They cite their “collective scriptural mandate” as the reason for their demands that you, the American taxpayer, pay for their ‘religious’ charity.
Honestly, this is probably one of the most maddening aspects of this subject—-why on earth do they think the Bible says that government must take care of the poor?
Why can’t these “faith” leaders find ways to take care of the impoverished in the world (starting in their own towns!) using their own money!
(Or they can volunteer to help the third world in the third world!)

Is your church lobbying the President? See below….
This latest lobbying pitch was apparently put together by Church World Service (73.6% funded with taxpayer dollars). You will see their logo at the top of the letter here.
Here is the Christian Post:
Over 750 Faith Groups, Leaders Say Trump Must Allow More Refugees in the US
An interfaith coalition of more than 750 religious groups and leaders have demanded that the Trump administration allow for more refugees to settle in the United States.
The Trump administration has garnered controversy for its reduction in the number of refugees being allowed to resettle in the United States.
In a letter addressed to President Donald Trump and officially dated Aug. 21, the religious groups declared that “people of faith will not stand by idly as the United States turns its back on these individuals.”
“Refugee resettlement is a critical tool our nation can use to relieve human suffering, and we urge the administration to fully utilize it,” stated the letter.
Citing their “collective scriptural mandate” and “our nation’s history,” the groups urged the president to “commit to resettling at least 75,000 refugees in Fiscal Year 2019.”
More here.
So who are the “faith” leaders?
Check out the list and see if your pastor, priest, minister, rabbi, or whatever has signed the letter .
I see four of the usual suspects—four (of nine) refugee resettlement contractors: Church World Service, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and World Relief. Several Catholic groups, but no sign of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (hmmm!).

Faith-based organizations:
Adorers of the Blood of Christ
African American Ministers In Action
Alliance of Baptists
American Baptist Churches
American Conference of Cantors
Anti-Defamation League
Asian Pacific Islander Christians for Social Justice
Bautistas Por La Paz
Beth Meyer Synagogue
Bethany Christian Services
BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Boston
Christ Presbyterian Church
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Greater Kansas City
Christian Community Development Association
Christian Reformed Church
Christian Reformed Church in North America
Church of the Brethren Office of Peacebuilding and Policy
Church Women United
Church World Service
Community of St. Francis
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
Delaware Ecumenical Council on Children and Families
Diocese of Atlanta
Diocese of Chicago
Disciples Home Missions
Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries
Dominican Sisters
Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren
Emgage Action
Episcopal Public Policy Network
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Faith in Public Life
Faith Voices Arkansas
Farm Worker Ministry Northwest
First Christian Church
Franciscan Action Network
Franciscan Peace Center
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
Franciscan Spiritual Center
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Grace Ministries, ELCA
Grace United Methodist Church
Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters
Immaculate Heart of Mary Congregation
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice
Interfaith Network for Immigration Reform
Interfaith Partnership for Refugee Resettlement
Interfaith Worker Justice
InterReligious Task Force on Central America and Colombia
Islamic Relief USA
Jesuit Refugee Service
Jesuit Refugee Service/USA
Jewish Social Services of Madison
Justice For Our Neighbors
Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Commission
Larchmont Avenue Presbyterian Church
Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Los Amigos Episcopales
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Minnesota Council of Churches
Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees
National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd
National Council of Jewish Women
National Justice for Our Neighbors
National Religious Campaign Against Torture
NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
New Hampshire Conference United Church of Christ
New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light
North Georgia Immigrant Justice
Pax Christi
Pennsylvania Council of Churches
Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Purchase Friends Meeting
Religious Sisters of Charity
Ridgewood Baptist Church
School Sisters of Notre Dame
School Sisters of Notre Dame – Central Pacific Province
Shadow Rock UCC
Sisters of Charity of New York
Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Community
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill
Sisters of St. Francis
Sisters of St. Francis, Clinton, Iowa
Sisters of St. Joseph
Southwestern Washington Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church
St. James Episcopal church
St. John’s Episcopal Church
St. Louis Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America (IFCLA)
St. Mary’s House
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
Tacoma Community House
The Academy for Spiritual Formation
The Episcopal Church
The Newman Center at Buffalo State
The United Methodist Church
Thrive International Programs, Inc.
