So, let me ask, why should we admit any more Africans to America if they are going to lecture us about our racism?
How would Come Nzibarega and others of his ilk—like Rep. Ilhan Omar—react if we said okay there need to be more white people in Africa and we made a joint effort with European countries to colonize Africa (again! now!).
Can you imagine the uproar!
And, do you think for a minute there wouldn’t be racism against the white immigrants by the black native population, heck, there wouldn’t just be some hurtful words directed at the newcomers. The migrating whites would be killed.
But, when its black Africans colonizing the US we are supposed to keep our mouths shut.

Well, yes, that is exactly what Burundi refugee Nzibarega is saying.
He is also saying we haven’t welcomed enough and that means Trump is racist and you are too!
See my post last month about how insane it is to invite more potential Black Lives Matter activists to America, and pay for their upkeep on top of it!
By the way, the early US Refugee Admissions Program mostly admitted refugees escaping Communism in the old USSR and in Southeast Asia (Vietnam etc), it wasn’t until much later that the refugee program began admitting large numbers of Africans (bringing their socialist/communist desires with them?).
According to Heidi Boas in her lengthy 2007 paper entitled, “The New Face of America’s Refugees: African Refugee Resettlement to the United States:”
….several of the individuals interviewed for this paper identified the Congressional Black Caucus as one of the most influential groups advocating over the past decade for increased African refugee resettlement to the United States.
Now why would the Congressional Black Caucus want the number of angry Africans increased?
Come Nzibarega at USA Today:
Does Black Lives Matter apply to immigrants as well?
The declaration that “Black Lives Matter” has been written on countless protest signs, hashtagged across social media and even painted on a street, with the words now visible from space.
As a Black man in America, I’m encouraged that more Americans seem eager to affirm my dignity. But a series of recent immigration policy changes belie the statement that Black Lives Matter, as African individuals have been systematically excluded from entry to the U.S.
I’m one of more than 150,000 Africans in the past decade to have come lawfully to the U.S. through the refugee resettlement program. [Maybe 150,000 is enough!—ed]
In my home country of Burundi, my work as a translator for UN peacekeepers made me a target for rebels. One night, as I returned from a run, they kidnapped me at gunpoint, tortured me and held me for two weeks before United Nations peacemakers rescued me.
But I was still not safe, and my presence put my family at risk, so I made the difficult decision to flee my homeland. I made it to a refugee camp in Ethiopia, where I spent six wasted years before the U.S. refugee resettlement program gave me a new lease on life. I arrived in Spokane, Washington in 2012.
As recently as fiscal year 2016, more than 31,000 African refugees were resettled. But the refugee resettlement program has been decimated in recent years. Halfway through fiscal year 2020, only about 3,000 African refugees have been resettled. If resettlement continues at that pace, 90% fewer African refugees will find safety and freedom in the U.S. this year than in 2016.
Now get this, he is complaining that in comparison there are too many white people being admitted from Europe (Ukrainians mostly).
Meanwhile, the share of resettled refugees who come from Europe has risen from about 5% in fiscal year 2016 to about 25% this fiscal year.
Nzibarega (well, not him really, his handlers at World Relief) go through a litany of changes that have reduced the migrant flow from Africa since Trump was elected. You can read those yourself. Then this…
These and other policy changes have already resulted in a sharp reduction to the number of Black people allowed to immigrate to the U.S. It’s hard not to wonder if the disparate racial impact is intentional. The president himself has reportedly referred to African nations and Haiti as “shithole countries,” expressed his preference for Norwegian immigrants, and imagines that Nigerians live in “huts.” It’s implausible that these views don’t have an impact on how he crafts our nation’s exclusionary immigration policies.
Like most Black Americans, I have experienced racism in the United States.
That is enough….
We have absolutely no obligation to admit one more African to the US through the US Refugee Admissions Program, so don’t let these guilt-tripping political agitators get to you!
And Trump is right—they are “shithole countries” or they wouldn’t be exporting millions of refugees looking for a better life. I say, let them fix their own countries before they try to ‘fix’ America.