And, they want the Irish Navy to pick up even more illegal aliens crossing the Mediterranean. But, of course they are not offering to take in the astronomical number of migrants they have already ‘saved’ —18,000!
Presumably Italy, Malta, Spain and Greece can have those?
Ireland should more than double its annual intake of refugees over the coming three years to meet its “fair share” of the projected global refugee resettlement need, a migrant umbrella group has said.
The Irish Refugee and Migrant Coalition said Ireland had taken in almost 2,600 people under the Irish Refugee Protection Programme (IRPP) in the four years since September 2015, averaging at 650 people per year.
The coalition, involving more than 20 organisations, said the UN Refugee Agency had estimated that 1.44 million people will be in need of resettlement in 2020.
Nick Henderson: Send the Irish Navy to the Mediterranean to rescue migrants!
The group said that this month was the deadline for Ireland to announce the number of resettlement places it is committing to over the next two years.
The coalition recommended Ireland commit to at least 1,500 resettlement places annually over 2020-2022.
It also called on Ireland, through the Irish Naval Service, to lead in a new Mediterranean search and rescue mission.
Nick Henderson of the Irish Refugee Council called on Ireland to lead a new search and rescue mission in the Med, adding that the Irish Naval Service had rescued more than 18,000 people.
See my archive stretching back at least ten years on the ‘Invasion of Europe.‘