Trinity Episcopal Church
Union for Reform Judaism
Unitarian Universalist Refugee & Immigrant Services & Education
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ)
United Church of Christ
Wesley United Methodist Church
Westchester Martin Luther King, Jr. Institute for Nonviolence
Wholly Present
Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice
Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER)
World Relief
Yakama Christian Missio
Faith Leaders

Rabbi Burton Visotzky , Jewish Theological Seminary
Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie, Pacific University Center for Peace and Spirituality
Rev Dr John Jillions, Orthodox Church in America
Mr. Johnny Sears, The Academy for Spiritual Formation
Dr. Michael Adee, Global Faith & Justice Project
Rev. Dr. Mark Douglas, Columbia Theological Seminary
Rev. Bill Remmel, SDS, Society of the Divine Savior
Sister Maureen Erdlen, Sisters of St. Joseph, Philadelphia
Rev. Heidi Worthen Gamble, Presbytery of the Pacific
Rabbi Jonah Pesner, Director, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Mr. Jason Miller, Franciscan Action Network
Rev. John L. McCullough, Church World Service
Sr. Carmella Campione, Congregation of Saint Joseph
Rev Margaret Rose, The Episcopal Church
Rev LeDayne Polaski, BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz
Rev. Dr. Karl Travis, First Presbyterian Church
Mr John Lydon, Advent Episcopal
Rev. Dr. Mary Schaller Blaufuss, United Church of Christ Humanitarian & Development Ministries
Rev. John C. Dorhauer, General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ
Rev. John Mobley, Grace Christian Church
World Vision Child Ambassador Carmen Brooks, Friends Church
Rev. Sandra Curtis, Diocese of Arkansas
Pastor Kega Nasios, Glendale Mission and Ministry Center
Sister Eileen Mahony, Sisters of St. Agnes
Pastor Don Benton, Desert Foothills UMC
Outreach Team Leader Jean Rivers, individual representative
Dr. Siraj Mufti, Muslim Community Center of Tucson
Rev Derwent Suthers, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Bishop Elias Galvan, United Methodist
Sr. Patricia Ferrick, School Sisters of Notre Dame
Cantor Ross Wolman, Temple Chai
Rev. Joseph Keesecker, Guadalupe Presbyterian Church
Rev. Teresa Cowan Jones, Sacred Space
Pastor Don Benton
The Rev. Bart Smith, St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Tucson
Rev. Randy Mayer, Good Shepherd United Church of Christ, Sahaurita
Rev Ken Heintzelman, Shadow Rock United Church of Christ, Phoenix
Rev. Dr. Eric O. Ledermann, University Presbyterian Church, Tempe
Rev. Alison Harrington, Southside Presbyterian Church, Tucson
Bishop Robert T. Hoshibata, Desert Southwest Conference, United Methodist Church
Rev. Mary Kay Will, United Methodist Church
Rev. Wendy Watson, Grace Church
Rev Deacon Catherine Wagar, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
Rev Alan Strout, First United Methodist Church
Rabbi Suzanne Singer, Temple Beth El
Rev Martha Sexton, Faith Presbyterian Church
Rev. Sandie Richards, First United Methodist Church of San Fernando
Rev. Robin Poppoff, St Stephen’s in-the-Field
Rev. Will McGarvey, Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County
Rev. Will McGarvey, Community Presbyterian Church
Cantor Leigh Korn, Temple Isaiah
Rev Sandi John, Chico First Baptist Church
Rev Lucretia Jevne, St. Brigid of Kildare Episcopal Church, Rio Vista
Rev. Anne Jensen, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Dr. Elizabeth Hamilton
Cantor Kay Greenwald, Congregation Beth Am
Cantor Devorah Felder-Llevy, Congregation Shir Hadash
Rev Zuiko Enji, Floating Zendo
Ms. Lenore Dowling, IHM, Immaculate Heart Community
Rev Susan Champion, Christ the Lord Episcopal Church
Rev. Heather Branton, Community Church of Atascadero, UCC
Rev. Dn. Davidson Bidwell-Waite, Episcopal Diocese of California
Rev. Jason Bense, Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer
Elder JL Angell, Church
Rev. Martha Sexton, St. Mark Presbyterian
Rev. Diane Mettam, United Methodist Church
Rev Alan Strout, First United Methodist of Santa Barbara
Rev. Lindsay Fulmer, Ladera Community Church, UCC
Rev. Donald Smith, Pasadena Presbyterian Church
Elder Merilie Robertson, Woodland Hills Presbyterian Church
Dr. John Wallace, Carmichael Presbyterian
Rev. Will McGarvey, Community Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg, CA
Dr. Douglas Daetz, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Social Ministry Chairperson
Rabbi Barbara Zacky, Board member of IKAR
Rabbi Paula Marcus, Temple Beth El
Bro. Mark Schroeder, O.F.M., Franciscans for Justice
Rev. Alice Dawn King, United Methodist Church
Ms. Maureen Shannon-Chapple, Insight LA
Rabbi Keilah Lebell, IKAR
Rabbi Diane Elliot
Rabbi Mel Gottlieb, Ikar
Director of Youth Ministry Allison Kunz, Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church
Rev. Susan Wallace Hermann, La Canada Presbyterian Church
Rev. Mark Shetler, River City Christian
Rev. Kathryn Schreiber, First Congregational Church of Martinez, UCC
Rev. Dr. Allison Tanner, Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church
Rev Elizabeth Starbuck, Trinity Episcopal Church
Rev. Dr. Scott Sinclair, Dr.
