality is quite complex,” said Mark Leirer, a nurse with Doctors Without Borders who recently spent time on a search and rescue vessel that patrolled the Mediterranean Sea to look for people fleeing Libya.

“The point of the exhibit is to raise awareness,” Leirer said. “It is complex, and people leave home for many reasons, and people leave in many different ways.”

The 10,000-square-foot “Forced from Home” exhibit features an hour-long guided tour with a field worker who will show visitors the numerous obstacles a person fleeing home is likely to encounter, be it medical problems, the amount of water available in a refugee camp or the feeling of a cramped rubber raft.

Refugee is a broad term, and Leirer said people might flee their country or be “internally displaced,” possibly fleeing their village and hiding out in neighboring village. Refugees come from various economic backgrounds, and while one person might be rescued in the Mediterranean wearing no shoes, someone else might have luggage and an iPad.

“Being displaced is the equalizer,” he said. “They are all in the same situation.”

Being displaced does not make one a legitimate refugee who must be able to prove he/she is a victim of persecution!

As those of you who follow twitter know, I’ve been saying we need to take care of American “refugees” first in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.  I’m guilty of using the ‘refugee’ label wrongly in that case—but it is to make my point.

So imagine my surprise to hear this spokesperson at Doctors Without Borders say that the victims of Harvey are refugees too.

Lierer said all one has to do is look to Houston and south Texas, where thousands of people have been displaced because of Hurricane Harvey, to see refugees in this country.

“It could be your sister, your best friend or your wife going through this,” he said. “It’s not always a tangible reality, but right now is a crucial moment. All we have to do is look down at south (at Texas) to see that reality happening.”

Okay then! With our tax dollars, let’s take care of America’s refugees first!

Continue reading here, there is a lot about what they were doing off the Libyan coast.