St. Cloud controversy over refugees draws CAIR’s attention; CAIR draws media attention

And, of course, as I look around this morning I see that CAIR’s arrival on the scene draws the national media!  A local Fox affiliate is reporting on the controversy surrounding one city councilman’s proposed moratorium on refugee resettlement and even the Washington Post is now reporting.   I expect to see the spinners and liars from the New York Times arriving soon!  LOL! the new ambulance chasing—CAIR chasing!

It looks like the showdown will be Monday, October 23rd when Councilman Jeff Johnson will propose that the mayor and council ask the federal government and its agent in Minnesota—Lutheran Social Services of MN—to give them a break until more is known about the economic impact of resettlement on the city and until there can be some assurances that the process going forward is transparent. Federal law does give a role to local governments to weigh in with their suggestions.

If this is the first time you are learning about the latest uprising in St. Cloud, see my posts here, here and here recently.

The moral of this story is if you can draw out CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) you can get some national attention for your efforts! 

As I said in my previous post, CAIR must fight to keep Muslim refugees coming in to the US in order to continue to build their political power base.  It is that simple!

Here is CAIR!

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How did St. Cloud get here?

Rather than go back over the resolution and what it could possibly do (or what might happen on Monday night at city hall), I think my best contribution to this story is to supply readers with background on how a small Minnesota city became ground zero for a battle, the results of which, will in fact help determine the future of literally every town and city in America in the decades ahead.

It’s the Lutherans in the case of St. Cloud.

We know that Somali refugees have been placed in Minnesota by the US State Department since the late 1980’s.  By the early 1990’s the flood gates were opening as three major federal contractors: Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services of MN (whose ‘mothership’ is Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service where, by the way, rumor has it that some scandal is brewing), and World Relief saw Minnesota’s generous welfare as a real plus for the destitute Somalis. See my 2011 post here.

Not only was the generous welfare a draw, but big companies needed cheap labor (a window company in Owatona for example, or meat packing plants all over the state, including in St. Cloud!).

LSS as employment agency?

jodi harpstead
CEO Harpstead pulls down a salary and benefits package of over $300,000 annually to head the $91 million a year operation

Initially there was no direct resettlement of refugees in St. Cloud, that didn’t come until 2011. But, the so-called secondary migrants were moving to the city helped by an EMPLOYMENT OFFICE run by none other than Lutheran Social Services of MN.  WTH!

Why was a non-profit ‘religious’ charity running an employment office to benefit large corporations?  Was someone paying them to find refugee laborers for St. Cloud area businesses?  Who? Taxpayers?

Here is an August 2010 story from Minnesota Public Radio announcing that in the coming year LSS of MN would be bringing 300 refugees directly to St. Cloud over the next 3 years.

But, we learn that since 2002 (right after 9/11), LSS was running an “employment office” there:

Kim Dettmer, Director of Refugee Services at Lutheran Social Services, said no one has an exact figure for the total number of refugees living in the St. Cloud area. Many community and nonprofit leaders estimate that the African population in St. Cloud is between 8,000 and 10,000–this figure includes people who came to the United States as refugees and who have since become naturalized citizen and no longer have refugee status. Lutheran Social Services learned that St. Cloud had a large and growing Somali population, so it opened an employment office in St. Cloud in 2002 to provide extra support.

Continue reading here.

One of those companies looking for cheap (Lutheran-supplied) labor was apparently Gold n’ Plump a St. Cloud-based chicken processing plant which found out that maybe cheap Somali Muslim labor isn’t cheap after all.  It had to pay out an undisclosed cash settlement to Somali workers in a legal dispute discussed here in the Star Tribune.

In a landmark settlement that could change the way Muslims are treated in the workplace, St. Cloud-based Gold’n Plump Inc. has agreed to allow Somali workers short prayer breaks and the right to refuse handling pork at its poultry processing facilities.

The federally mediated agreement is among the first in the nation that requires employers to accommodate the Islamic prayer schedule and the belief, held by many strict Muslims, that the Qur’an prohibits the touching and eating of pork products.