Rev Sarah Nichols, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
Rev. Fred Morris, North Hills UMC Hispanic Mission
Rev Betsey Monnot, Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
Rev Dr. Ruth Meyers, All Souls Episcopal Parish
Rev Diane Mettam
Rev Colin Mathewson, St Luke’s Episcopal Church
Rev Dr. Jerry Drino, Holy Family Episcopal Church
Cantor Lizzie Weiss , Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills
Rev Deacon Patricia W. Pearson , Holy Cross Episcopal Church
Rabbi Kim Harris, Congregation B’nai Chaim
Mr. Jackson Dreiling, Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
Rev Benjamin Brooks, Westside Oaks
Rabbi Deborah Ruth Bronstein, Rabbi Emerita Congregation Har HaShem
Ms. Anita Sanborn, Iliff School of Theology
Rev Sally Megeath, St. Barnabas
Rev. Anita Amstutz, Anabaptist Fellowship of Alamosa
Rev. Matthew Emery, Storrs Congregational Church UCC
Rev. Dr. Paul Hayes, Noank Baptist Church
Rev. Deacon Thomas Mariconda, Regional Deacon Episcopal Church
The Rt. Rev. Ian T. Douglas, Episcopal Church in Connecticut
Rev Virginia Army, St. John’s Episcopal Church
Rabbi/Cantor Dan Sklar, Temple Israel
Rev Dana Campbell, Church of the Holy Trinity
Sr. Elaine Betoncourt, Sisters of St. Joseph, Chambery/West Hartford
Rev Robert Stoddard, New Castle Presbytery
Rev. Robert Hall, Salem United Methodist Church
Rev Richard Proctor, Christ the King Episcopal Church
Rev. Wilifred Allen-Faiella, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo, PCUSA
Cantor Jacqueline Rawiszer, Congregation of Reform Judaism
Mrs. Astrida Miller, St Christopher’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Patricia Ashley
Archdeacon Carole Maddux, Diocese of Atlanta
Dr. Sandra McQueen, Rock Spring Presbyterian Church
Rev Linda Jones, Barnesville First United Methodist
Rev. Deanna Womack, Presbyterian Church, USA
Rev. Elisabeth (Lisa) Garvin, Mississippi United Methodist Church
Rev. Sara LaWall, Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Rev. Marcus Schlegel-Preheim, Hyde Park Mennonite Fellowship
Rev. Dr. Andrew Kukla, First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Karen Hernandez, The United Methodist Church
Rev Marci Glass, Southminster Presbyterian Church
Rev. David W. Manson, Jr. Executive Director, Regional Council for Christian Ministry / Community Food Basket, Idaho Falls
Rev Kara Wagner Sherer, St. John’s Episcopal Church
ELCA Metro Chicago Synod Mission Interpreter Coordinator Ken Olson, Lord of Life Lutheran
Sr. Rose Therese Nolta, Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, USA-JPIC
Rev. Roger Allen Nelson Roger Nelson, Hope CRC
Cantor Faryn Kates Rudnick, Temple Beth-El
Rev. Dr. Garnett Foster, Chicago Presbytery
Sister Marie Louise Jilk, Holy Spirit Missionary
Elder/Mission and Outreach Committee Chair, Karen Wilson, LoveJoy United Presbyterian Church
Ruling Elder Laura Crawford, First Presbyterian Church
Elder Donna Crider, First Presbyterian Church
Mr. Tom Cordaro, Pax Christi
Reverend Kristin Jackson, Living Water Community Church
Rev. Drew Nagle, Gloria Dei Presbyterian Church
Dr. Kenneth Olson, Metro Chicago ELCA Mission Interpreters
Rev. Stacie Fidlar, St. John’s Lutheran Church
Rev. Carol McVetty, American Baptist Churches of Metro Chicago
Pastor Stephen Lamb, Living Water Community Church
Mrs. Krista Jacques, Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church
Sister Marcelline Koch, Dominican Sisters
Rev. David Geenen, First Congregational Church
Rev. Thomas Aubrey, First Evangelical Free Church
Rev Jacqueline Lynn, Christ Church
Rabbi Sidney Helbraun, Temple Beth-El
Rev. Lee Gaede, St. Andrew’s Pentecost Episcopal Church
Rev. Kristofer Avise-Rouse, St. Paul United Church of Christ
Rev. Janice West
Rev. Mollie Williams, Trinity Episcopal Church
Rev. Jennifer Riggs, Central Christian Church
Rev. George Hoy, Pastor
Rev. Dr. Lanny Lawler, Minister, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Rev. Doctor Patricia Donahoo, Disciples Women
The Right Rev. Alan Scarfe, Episcopal Diocese of Iowa
Rev. Marion Pruitt-Jefferson, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Rev Dan Hanson, St. Paul Lutheran
Rev. Suzanne Hall Stotu, First Christian Church
Rev. Jim (and Barbara) Dale, First United Methodist Church
Rev. Brian Carter, Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Rev. Travis Fisher-King, ELCA
The Rev Dr. Elaine Caldbeck, St Peter’s Episcopal
Rev. Sara Olson-Smith, St Paul Lutheran Church
Rev. and Ms. Jim and Barbara Dale, First United Methodist Church, Decorah IA
Rev. Rich Hendricks, Metropolitan Community Church Quad Cities
Rev. Sophie Mathonnet-VanderWell, Second Reformed Church
Dr. Ronald Zoutendam, Bethel Reformed church
Rev- Deacon Chuck Lane
The Right Rev. Christopher Epting, New Song Episcopal Church
Sister Dorothy LeBlanc, Congregation of St. Joseph
Rev Rachel Ringenberg Miller, Shalom Mennonite Church
Dr. James Wood, Olathe Wesleyan Church
Rev. Lois Harder, Lorraine Avenue Mennonite
Elder Ken Grenz, Great Plains Conference
The Rev Canon Elise Johnstone, Episcopal Diocese of Lexington
The Rev. Robert Williams-Neal, Honorably Member of Mid-Kentucky Presbytery
Rev. Rebecca Barnes, Presbyterian Hunger Program, PC(USA)
Rev Anne Vouga, St Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Kent Gilbert, Union Church
Minister Provincial Janet Fedders, Third Order, Society of St. Francis, Province of the Americas
Rev Gary Cook, Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church
Rev. Rick Axtell, Chaplain, Centre College
Rev Merry P. Jones Merry Jones, The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Sr. Nancy Surma, Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania, Ohio
Rev. Rachel Small Stokes, Immanuel United Church of Christ
