I’m sorry if you signed up and subscribed to RRW and then without explanation you stop receiving those e-mail notices each time I post.
Know that I can’t control those e-mails and have complained on many occasions to WordPress. Another reader today alerted me to the problem. She, like most readers who stop getting the e-mails, think that I am (for some reason) not writing.
Additionally, some of you have said that you attempted to re-subscribe and cannot.
I don’t know if this is being done on purpose by WordPress, or your e-mail server has decided they don’t like my work, or simply a case of lousy service from WordPress.
I can’t emphasize this enough: please please just come to RRW directly and see what I have posted that day or the day before (or the day before that….). You don’t need to wait for an e-mail! And, besides there is so much more here at the blog itself than you get in an e-mail. Check out Frequently Asked Questions in the header for example.
Just put this in your favorites and visit every day (or every few days):
Or, if you are on twitter, follow me because I put all of my posts there, plus a whole lot more news you can use! I am @RefugeeWatcher (you will find me also by searching for Ann Corcoran).
Thank you!