It is over the issue of abortions for illegal alien teens in the care of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement that Lloyd oversees. Apparently Lloyd is not approving those abortions and the leftwingers want the young girls to have a Constitutional right to kill their babies here in America (they could go back to where they came from and kill their babies at home!).

I don’t know enough about Lloyd to get into this fight***, but I just want you to know what is going on.
Frankly, I don’t know how it came to be that the Office of Refugee Resettlement got so deeply involved with the care of tens of thousands of so-called ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ in the first place. They are NOT refugees! They are here illegally!
It might be because at least two ‘religious’ refugee contractors working for ORR get paid to take care of some of the ‘children’ —-US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. Note the big jump in the latter’s federal funding—was it more contracts for the kids?
You can see what I said about Lloyd trying to defend himself here at the House hearing that was supposed to be on the refugee program, but turned into an attack on Lloyd (then they didn’t have to talk about the malfunctioning US Refugee Program!).
Here is Slate in a story entitled:
Scott Lloyd Must Be Stopped
You can read it yourself. Lloyd will have to be one tough hombre to take what the Left has aimed at him.
I’m guessing when it comes to anchor babies (as these teens’ children would be) versus abortion rights, the Left comes down on the side of the “right” to kill the babies (with your money!).
***As Director of ORR, Lloyd would normally have the refugee contractors backing him, including the Catholic ones, but on this I don’t see where even the Bishops are going to help him. I could be wrong, but they will be more worried about angering their groupies on the Left and possibly jeopardizing their federal payola. We will see.
And, if Trump wants to succeed, he needs to be putting some mean (and loyal to him) SOBs in these top jobs. Nice guys finish last as the saying goes….