The Ven. Bryant Kibler, St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Amber Inscore Essick, Port Royal Baptist Church
Rev. Jose Luis Casal, Presbyterian Church USA
Rev. Dr. Sarah Foulger, The Congregational Church of Boothbay Harbor
Rev Robert W. Tobin
Rev Lawrence Estey
Rev. Jane White-Hassler, St. James Episcopal Church, Old Town, ME
Fr. Jonathan Appleyard, Diocese of Maine
Rev. Andrew Foster Connors, Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. Eric Winnette, Rockville United Church
Mr. David Callahan, Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Church
Rev. Patricia Hollinger, Church of the Brethren/Quaker
Sr. Mary Skopal, Sister of St. Joseph
Sister Helen Wiegmann, Sisters of St Joseph
Sister Jeanne Barnard, SSJ, Sisters of St. Joseph
Rev. Julie Wilson, Calvary UMC
Sr. Linda Stilling, SSND
Mrs. Toni Moore- Duggan, Racial Justice Circle and St. Ignatius Catholic Community
Sr. Marie Lucey, Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
Sr. Patricia Kirk, OSB, Benedictine Sisters of Baltimore
Sr. Mary Beth Hamm, SSJ, Sisters of St. Joseph
Sr. Cecilia Cyford, Sister of Saint Joseph
The Rt. Rev. Michael Creighton, St. Anne’s
Lay Leader Ernestine Aberle, Bel Air Methodist Church
Rev. Leslie Watson Malachi, Nephesh Ministries
Rev. Dr. Janet Zimmerman, Grace Episcopal Church in the Southern Berkshires
Rev Ashlee Wiest-Laird, First Baptist Church Jamaica Plain
Rabbi Liza Stern, Congregation Eitz Chayim
Warden Margot Sanger, St. John’s Episcopal Church
Rev Canon William Parnell, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts
Rev. Eliot Moss, Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts
Rev. Rob Mark, Church of the Covenant
Rabbi Yaakov Komisar, Gann Academy
Rev Victoria Ix, Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts
Rev. Deacon Terry Hurlbut Terry Hurlbut, All Saints Episcopal Church
Rev William Graham, St. Peter’s, Beverly, MA
Rev. Steve Garnaas-Holmes, St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church
Bishop Douglas Fisher, Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts
Rev Jacqueline Clark, St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church
Sr. Betty Cawley, Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
Rev. Matt Carriker, Agape Spiritual Community
Rev Jane Beebe, Grace Episcopal Chuch
Canon Steve Abdow, Episcopal Diocese of Western MA
Rev. Raymond Dlugos, Order of St. Augustine
The Rev. Linda Taupier, Christ Church Cathedral
Rev. Kris Van Engen, New Community Fourth Reformed Church
Rev. Matthew Stob, Maranatha Christian Reformed Church
Pastor Amy Schenkel, inSpirit Church
Rev. Kate Kooyman, Christian Reformed Church Office of Social Justice
Pastor Randy Buursma, First Christian Reformed Church
Rev Dr. Lois Aroian, First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Bryan Berghoef, Holland UCC
Rev. Paul Perez, The Michigan Conference of The United Methodist Church
Rev. Mark Thompson, Lansing Central United Methodist
Elder Diane Brasie, Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian
Rev. Amee Paparell, United Methodist Church
Program Coordinator Aram Derbandi, Samaritas
Rev. Elizabeth Vander Haagen, Boston Square Christian Reformed Church
Rev. Dr. Tanner Smith, Harbor Life Church
Rev. Wayne Shearier, Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Rev. Susan Rich, Trinity Episcopal Church
Rev Brian Chace, Trinity Episcopal Church
Rev. Benjamin Bruins, Trinity Reformed Church
Rev. Sarah Van Zetten Bruins, Trinity Reformed Church
Rev. Robert Munneke, First Lutheran
Rev. Lindsay Louise Biddle, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rev. Doug Mitchell, Westminster Presbyterian, Emeritus
Reverend Corrine Haulotte, Lutheran Campus Ministry of Winona, Inc.
Rev. Dr. W. Lee Domenick, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Andrew Yackel, Urland Lutheran Church
Sr. Sharon White, Sr. of St. Francis
Mr. Louis Schoen, Gethsemane Episcopal Church
Sr. Frances Reichenberger, Sisters of St. Francis, Sylvania, Ohio
Rev. Donen Ted O’Toole, Minnesota Zen Meditation Center
The Rev Dr. Paula Nordhem, United church of Christ NS
Rev. Dr. Theresa Mason, United Methodist Church ( )
Ms. Mary Kozmik, St Paul’s Monastery
Rev. Emily Goldthwaite Fries, Mayflower United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Neil Elliott, St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
Rev. Jennifer Amy-Dressler, The Duluth Congregational Church
Reverend Carleton Stock, Second Presbyterian Church of St. Louis
Mrs. Diane Waddell, First Presbyterian
Rev. Dr. Ginny Brown Daniel, Missouri Mid-South Conference, United Church of Christ
Rev. Robert J. Eaddy, St. Paul Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
Ordained Deacon Sharon Kosek, Pine Ridge Presbyterian
Reverend Ellen Gurnon, First Presbyterian Church
Sister Carol Boschert, Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of O’Fallon, MO
Rev Frank Sierra, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church
Sr. Anna Marie Reha, School Sr. of Notre Dame
Rev. Jan O’Neil Janet O’Neil, St. Timothy’s Episcopal
Rev. Dr. Kathryn Nix, Trinity UMC
Most Rev. Francis Krebs, Ecumenical Catholic Communion
Rev. Michael Mulberry, Billings First Congregational Church
Peace with Justice Coordinator Andrea Paret, Great Plains Conference of The United Methodist Church
Rev. Megan Morrow, Nebraska Synod, ELCA
Rev. Jamie Norwich McLennan, The United Methodist Church
Ms. Sheila Freed, Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Rev Jon Davidson, St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church
New Hampshire
Rev. Woodward, Nashua Presbyterian Church
The Rev. Deacon Johanna Young, St. John’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Dr. Robert Stiefel, The Chapel at Maple Suites Retirement Community; St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Dover, NH.
