Rep. Keith Ellison is among 50 or so Congressional members of the House Progressive Caucus who have submitted a Resolution in the House pushing for Trump to return to Obama’s proposed 110,000 ceiling for refugees to be admitted to the US in the coming fiscal year.
The story is at the Minnesota Sun entitled:
Keith Ellison Wants to Flood Minnesota and the U.S. with 110,000 Refugees in 2019
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) is leading an effort to try to force President Trump to boost the number of refugees permanently resettled in the United States over the next fiscal year by more than 300 percent.
Ellison is the Democrat nominee for the statewide office of attorney general in Minnesota. He holds a slight lead in the most recent polls over his Republican opponent, Doug Wardlow, and is currently entangled in allegations of sexual abuse by two women.

The Minnesota Sun continues….
The issue of refugee resettlement has become a hot topic in the state’s gubernatorial race between GOP nominee Jeff Johnson and Democrat nominee Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN).
House Resolution 1073 was submitted by Ellison and more than 50 other Democrat members of Congress to the House Judiciary Committee, where it could receive a hearing or be ignored.
Minnesota and Ohio have ranked among the top five states for receiving refugees over the last 10 years, with the vast majority coming from Somalia. And both states have had problems with Somali violence, including knife attacks at two difference malls in Minnesota and a car-ramming and knife attack at Ohio State University, among the most bloody examples.
The list of signatories on the resolution reads like a who’s who of the leadership of the House Progressive Caucus, which is considered the most far left of the Democrat Party. Ellison is vice chair of the caucus.
As Barack Obama once said, “elections have consequences,” and one of Trump’s campaign promises was to admit fewer refugees and other low-skill immigrants.
That infuriates, almost more than anything else Trump has done, the far left of the Democrat Party.
Hence, you have the resolution drawn up and submitted this week by Ellison, who is one of two Muslim members of Congress along with Rep. Andre Carson, (D-IN). Carson has also signed the resolution.
The House resolution claims to be “Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Presidential Determination of the annual refugee admissions limit in fiscal year 2019 shall be no less than 110,000 and that President Trump and his administration must operate the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) in good faith.”
As faithful readers know, Secretary of State Pompeo announced a week ago that the administration is looking at a ceiling/cap of 30,000, see here.
And, don’t miss my post on the myth about Obama’s 110,000.