Transitioning smoothly (they hope) from COVID Crisis to Climate Crisis to bring about the new world order.
That is, of course, if Biden ever gets anywhere near the White House come January.
So why is that bit of news posted here at Refugee Resettlement Watch?
It is because former Secretary of State, and failed presidential candidate Kerry is beating the drum about how we must focus on Climate REFUGEES soon or we will be in deep s***!

Surely he, an ethical man, informed the buyers that the sea was going to eat up their investment before too long!
But, this is not a new ‘scare-the-West’ campaign.
I first took note of the global warming refugee media campaign in 2009 (here is one post from eleven years ago), and I may be the only blogger following this effort by the Commie/Left to open borders (and redistribute wealth) for yet another reason, the climate (eeeek!) is changing.
See my ‘Climate refugee’ category with 55 previous posts.
Here is the news about Kerry’s new job if Biden succeeds in stealing the election. One more very old man for Biden’s team…
From (oh geez) Bloomberg Green:
Biden Picks John Kerry, Paris Accord Author, as Climate Czar
Former Secretary of State John Kerry will be named as special presidential envoy for climate by President-elect Joe Biden, according to his transition team, in a sign Biden plans to fulfill promises to elevate the issue of global warming to the highest levels in his White House.
Having a so-called climate czar could help coordinate a whole-of-government approach to confronting global warming, which Biden has referred to as an “existential threat.”
Kerry, 76, who helped broker the landmark Paris climate accord while serving in the Obama administration, has been viewed as a natural fit for the position and as a seasoned politician who enjoys goodwill on Capitol Hill. He said earlier this year that in addition to rejoining the climate agreement, which Biden has called a priority for his first day in office, the next step is “to lift ambition significantly, on a global basis.” President Donald Trump quit the accord.
“America will soon have a government that treats the climate crisis as the urgent national security threat it is,” Kerry said Monday. “I’m proud to partner with the President-elect, our allies, and the young leaders of the climate movement to take on this crisis as the President’s Climate Envoy.”
Now see that in just this past August, Kerry was on the Climate refugee bandwagon big time!
Watch carefully what they are doing! This isn’t about taking care of some impoverished migrants. Kerry is linking the COVID ‘crisis’ to Global Warming which is all part of the ‘Great Reset.’
From World War Zero (whatever that is):
Climate Migration, Food Supply, and Global Security
Says Kerry:
I hear from many people that they can’t quite visualize the worst potential impacts of climate change.
I wonder if living through 2020 will change that. As we’ve all seen firsthand, that one threat — an insidious virus — can mean everything from fatalities spiking in just weeks, to food and grocery shortages, to schools closing, to everyone (well, almost everyone) wearing a mask just to go outside and check their mail.
If we don’t act on climate change in this decade, future decades will look and feel a lot like 2020. And one of the most dystopian realities we’d see would be the exponential increase in something we’re already seeing in isolated cases: climate migration.
Much more here, including John Podesta and Kerry on video discussing their plans.
That is enough, save this post and the link to World War Zero, if Biden/Kerry et al succeed in their coup to remove our protector, Donald Trump, from the White House, you will need to be informed of what comes next.
Remember that famous phrase, ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’, well hell, they are first creating the crisis then scaring us (attempting to scare us!) into submission.