Rev Grace Burson, Episcopal Church of New Hampshire
New Jersey
Rev. Sara Lilja, Lutheran Episcopal Advocacy Ministry NJ
Rev. Paul Rack, Hope Presbyterian Church
Sr. Regina Chassar, Sister of St. Joseph
Sister Kathleen Burton, Sisters of St. Joseph
Sister Donna Minster, Sisters of St Joseph
Sister Jeanne Morgan, St. Joseph
Sr. Kay Coll, Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia
Elder Earl James, Six Mile Run Reformed Church
Sister Bonnie McMenamin, Sisters of St. Joseph
Sister Kathleen Boyle, Sisters of St. Joseph
Rabbi Hannah Orden, Congregation Beth Hatikvah
Rev Seth-Kaper Dale The Reformed Church of Highland Park
Rev. David Jahnke, Fanwood Presbyterian
Rev. Dr. Debra Brewin-Wilson, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
Rev Helen Orlando, Deacon, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Drew Harrison, First Presbyterian Church
Rabbi Ira Dounn
Vestry Member Craig Clark, The Curch of the Good Shepherd
New Mexico
Rev. Glen Thamert, Jemez Springs Community Presbyterian Church
Rev. William Koch, Covenant Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. Antonio Aja, Westminster Presbyterian Church
Rev. Erica Lea-Simka, Albuquerque Mennonite Church
Rev. Sue Joiner, First Congregational United Church of Christ
New York
Sister Carol DeAngelo, Sisters of Charity of New York
Rev Dr. Jessica Anschutz, UMC
Rev, Dr John Long, First Presbyterian Church
Rev Heather Ramsey Mabrouk, United Church of Christ
Rev. Laura Jervis, Rutgers Presbyterian Church New York City
Rev. Dr. Andrew Stehlik, Rutgers Presbyterian Church
Rev. Yolanda Mapes, Mighty Companions Ministries
Rabbi Drorah Setel, Temple Emanu-El
Rev. Monica Styron, First Presbyterian Church of Baldwinsville NY
Sister Susanne Lachapelle, Little Sisters of the Assumption
Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Quick, Gouverneur First United Methodist Church
Reverend Alonzo Jordan, Lighthouse Community Services
Rev. Taryn Mattice, Protestant Cooperative Ministry at Cornell University
Rev. Gail R. Wolling, Upstate NY Synod ELCA
The Rev. Julie Calhoun-Bryant, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Ned Wight, UU Congregation at Shelter Rock
Rev. Bruce Tischler, Hudson River Presbytery
Rev Elizabeth Maxwell, Church of the Ascension
Dr. Georgette F. Bennett, Founder, Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees
Rev Susan Anderson-Smith, St. Mark’s Church in-the-Bowery
Mr. Jerry Rivers, Church of Christ
Rabbinical Student Salem Pearce, T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
Rev. Dr. Langdon Hubbard, First Presbyterian Church
Rabbi Michael Feinberg, Greater New York Labor Religion Volition
Fr. John P. Duffell, The Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Rev. Kathy Donley, Emmanuel Baptist Church
Fr. William Cooper, St. Thomas Church.