Community organizers form Red-Green axis:

One of those involved in the settlement was community activist Mahmoud Mohamed. I told you about him and his ‘ethnic community based organization’ here in early 2010 and here again in December of that year where he claims to be part of the “we” who brought the first refugees directly from camps to St. Cloud.  I don’t know if he is still active, or if SASSO is still calling shots in St. Cloud.  And I don’t know if Mohamed is still working with the hard Left community organizer Luke Tripp. Someone needs to do a little research.

The controversy surrounding the resolution vote on Monday (and hopefully there will be a vote so that citizens there can see exactly how each council person votes) did not happen in a vacuum or come out of the blue.  In addition to those events I just mentioned, a lot has gone down in St. Cloud over the years, including but not limited to:

A controversy about Somalis harassing an assistance dog, here. (my first introduction to St. Cloud)

Controversies in the high school, one of many posts here.

A huge zoning battle over the construction of a mosque in the middle of a neighborhood, here.

The knife attack by a Somali at the local mall, here.

Somali teen murders African American, here.

Muslim arrested for mosque vandalism blamed on citizens (Islamophobes!) originally, here.

Local paper did not like me visiting St. Cloud, here.

Go here for many more stories in my archive about St. Cloud.

Update! How could I forget this! MN Governor Dayton said in St. Cloud 2015: anyone who doesn’t like immigrants can get out of Minnesota, here.

Bottomline, Lutheran Social Services of MN is responsible for the exploding Somali population in St. Cloud and the chaos and controversy that has followed.

Not in my name!

What you can do: If you are of the Lutheran denomination, you need to let your ministers know exactly how you feel about changing America by changing the people in the name of your faith group (and for Caesar’s money)!

#NoMuslimBanEver march in DC led by CAIR and supported by refugee contractors

I’ve been telling you about the march that was planned for yesterday, and held yesterday, against the Trump Administration most recently here.

I just did a quick check and found this amateur video of the event in DC.  The march is clearly being led by the Council on American Islamic Relations as their banner went first while a woman chanted (to the sounds of one of those drums the Commies use in marches):

“No hate, no fear, refugees are welcome here”

I’m sure there are better quality photos, but here (below) is a quick screen shot from the video.

By Washington standards (I’ve been to many rallies there including to protest against the international Communists) and this was not much of a showing.


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To continue acquiring political power, CAIR desperately needs a steady supply of New Americans—Muslim refugees—entering the US.


CAIR/Muslim Brotherhood surely has a right to march against the Trump Administration, but what is so shocking to me is that the Refugee Council USA endorsed the march.

The nine major federal contractors make up the core organizations of that lobbying arm of the refugee industry.  Your tax dollars keep all nine organizations afloat, yet here they are marching with CAIR!


NH: Rohingya refugee accused sex offender should never have been here

Apparently the judicial system in NH can’t find an interpreter to communicate with him.  (By the way, taxpayers must pay for the interpreters thanks to a Bill Clinton Executive order still followed by Trump.)

Poster boy for our supposed “robust” screening process!

But, my first thought, on reading this latest news from New Hampshire (our first post on the case is here), is how did someone like this get through the super duper screening process we are told takes 18-24 months?

And, who made the decision that allowed the refugee application for Mohammod Rafique to move forward?

He clearly has problems. Did someone really think he would benefit America by being given refugee status? And, what about his resettlement agency? Didn’t they teach him anything about our culture and how we expect women and little girls to be treated? (He surely hasn’t heard about Harvey!)

Here is the latest from AP (hat tip: Joanne):

NASHUA, N.H. (AP) — A refugee from Myanmar [aka Burma—ed] jailed in New Hampshire on sexual assault charges doesn’t speak English and hasn’t been able to communicate with lawyers or corrections staff, his attorney said.

Mohammod Rafique and his family fled persecution in their native country, and his experiences have left him extremely fearful of law enforcement, attorney Amanda Henderson said, according to the Telegraph of Nashua . A hearing last week had to be continued after the 27-year-old Rafique collapsed in the courtroom.

