The Transformation of Western Civilization More Advanced in Europe

Granted that I just this morning advised readers that it was time to focus on keeping your family and your local patriot community prepared and safe for the sure-to-expand civil unrest leading up to and following the 2020 Presidential election and curtail some of your news-reading addiction, I can’t resist directing you to some reading about Europe.

First, see what I said at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ and then see this screenshot at Borderhawk’s Eye on Europe.


There is no one coming to save us from the same fate.  We don’t have a Viktor Orban!

Go to work with your family and local friends and plan for how you will first, survive, and then put any extra time you have into ousting politicians who are leading us to the brink.  We must resist becoming Europe if it isn’t already too late!

See my ‘Invasion of Europe‘ archive here.

Denmark Telling Syrian Refugees that it is Time to Go Home!

Human rights activists, of course, condemn such action!

Invasion of Europe News…

Remember this story from 2006 as you read about how those mean Danes want to send Syrians home!

In 2006, Syrians in Damascus torched the Danish embassy over those Mohammed cartoons.  And, yet now Danes are expected to welcome and pay for the upkeep of Syrian Muslim refugees!

Thousands of angry Syrian demonstrators storm the Danish Embassy in Damascus, Syria, on Saturday and set fire to the Embassy building in protest of offensive caricatures of Islam’s prophet. . (AP Photo Bassem Tellawi).


From Middle East Monitor:

Denmark may return Syria refugees as Damascus area deemed ‘safe’

(Should have blocked their entry in the first place!)

Denmark is considering sending Syrian refugees home as it deems areas under the regime of President Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus safe, Sputnik reported.

The Danish government is fast-tracking a review of residence permits for some 900 Syrian refugees from Damascus, claiming that Damascus is safe, leaving there no reason for them to warrant Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

In the announcement, Danish Integration Minister Mattias Tesfaye said that any refugees forced to return would be given travel money.

“Last year, there were almost 100,000 refugees returning to Syria from the surrounding areas. I think it is fair that the people who live here in Europe also return home if they don’t need protection,” Tesfaye added.

The announcement has come under severe criticism from human rights campaigners who point out that no area of Syria is currently safe to return to.

Some Syrian experts condemned the decision emphasising that anyone who returns is at risk, and that Denmark is setting a dangerous precedent for the treatment of Syrians by EU countries.

Meanwhile, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees stressed that there was no prospect for a peaceful solution to the long-standing conflict in Syria.

Elisabeth Arnsdorf Haslund

“Unless the situation in Syria is significantly improved in terms of ensuring protection for the population, UNHCR calls on states that have received Syrian refugees – including Denmark – to continue their protection,” UNHCR spokeswoman Elisabeth Arnsdorf Haslund said.

Since 2019, the Danish government has been considering that Damascus and its region are safe places and says the refugees must return there.

Last December, Denmark became the first country to deny a Syrian asylum seeker on the basis that the country is safe,despite continued killings of civilians due to air strikes.

Go here for my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

Minorities Driving US Population Growth; Refugee Program adds a Quarter of a Million Africans to the Mix

‘New Americans’ are having more babies than white Americans says the US Census Bureau.

Bloomberg (New American Economy!) was happy to report the latest news:

U.S. Population Growth Has Been Driven Exclusively by Minorities

U.S. racial and ethnic minorities accounted for all of the nation’s population growth during the last decade, according to new Census Bureau estimates.

Too funny! When I went on a search for a photo for this news, what did I find? Bloomberg reporting in 2014: March of the non-white babies!

The data underscore the nation’s growing diversity and suggest that the trend will continue as the White population ages and low birth rates translate to a declining share. Non-Hispanic Whites declined to 60.1% of the populace in 2019 and their number shrank by about 9,000 from the 2010 Census to slightly more than 197 million.


“The declining White population share is pervasive across the nation,” according to a report by William Frey, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. The decline was “accentuated in the past few years by a reduction of births among young adult White women and an uptick in deaths, perhaps associated with drug-related ‘deaths of despair.’”

If the data are confirmed by the 2020 census that’s underway, the decade after 2010 would be the first one since the first population count was taken in 1790 that the White population didn’t grow, according to Frey.

White people’s share of the population declined in all 50 states, increasing only in the District of Columbia, according to the Brookings analysis. It fell in 358 of the 364 U.S. metropolitan areas and in 3,012 of its 3,141 counties.

More the one quarter of the 100 largest metropolitan areas have minority-White populations, including Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York and Washington, D.C. Leading the states with the highest share of White residents last year were Maine, Vermont, West Virginia and New Hampshire.

So as American white women have fewer babies, the UN and the US State Department, not satisfied with the speed of diversification (?) have been adding to our African population (other ethnic groups too, but they aren’t in the news every day as are the disgruntled and demanding African-Americans).

UN protecting DR Congolese from rape violence. Do you think these refugees will care one bit about American culture and history when they get here? And, will anyone teach them our values?


There are 54 nations in Africa and I had a look at the data at the Refugee Processing Center for about 50 of those.

We admitted 286,364 Africans to live permanently in America following 911 (since fiscal year 2002), and that is just the number that were admitted as refugees with all the benefits that group of immigrants receive.

Of those Somalis were 104,183 and the DR Congolese are at 74,049.

Top year was 2016 (Obama, not a surprise) when 31,672 Africans arrived to help change America faster, but coming in second was a George Bush year (2004) with 29,068.  Trump isn’t exactly turning the spigot off as he admitted 16,370 ‘new Americans’ from Africa in 2019.

I suspect a quarter of a million Africans have had a heck of a lot of babies in two decades.

One Million Refugees, No Social Distancing, 49 Cases of Chinese Virus and 5 Deaths

This is the latest update on the Chinese Virus that we have been hearing for MONTHS will bring “catastrophe” to the world’s “vulnerable” refugee population.

Media vultures waiting to blame Trump (if they could) for refugee deaths from the Coronavirus!

It isn’t happening yet, although one gets the feeling that the liberal media is like vultures just waiting for the “carnage” to begin.

See my previous post here, with links to posts prior to that.  The COVID is not exactly running like a “wildfire” through the massive camp for the Rohingya Muslims in Bangladesh.

Big test for the concept of social distancing!

The first case was reported in mid-May and the first death at Cox’s Bazar was on June 3rd!  Now there are five deaths.

Not exactly a wildfire!


From the Guardian:

Cox’s Bazar refugee camps: where social distancing is impossible

Social distancing simply isn’t possible for the 1 million Rohingya refugees who live in Cox’s Bazar refugee camp, in southeastern Bangladesh.

Families live in close quarters inside flimsy bamboo shacks, using communal toilets and water facilities. Sometimes the most basic items, such as soap, are lacking.

Most of the Rohingya refugees living in the camp fled there in 2017, following a brutal crackdown by the Myanmar military, which the UN has since said was carried out with “genocidal intent”. On top of psychological trauma, many have underlying health conditions that leave them especially vulnerable to Covid-19.

The UN, and other agencies, have raced to open new facilities in Cox’s Bazar, but equipment is still extremely limited, and it is feared medical centres could be quickly overwhelmed. As of 28 June, 49 cases and five deaths have been recorded.

Kind of makes you wonder if all the social distancing is a bunch of you-know-what and that there is some other reason for the large number of sick Americans.

Previous posts on COVID and Cox’s Bazar can be found in my Rohingya Reports category.