Rev Dr. Chloe Breyer
Cantor Joshua Breitzer, Congregation Beth Elohim
North Carolina
The Rev Christine Payden-Travers, Episcopal Priest
Rev. Curt Lowndes, The Gathering Church
Rev. Dr. Kate Davelaar Guthrie, New Creation Community
Rev. Martha Brimm, Chapel of the Cross
The Rev Deb Blackwood, PhD Deb Blackwood, Liaison for Refugee Ministries Episcopal Diocese on NC
Rabbi Larry Bach, Judea Reform Congregation
Rev. LeDayne Polaski, BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz
Rev. Diane Faires, St. Paul’s Christian Church
Rev. Dr. Douglas Wingeier, Central UMC
William B. Stanley, M.S.W. Trinity United Church of Christ, Concord, NC
Rev. Carla Gregg-Kearns, Good Shepherd United Church of Christ
Rev. Dana Cassell, Peace Covenant Church of the Brethren
Mrs. Emily McCoy, Watts Street Baptist Church
Rev. Jaye White, North Carolina Conference UMC
Sr. Sheila Marie Tobbe, Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland
Rev Anne Reed, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
Sr. Patricia Gardner, Sisters of St. Francis
Dr. Norman Ekberg, St Anne Episcopal Church
Rev. Horace Huse, Lakewood Church of the Brethren
Bishop Judith Craig, Broad Streeet
Rev. Lynn Bozich Shetzer, Reedurban Presbyterian Church
Elder Laura VanDale, Lakewood Presbyterian
Rev. CC Coltrain, Center for Spiritual Living Greater Dayton
Rev. Jennell Rue, St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Rev. Stephen Hammond, Peace Community Church of Oberlin, Ohio
Sr. Judith Zielinski, Sisters of St Francis
Sr. Margretta Wojcik, Sisters of St. Francis
Sr. Barbara Vano, Sisters of St. Francis, Sylvania
Rev. Rebecca Tollefson, Grace Community Fellowship
Sr. Maria Spino, Sisters of St. Francis
Rev. Kate Shaner, First Community Church
Dr. Shannon Schrein, Sisters of St. Francis
Sr. Fidelis Rubbo, Sisters of St. Francis
Sr. Marguerite Polcyn, Sisters of St. Francis
Sr. Geraldine Paulszak
Sr. Geraldine Nowak, OSF, Sisters of St. Francis, Sylvania, OH
Rev. Dr. James Moos, Wider Church Ministries, United Church of Christ
Sr. Brigid O’Shea Merriman, OSF, PhD Sr. Brigid O’Shea Merriman, Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania, Ohio
Sr. Joan Lang, Congregation of St. Joseph
Sr. Rebecca La Point, Sisters of St. Francis
Sr. Joan Jurski, OSF, Sisters of St.Francis, Sylvania
Sr. Karen J Hartman, SFP, Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, US Area
Sr. Valerie Grondin, Sisters of St. Francis, Sylvania
Sr. Carolyn Giera, Sisters of St. Francis, Sylvania Ohio
Rev. Jane Gerdsen, Diocese of Southern Ohio
Rev Thomas Fehr, Community of the Transfiguration
Sr. Patricia Corbett, Congregation of St. Joseph
Rev Mary Carson, St. James Episcopal Church
Rev. Dr. Suzanne Allen, United Methodist
Rev. Sally Houck, Salem Lutheran Church
Rev. Tim Blodgett, Southminster Presbyterian Church
Rev. John Bain, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Roshi Mushin Terris, Sangha Jewel Zen Center
Rev John Scannell, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church
Rev Dennis James Sagun Parker+, St. David of Wales
Rev. Dave Bean, Pioneer United Methodist Church
Pastor Jennifer L Seaich, Beavercreek United Church of Christ
Parishioner Ann Hawkins, United Church of Christ, Corvallis, Oregon
President Jan Elfers, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Spiritual Director Mark Lesniewski, Franciscan Spiritual Center
Rev. Suzan Ireland
Lay Leader Jan Nelson, Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference, United Methodist Church
Elder Barbara Clark, First Presbyterian Church, Pendleton, OR
Dr. Howard N. Kenyon, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Rev. Charlotte Wells, the Church of the Redeemer, Episcopal
Rev. Karen Hill, First Presbyterian Church
Rev Deacon Linda Goertz, Christ Church Episcopal Parish
Rev Dr. James Boston, St. George Episcopal Church
Dr Nathan Jeanne Stringer
Rev. Edward Gehres, Presbytery of Philadelphia
Sister Mary Beth Hamm, SSJ, Sisters of St. Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia
Rev Sharon Williams, Nueva Vida Norristown New Life
Rev John Ward-Diorio, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
Rev. Linda S Trout, Zion Lutheran Church
Rev Canon Maria Tjeltveit, Episcopal Church of the Mediator
Rev. Sandra Strauss, Market Square Presbyterian Church
Sr. Anna Louise Schuck, Sr.s of St. Joseph of Chestnut Hill.
Rev. Randy Orso, Interfaith LGBTI Clergy Association
Sr. Patricia Lowery, Medical Mission Sr.s
Rev. Barbara Kelley, St. James Episcopal Church
Rev. Clifford Johnston, Chapel of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal)
Sr. Ruth Harkins, Sr.s, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Rev. Paul Hagedorn, ELCA
Pastor Bruce Gillette, Overbrook Presbyterian Church
Rev. Greg Davidson Laszakovits, Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren
Rev. Carol Dague, Lititz Moravian Congregation
Ms. Maria Ceci, Catholic
Sr. Kathleen Burns, Congregation of Sr.s, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Rev’d Rebecca Barnes, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Sr. Mary Ann Adams, IHM
Rev. Allan Wysocki, St. Paul Lutheran, ELCA
Rev. Ashley Rossi, Carmel Presbyterian Church
Rev. Allan Wysocki, St. Paul Lutheran
Ms. Alexina Stine-Sevey, Stroudsburg First Presbyterian
Elder David Baylor, Presbyterian
Elder Debra Burk, Pine Grove Presbyterian Church
Rev. Sandra Mackie
Rev. Francois Lacroix, Wallingford Presbyterian Church
Sister Colleen Dauerbach SSJ, Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia PA
Sister Karen Doyle, Sisters of St. Joseph
Sister Mary Kelly, Sisters of Saint Joseph
Sister Pat Madden, Sisters of Saint Joseph
Sister Anna Herron, Sisters of St. Joseph
Sister Margaret Anne Birtwistle, Sisters of Saint Joseph
Sister Mary Esther Lee, Sisters of St. Joseph of Philadelphia
Sister Roberta Archibald, Sisters of Saint Joseph
Rev Dr. Carol Lytch, Old Pine Street Presbyterian Church
Sister Cathy McGowan, Sisters of St. Joseph
Sister Cecelia Cavanaugh, Sisters of Saint Joseph
Yes Jeanne McGowan, Sisters of Saint Joseph
Sister Mary Clifford, Sisters of St. Joseph
Sister Anne Wood, Sisters of St. Joseph
Sister Elaine Cullen, Sisters of St. Joseph
Sister Merilyn Ryan, Sisters of Saint Joseph
Sister Joan Dugan, Sisters of St Joseph
Sister Patricia O’Donnell SSJ, Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia
Sister Barbara Ferraiolo, Sisters of St Joseph
Sister Rosemarie Lorenz, Sisters of Saint Joseph
Ellen Poist SSJ
Sister Patricia Loughrey, Sisters of St. Joseph, Philadelphia
Sister Christine Konopelski, Sisters of St. Joseph
Sister Joan Suberati, SSJ
Sister Pauline Plefka, Sisters of St. Joseph
Sr. Mary Catherine Manley, SSJ, Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia
Sister Elizabeth Meizinger, Sisters of Saint Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph Chesnut Hill Philadelphia Sheila Falls
Sister Maryanne Zakreski, Sisters of St. Joseph
Sister Kathleen Mackerer, Sisters of St.Joseph
Sister Regina Kropp, Sisters of Saint Joseph
Sister Theresa Hayburn, SSJ
Rev Mrs. Charlotte Whiting, Salem United Church of Christ of Rohrerstown
Sr. Minnette Weldinh, I.H.M.