Rafique has been jailed in Nashua since Sept. 19 on three counts of felonious sexual assault and three counts of attempted felonious sexual assault. Authorities say he grabbed, tried to kiss and improperly touched four girls, ages 7 to 12.

Continue reading here to learn more about what happened in the courtroom.  Was it an act?

Go here for my Rohingya Reports category with over 200 posts archived there, and know that we have admitted close to 20,000 Rohingya Muslims to the US in the last 10 years.

Come to think of it, my Rohingya Reports category is full of stories about Burmese refugees who are violent.  There is Esar Met the child killer in Utah. There is the Burmese biter in North Carolina as well as the Burmese man who slaughtered three little children in his NC neighborhood, and Rafique here.  Why so many clearly mentally ill Burmese are being selected for us?


“Ethnic self-help” groups still getting boodle from Trump ORR

I haven’t mentioned the taxpayer-funded subsidiary industry beyond the resettlement contractors much lately, but a story from Rochester, NY reminds me to tell you about it again.

Acorn flag
Ethnic self-help groups that you fund are just little ACORNs!

I call these ‘ethnic self-help organizations’ little ACORNS. 

Do you remember the community organizers of ACORN where they ostensibly helped the poor get their services (aka welfare), but also made sure they were properly indoctrinated, registered to vote and were voting for the Dems.

If a problem cropped up, they were also the advocacy media arm for THEIR people!

Well, these ethnic non-profit groups, just for refugees (funded by you), are doing the same. The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement shells out about four million of your bucks every year for this.

I contend that this activity of the ORR actually fosters division, setting certain groups of people up as somehow special and separate. Why should any class of immigrant be given special attention and federal grants?

Notice for all the yakking about Trump switching out the word ‘integration’ and replacing it with ‘assimilation,’ the ORR hasn’t gotten the message.

From the Office of Refugee Resettlement website:

(Emphasis below is mine)

The Ethnic Community Self-Help program supports ethnic community-based organizations in providing refugee populations with critical services to assist them in becoming integrated members of American society.

General Background

Throughout the history of the United States, the involvement of refugees and their community-based organizations in resettlement has been critical to integration. Today, these organizations continue to enhance the provision and effectiveness of refugee services. For refugees, their active participation in resettlement is empowering and plays an important role in the integration of the entire refugee community.

Program Description

The Ethnic Community Self-Help program provides assistance to refugee community-based organizations and other groups that:

[Check out this list! They are so good at making it all look and sound so benign!—-ed]

Address community building
Facilitate cultural adjustment and integration
Deliver mutually supportive functions
Information exchange
Civic participation
Resource enhancement
Orientation and support to new and established refugees
Public education to the larger community

Ethnic Community Self-Help programs connect newly arrived refugees to community resources. Ethnic Community Self-Help programs target all ORR populations, and all U.S.-based governmental and certified non-profit organizations are eligible to apply. [Community resources is code for welfare, but isn’t that the job of the contractors we pay millions to each year, for that very same work!—ed]

There is a list of grantees at the ORR website, but it is old. It is not the new list that includes the payola to a Rochester, NY ethnic community group. Why can’t these federal agencies keep websites up to date?

Rochester ETHNIC self-help group gets $200,000 crows Congresswoman! (Take that Donald!)

Here is the news from Rochester, NY where a former Somali group, now supposedly open to all refugees, has been awarded a $200,000 renewable grant to put former volunteers on a taxpayer funded salary!

House Cmte Meets On Formulating Rules For The Repeal of Obamacare Act
Sticking it to ‘the man.’ I guess (nearly 90-year-old) Rep. Louise Slaughter’s message to Trump is that she and her fellow Dems can still get money out of taxpayers’ pockets to fund community organizing activities for refugees to be sure they become good voting Democrats.

From the Democrat & Chronicle:

The Rochester nonprofit agency Refugees Helping Refugees has received a $200,000 federal grant to support the various services it provides for newly arriving refugees, Rep. Louise Slaughter announced Monday.

The grant comes from the federal Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement.

