It’s about time!
And, if they raise $5 million privately this year it will be an all-time high for the CEO Linda Hartke who took the reins in 2010 of a refugee contractor that is on average 95% taxpayer funded.
As the refugee numbers decline under Trump, LIRS, like all of the nine contractors*** are facing financial woes because of laziness and maybe mismanagement (there is a rumor along those lines at LIRS!) having become so dependent on taxpayer funding that most have made little or no effort to raise PRIVATE money for their charitable ‘good works.’
I notice that at LIRS website they have launched a campaign to raise a whopping $5 million in private money.

I’m wondering if those meatpacker contracts reported here recently are part of that $5 million goal? Foreign-owned BIG Meat hires LIRS!
Again, if they manage to raise $5 million in private money they will be doing better than any year under the stewardship of CEO Linda Hartke who arrived there in 2010.
Going back to Form 990’s beginning with the tax reporting document for 2011, this is what I noticed:
(By the way, I’m rounding numbers to make this easier on me and I didn’t get into side income/contracts including their travel loan deal with the State Department. Form 990’s (except for 2016) can be found on LIRS website, here. )
Most salary information is on page 7 or 8 and income on page 9.
Form 990 (2011)
Total gifts and grants (inc. government grants) $31.6 million, $1.3 million private money raised. Most of the other funding from the US Treasury (roughly 95% taxpayer funded)
Hartke’s salary: $182,000 plus $21,000 from other compensation
Form 990 (2012)
Total gifts and grants (inc. government grants) $40 million, $1.5 million private money. Most other funding from the US Treasury (roughly 96% taxpayer funded)
Hartke’s salary: $191,000 plus $23,000 from other compensation
Form 990 (2013)
Total gifts and grants (inc. government grants) $43 million, $2 million private money. Most other funding from the US Treasury (roughly 95% taxpayer funded)
Hartke’s salary: $203,000 plus $24,000 from other compensation
Form 990 (2014)
Total gifts and grants (inc. government grants) $57.8 million, $2.5 million private. Most other funding from the US Treasury (roughly 96% taxpayer funded)
Hartke’s salary: $210,000 plus $25,000 from other compensation
Form 990 (2015)
Total gifts and grants (inc. government grants) $53.8 million, $3 million private. Most other funding from the US Treasury (roughly 94% taxpayer funded)
Hartke’s salary: $274,000 plus $33,000 from other compensation
Total gifts and grants (inc. government grants) $67 million, $2.5 million private. Most other funding from the US Treasury (roughly 96% taxpayer funded)
Hartke’s salary: $293,000 plus $34,000 from other compensation.

Think about this, CEO Linda Hartke went from making $182,000 in 2011 to making $293,000 in 2016 running a RELIGIOUS charity funded largely by the US taxpayer. Stunning isn’t it!
This year, because the number of paying clients (aka refugees) will be lower than normal they HOPE to raise a whopping $5 million (to tide them over?).
For those of you feeling squeamish about reporting salaries, remember this is not a private corporation or a true non-profit, it is a quasi-government agency which we all pay for.
Government salaries are known to the public for members of Congress ($174,000 for example) and even your local elected officials, so it is our right to know and comment on salaries being paid to the nine federal refugee contractors.
If you are a Lutheran, check out the LIRS leadership page here. See if there are people you know! Let them know how you feel.
See LIRS subcontractors here. Is there one near you? Remember they work for LIRS in Baltimore! LIRS in Baltimore is sending refugee cases to your towns and cities! Hello St. Cloud!
*** The nine federal refugee contractors that monopolize all refugee resettlement in America are here. Hartke’s salary isn’t even the highest of the nine. That honor goes to David Miliband of the International Rescue Committee whose salary is approaching $600,000! Doing well by doing good!
- Church World Service (CWS)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- World Relief Corporation (WR)