Rev. Anne Thatcher, Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
Sr. Kate O’Donnell Kate O’Donnell, JPIC Committee of the Sr.s of St. Francis
Sr. Eleanor Marconi, Congregation of the Sr.s, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sister Beverly Hmel, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Rev Dr. Mary Lynnette Delbridge Lynnette Delbridge, Central Moravian Church
Rhode Island
Rev. Dr. David Ames, St, Martin’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Marilyn B. Kendrix, The Rhode Island Conference of United Church of Christ
Rev. Shavon Starling Louis , Providence Presbyterian Church
Rev. Kurt Walker, Chapel Street UCC
Rev Michael Coburn, Church of the Ascension
South Carolina
Right Rev. Gregory Godsey, Saint Francis Old Catholic Church
Ms. Sue Hope, Dorchester Presbyterian Church
Rev. Robin White, North Anderson Community Church PCUSA
Rev. David Blanton, Fairforest Baptist Church
Rev Jim Geyer, Summit Church – Upstate
Rev. Charles White, Gordon Memorial UMC
Dr. Justin Wainscott, First Baptist Church
Rev Clay Calhoun, Church of the Holy Apostles, Episcopal
Rev. Chris Buice, Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church
Rev. Anne Apple, Associate Pastor for Evangelism and Pastoral Care Idlewild Presbyterian Church
Rev Meghan Holland, Trinity Episcopal Church
Pastors Larry & Carolyn Dipboye, Grace Covenant Church
Rev. Rebekah Abel Lamar, Idlewild Presbyterian Church
Rabbi Amy Cohen, Temple Beth Shalom
Outreach Chair Jan Flavin, Azle Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Mrs. Cindy Wu, Access ECC
Sister Rose Quilter, Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Rev. Dr. Paul Ziese, MacArthur Park Lutheran
Rev. Carol Tompkins, Member At-Large, Presbytery of New Covenant
Joy Durrant, Covenant Presbyterian Church
Ruling Elder, PCUSA Gail Fekel, First Presbyterian Church of Grapevine
Elder Judy Bochner, Covenant Presbyterian Church
Rev. Charles Walden Charles Walden, Jackson Woods Presbyterian Church
Rev. Charles Fredrickson, Hope Lutheran Church
Mr. David Leslie, Rothko Chapel
Rev. Sherry Williams, St Michael’s
Mr. Ronald Johns, Oak Ridge Church of Christ
Rev. Trevor Jamieson, Cliff Temple Baptist Church
Sister Loretta Armand, Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate
Rev Linda Shelton, Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church
Sr. Ceil Roeger, Dominican Sisters of Houston
Chaplain Mary Kathleen Mahowald
Rev. Charles H. Hubbard, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Mr. Fred Ellis, The Episcopal Church of St. Thomas the Apostle
Rev. Dr. John Elford, University United Methodist Church
Sr. JT Dwyer, Roman Catholic
Rev. Sylvia Vásquez, San Antonio
Dr. Karen Packard, Cedar Park First United Methodist Church
Rev G. Thomas Luck, St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
Rev. Caroline Hamilton-Arnold, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Rev. Vickey Gibbs, Resurrection MCC
Rev. Dr. Kurt Friederich, Ascension Lutheran
The Rev Canon Dr Robert Brooks, St. Alban’s Church Austin, TX
Sr. Sharon Altendorf, Union of Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Rev. Jonathan Page, First Congregational Church of Houston
Bishop Erik K. J. Gronberg, Northern-Texas Northern Louisiana Synod/Mission Area, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Rev. Abigail Parker Herrera, Servant Church United Methodist, Austin
Marty Troyer, Pastor, Houston Mennonite Church, Houston
Rabbi Brian Zimmerman Beth El congregation, Fort Worth, T
Rev. Hannah Terry, Westbury United Methodist Church + FAM, Houston
Rev Steve Quill, Retired ELCA pastor from Missouri City
Rev. Megan Danner, Chaplain and Director of Spiritual and Religious Life, Southwestern University
Rev. Charles Foster Johnson, Founder and co-pastor of Bread Fellowship, Fort Worth
Rev. Beth Dana, First Unitarian Church of Dallas
Aaron Dawson, Missional Life Minister, Monterey Church of Christ,Lubbock
The Rev. Dr. Matthew T. Seddon, Rector, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Austin
Arthur Murphy, Pastor and Mission Redeveloper, St. James Lutheran Church, Houston
Ralph Mecklenburger, Rabbi Emeritus, Beth-El Congregation, Fort Worth, TX
Rev. Kevin L. Mitchell, Highland Park Baptist Church, Austin, Texas
Rev. Ronald E. Crooks, Katy, TX
Taylor Fuerst, Senior Pastor, First United Methodist Church of Austin