Refugees Helping Refugees was founded in 2002 as the Somali Community of Western New York, but since has expanded its reach to help all refugees, not just Somalis.

[Many of the specifically Somali ‘ethnic’ groups (and there are boatloads of them) have had to expand their base because it was becoming unseemly that taxpayer dollars were being directed at one very special group of refugees.—ed]

It offers English classes, job training, benefits assistance and activities for senior citizens, among other things.

The grant will allow the organization to pay salaries for several positions that, until now, had been handled on a volunteer basis, including a case manager and coordinators for its various programs, director Meredith Keller said.

The $200,000 grant is renewable for three years, meaning it could total $600,000. Until now, the agency’s annual budget has been about $150,000, Keller said.


In a statement, Slaughter, D-Fairport, used the funding announcement to get in a dig at President Donald Trump, who has pushed for policies to trim refugee arrivals and services.

“This federal award for Refugees Helping Refugees is a testament to the inclusive, important work happening right here in our community,” Slaughter said in the statement. “This funding will help further that critical mission at a time when the Trump administration continues to use travel bans and shortsighted policies to prevent refugees from finding safety in our country.”

More here.

I have a category, not used lately, called ‘Ethnic Community Based Organizations.’ That was the official name for them at the Office of Refugee Resettlement when I first started writing about them, but now they call them Ethnic Community self-help groups.  This post is filed here.

You should look around where you live and see if you have a community organizing group where you live specifically for refugees.

ORR embroiled in controversy about illegal alien minors getting abortions

This is yet another reason that Congress should review the entire US Refugee Program with an eye to trashing it or at least reforming it.

How is it that the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement is in the business of housing illegal alien minors (so-called unaccompanied children) in the first place, let alone be in the position of facilitating abortions when the kids get pregnant?

They are not refugees!

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Obama’s Director of ORR, Bob Carey, told Politico that he signed off on the use of federal funds for abortions three or four times a month during his tenure. Pictured here with Linda Hartke, CEO of the Lutheran resettlement agency which receives federal funding for unaccompanied minors.

Here is the story at Politico which I haven’t the time or energy to extensively analyze and comment on.

The gist of it is that the present ORR Director is saying the feds are not going to facilitate abortions for ‘minors’ in their care while the previous Obama Director (Bob Carey) did.

Of course all those interviewed for the story are lined up against Trump’s appointee.

AUSTIN, Texas — The Trump administration is preventing an undocumented, pregnant teenager detained in a Brownsville refugee shelter from getting an abortion in a policy shift with big implications for hundreds of other pregnant, unaccompanied minors held in such shelters.

She is not the first to be stopped, according to advocates who work with undocumented teenagers.

For the last seven months, the Health and Human Services Department has intervened to prevent abortions sought by girls at federally funded shelters, even in cases of rape and incest and when the teen had a way to pay for the procedure. The agency has instead forced minors to visit crisis pregnancy centers, religiously affiliated groups that counsel women against having abortions, according to documents obtained by POLITICO, interviews with sources involved in the Brownsville case and those familiar with the agency’s policy.

In some cases, a senior HHS official has personally visited or called pregnant teens to try to talk them out of ending their pregnancies.

“There is a pattern of unconstitutional overreach of power in a minor’s abortion decision,” said the teen’s lawyer, Brigitte Amiri of the ACLU.

The ACLU brought suit on Friday on behalf of the 17-year-old in the Brownsville shelter….


“What’s especially disturbing for us about this case, is that the child is in the custody of ORR [the Office of Refugee Resettlement], so she has no other choice, and she is stuck in a form of custody or detention,” said Michelle Brane of the Women’s Refugee Commission.

The “child” in question arrived illegally across our border, we expect her (all of them!) to be held in custody! But, that custody needs to be under a different federal agency—not one whose mission is supposed to be to care for refugees, not to care for illegal aliens!

Continue reading here.

By the way, you need to know that at least two federal contractors—the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service—receive money from you to take care of some of the ‘children.’  The UACs cost the US taxpayer at least $1 billion a year.