Rev. Ann Barton, United Methodist, Dallas, TX
San Williams, Interim Chaplain, Trinity University San Antonio, TX
Rev Dr Jimmy G Cobb, Disciples of Christ, Austin
Rev. Mary Wilson, Church of the Savior, Cedar Park
The Rev. Thomas C. Gibbons, Vice President, Compassionate Dallas-Fort Worth
Rev. Christina Hockman, Unitarian Universalist Church of Corpus Christi
Rev Kim Smith-Stanley, Round Rock, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Cantor Vicky Glikin, Temple Emanu-El, Dallas
Rev. Dr. Robert Colman, Retired
The Venerable Catherine Cooke, Cathedral Church of St. Paul
Ruling Elder Dottye Ricks, Graniteville Presbyterian Church
Rev Heidi Edson, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Deacon Lucy Pellegrini, Diocese of Vermont
Sr. Anne Mack, Bon Secours
Rev Alexis Kassim, Little River UCC
Rev. Dr. John Copenhaver, Virginia United Methodist Church
Rev. David S. Benedict David Benedict
Rev. Frank Drake, First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Teresa Summers-Minette, Cooks Creek Presbyterian Church
Ms Margaret Shaw, Lebanon Presbyterian Church
Elder – PC-USA Lucretia McCulley, Second Presbyterian
The Reverend Jeffery Carr, Bridgewater Church of the Brethren
Mr. Jonathan Heckel, Second Presbyterian Church, Richmond, VA
Dr. Catherine Howard, Second Presbyterian
Rev B. Cayce Ramey, All Saints Episcopal Church Sharon Chapel
Rev. Lucia Lloyd, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Rabbi Ellen Jaffe-Gill, Tidewater Chavurah
Rev Eric Anspaugh, Antioch Church of the Brethren
Ms. Dawn Sample, St. Theresa Parish
Rev Catharine Reid, St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
Rev Jenny Rake-Marona, Ms.
Pastor Anne Hall, Lutheran Church in the San Juans
Rev. Mark Lancaster, Generous Heart Sangha
Mr. David D. Anderson, University Congregational United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Richard Russell, Prospect Congregational United Church of Christ
Rev. Jeannette Solimine, UCC
Ms. Edie Lackland, Plymouth
Rev. Gail Crouch, University UCC
Rev. Dan Stern, Richmond Beach Congregational Church
Rev. Lisa Horst Clark, First Congregational Church, Bellevue
Rev. Roberta Rominger, Congregational Church (UCC) on Mercer Island
Rev. Patty Ebner, First Congregational Church of Bellevue
Rev. David Weasley, First Congregational Church
Reverend Joy Haertig, Magnolia UCC
Rev. Catharine Cline, United Church in University Place
Rev. Sally Balmer, Guemes Island Congregational Church (UCC)
Rev. Ruth M Brandon, Everett United Church of Christ
The Rev. Mary Robinson-Mohr, Northwest Coast Presbytery
Rev. Melody Young
Elder Nancy Ellingham, Newport Presbyterian
Rev. Richard Gibson
Rev. Dr. Ellen Acton, Seattle Presbytery, Woodland Park Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dennie Carcelli, Retired
Rev. Dr. Dee Eisenhauer, Eagle Harbor Congregational UCC
Rev. Holly Hallman, FPCPT
Rev. Dr. Tammy Stampfli, The United Churches of Olympia
Ms. Aida Bound, The Hat Project
Rev. Sharon Benton, First Congregational Church, UCC
Rev. Dr. Thomas A. Yates, Disciples of Christ Chaplain Endorsing Officer
Rev. Rebecca Scott, St Benedict
Rev Gregory William Peters, Saint Alban’s Episcopal Church
Rev Canon Bill Osborne, St Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Rev Beverly Hosea, Emmanuel Episcopal Church
The Rt. Rev. Sanford Hampton, Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
Washington, DC
Rev. Brian Hamilton, Westminster DC
Rev. Ebony Grisom, Ecumenical Poverty Initiative
Sister Dianna Ortiz, O.S.U., Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph
Director Gerry Lee, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea, National City Christian Church
Rev. Sally Sarratt, Calvary Baptist Church
Mr. Jason Miller, Franciscan Action Network
Rev. Dr. Stephen Gentle, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
West Virginia
Rabbi Victor Urecki, B’nai Jacob Synagogue
Rabbi Renee Bauer, Jewish Social Services of Madison
Rev. Glenn Danz, St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
Rabbi Bonnie Margulis, Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice
Rev. Dr. Kendra Grams, First Presbyterian Church of Hudson, WI
Rev. Ellen Rasmussen, Brown Deer UMC
Rev. Tina Lang, United Methodist Church
Rev. Susan Myoyu Andersen, Great Plains Zen Center
Rev Leigh Earle, Christ Episcopal Church